Is Tetris the only "perfect" game?

Is Tetris the only "perfect" game?
You literally cannot say anything bad about it mechanically and its still fun to play and it's played by everyone
by this definition are there any other perfect games?

Other urls found in this thread:

the soundtrack sucks

Too bad it's red propaganda

nice try, commie


>not jamming to Korobeiniki
Besides, you can just mute the game and play whatever you like in the background if you want.

>Too bad it's red propaganda
lmao how? how does it turn me into a communist?


It the only objectively perfect game. I cannot think of any game that comes even remotely close to it's mechanics being so perfect.

Mario 64

You can't actually win in Tetris.

You win when the score counter stops working

fuck off pleb

>half-presses down on the brim of my fedora

Is Tetris the only video game the Soviet Union ever made?

Puyo Pop

Comboshit please go.

Fuck comboshit. Seriously.


It's the only one that comes to mind. I keep a gameboy SP next to my bed ; when I can't sleep I play a game of Tetris. Watching the rocket take off and listening to the top-score music soothes me like nothing else.

if enough z or s pieces spawn in a row there is no way to avoid losing

The I block is unbalanced and encourages shit play. patch pls

The odds of getting enough Z and S to inevitably lose are too low to be even considered