Damn dude
Damn dude
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 console
>3 different platforms
5 actually. None the less, still impressive.
1 game
vs all of wii u's games
And that's why I'm pissed at Nintendo's current shitty content.
the Wii u is a bit floppy, no secret
Compare it to 3ds though and it's a different story
So 15 million per console.
It's not that great of an achievement
>Still $60
>one game vs. an entire console library
Nintendo really should have done what they could to get GTAV to launch on Wii U alongside 360/PS3
the thing is there isn't 65 million owners of GTA5.
>Game sells in the millions
>Per console
Companies like Atlus and XSeed would request endless sequels from their parent company if they sold that much.
By logic is that not a great achievement?
So minus all the big exclusives does this mean ALL third party multiplats have only sold
wow, really makes you think
>said some random on twitter
Source ? I don't even like the WiiU but I hate random numbers/statistics
He's an industry analyst
If super smash bros 4 was multi platform it would've sold that many units by itself
And not name it WiiU. Most of the people I know thought that the WiiU was just like a gameboy SP. Granted, they are mostly idiots but lowest common denominator and all that
>Trevor's random murders and swearing
>On a Wii U
user, if that's how it was, they would still have a fanbase in North and South America.
>PC version only sold about 8 million of those 65M
Damn . . . PC needs to pick up some slack.
>Mfw didnt buy dudebro shit from rockstar because gtav was shit
Feels good to not be part of that number
>tfw you didn't buy a WiiU but others did
reminder that gta v's cash shop has generated over HALF A BILLION DOLLARS and every future rockstar game will have its own cash shop.
Why lower the price if people are still content with paying full price
>still haven't played GTA V
Should I?
after the watch dogs fiesta I think they lost their desire to get any similar games on the console
it's probably a lot of work to optimize stuff too since the Wii u is weaker graphically
as somebody who has worked as a statistician it triggers me to see people shit out numbers like this as if they matter or are indicative of anything
Jesus Christ. So much god damned money from one game.
wtf is wii u
Only about 4.5m actually
>tfw bought copy day one on PS3, PS3, and PC and also bought my son a PS4 copy and the great white shark card
feels good man
play San Andreas with mods
My brother had a Wii and I still had to explain to him that the WiiU was a different console when I bought it.
statistics have nothing to do with this when its simply that X game literally sound Y amount of copies, which ironically is the sum of Z console
go fuck yourself deflecting n fan
>Rockstar will be too busy with their shitty online game to work on decent expansions again
>*tips fedora*
It's indicative that the Wii U is a massive failure and its games don't sell
do you think the NX will get a port of GTA 6?
What does the eshop sell?
>Only about 4.5m actually
Do you realize all copies of the game sold outside of Steam don't use Steamworks? That includes all copies sold on keysites, which a massive amount buy from. So the number can be safely extrapolated out to 8 million, perhaps more.
So are most Wii U games.
Every game made from now on will have its own cash shop. Shit works like you wouldn't believe.
WI'll GTA be the new "It prints money! " product from now on?
How many years from now until we see GTA VI?
It has been since GTA3 you retard.
Do you enjoy GTA games?
If yes, yes play it
If no, no don't play it
Its a pretty shitty GTA for a persons first GTA but I'd say its worth a play for a fan of the series
I can pull numbers out of my ass too, stop advertising your shitty twitter over here "ZhugeEx"
It's a good rental. It's fun, but you will forget about it after you beat it.
Those are steam keys. The amount that actually bought it from R* personal site is minimal.
And honestly grey market key sales don't benefit the publisher in any way regardless so a good portion of those steam owners are duds
Wii U cucked the fuck out, such a garbage machine
jesus you guys are triggered harder than i am
i'm the first to admit that the wii u was a failure but that doesn't mean that these nobodies aren't gigantic retards
like both of you
Welcome to 2001.
It's been that ever since GTA 3. Take-two aren't a small publisher, but they base their entire finances around rockstar game releases since they make so much money.
Every game might as well have a cash shop. People just like to gain advantages over others whenever they can.
If it's a single player game, forget about it.
But if it's multiplayer, make it an option.
zhugeex is one of the most insightful and intelligent dudes on twitter you fucking asshurt clown
Fun fact:
Since the launch of GTA V in 2013, 12 people have claimed they enjoy playing GTA Online.
This is the same number of consoles Wii U sold in the same timeframe.
>yaoi hands
Oh nigga, no.
Oh so he gets paid for this.
>yfw you're not a retarded weeb
Holy fucking backwards opinion.
It's great for someone who's never played the series and shit for someone who played shit like San Andreas/Vice City/IV.
V sucks.
None of the Steam owners can be grey market duds, because the only way to get a Steam version of GTAV is by actually purchasing it on Steam, and Steam cracked down on cross-region game gifting too. All physical copies of the game are non-Steam. All copies purchased from Rockstar and B&M are non-Steam. And the publisher DOES benefit from grey market keys, because those keys are taken from physical copies sold for profit in the first place.
Stop being so wrong.
>user, if that's how it was, they would still have the faggots that they work with in North and South America.
>same thread everyday
>last week it was shipped
>now its sold
I don't know, but I do know Nintendo will never allow GTA on their consoles, even if decisions like that financially ruin them.
it's a good feel
grey market keys are acquired through stolen credit cards and other illegitimate means. The publisher sees nothing from these sales, and publishers have came out on record as saying this repeatedly in the past.
>being this upset that your platform is ded
>grey market keys are acquired through stolen credit cards and other illegitimate means [...] and publishers have came out on record as saying this repeatedly in the past.
[citation needed]
>And honestly grey market key sales don't benefit the publisher in any way
neither does buying used games, borrowing games, or ripping off redboxes
shitposting is a two way street.
how well did GTA V sell on the Wii U?
>mfw I'm not a stupid frog poster
>really enjoy the GTA series
>get hyped when V is announced
>it comes out
>i'll wait for the pc release
>pc versions releases
>i'll wait until I build a new pc since mine may struggle a bit
>build a new pc
>i'll wait until the price drops
I'm never going to play it am I? It's like I'm looking for excuses not to get it. Don't know why since I actually want to play it.
And none of those three count as sales beyond the initial sale you fucking idiot
This post is delightful.
Just pirate it if you don't want to spend full price
Tetris is available on PS4, Wii U, and Xbone user.
Well at least there was one front on which V didn't disappoint.
And those aren't included as sold copies yet illegitimate codes still count as owners for steamspy
Like are you retarded man?
>mfw I'm not a dumb ass balloon poster
>tfw you bought it for Smt X Fire Emblem
>tfw you were okay with the change to weebshit idoltry
>tfw they censored the weebshit
Yah got me this time anime girl.
tetris was a free game included on mobile. GTAV has not had any major sales and remains at $60 and doesn't have any major bundles
i swear to god anyone who bought a wii u for smtxfe is fucking embarrassing
>Tfw I bought it from a store that was shutting down for like 10 bucks
Makes me not that mad that it sucks and I don't play it, I got a good amount of fun hours out of it with my brother before I tossed it in the dust bin
>kids on Sup Forums literally made their parents buy them the Wii U
Tetris is available on literally everything. I'm pretty sure that given its strange history, it can't be licensed or copyrighted and anyone can create it on anything.
Don't quote me on that though, but it is on everything from arcade machine and nes to pc
I know user. It was a dumb decision and I should have waited. At least Xenoblade was good. Bayo 2 was good.
the Wii U may be dead, but at least you'll always have your Amiibos
>our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda
is this a fake post because that's not how it works
Says the Nintendo baby who probably buys VC roms for 20 bucks
Get fucked
here's a statistic that matters: 65,000,000 x 60 = $3,900,000,000
Three BILLION dollarydoos for GTAV. That's how much Rockstar made regardless if buyers play the game or if the game is good or not.
>Tfw I bought a ps4 for no man's sky back before the first delay
I'm so sad and my ps4 is dustier than a granny vagina
>he isn't playing bloodborne or ratchet and clank
kill yourself
GTAV was on 60 consoles?
Shit, can I play it on my SNES?
you retarded f'am?