He did some things wrong.
He did some things wrong
Who hasn't in their lives?
>Even after "changing his ways" his soldiers continue to rape and murder the citizens
>Geralt cleans house and just leaves their bodies in the street
>Citizens are partially grateful and partially shocked
For as advanced as The Witcher 3 is, you would think the citizens would revolt at some point.
It takes a lot to push peasants to revolt, and it doesn't take a lot to put the revolted peasants down.
"villains" who kinda messed up thread?
The worst thing he did was knowingly become a cuck, and not kill his wife with his own two hands.
Nice meme.
>Even after "changing his ways" his soldiers continue to rape and murder the citizens
They acted on their own while he was away.
cuck detected
Pot calling the kettle black, etc.
Hes a bro.
don't you have to tend to your wife's son or something
this thread is for uncucked only
Then leave.
don't try to dump your cuck problems on me like your fat whore wife did her mulatto baby
He is the figurehead of all Velen. At some point you would think someone would intervene.
Yeah but he sent you to clean up his mess. Had he been honest to you from the start it'd have been much easier.
Projecting etc.
Why do you keep responding to him
I don't know.
>le projecting maymay
truly the cuckest of reddit memes
>le projecting maymay
truly the cuckest of reddit memes
epic meme bro
don't get cucked on your way back to tumblr
Did you not see the OP?
He's mumbling to himself now..
He's literally not there and that ugly motherfucker that always looked suspicious basically says "Yeah well he ain't here so I'm the boss now, so fuck off"
Did I cucking stutter?
>he never comes back
Honestly it just seems desperate at this point man.
hahahaha KEK
why did they incorporate Sup Forums memes into this game? what the fuck
it's not a Sup Forums meme though
they are Polish too
>originated on Sup Forums
Not just a faggot, a stupid faggot.