Post skins you obtained from loot boxes

post skins you obtained from loot boxes.
no buyfags allowed

just got this one when I was actually about to buy carbon fiber until I found it.

I've unboxed 3 legendaries from crates.

-Hockey Lucio
-the bad Symmetra one

I had enough to buy my own so I got Hayseed Junkrat

>level 29
>get shit loot
>decide to buy some
>get this

Based Blizzard.

>not getting one of the joker skins for junkrat

you fucked up nigga

i got that yeti mei one

Will the shilling ever end?

I haven't gotten jack shit and I would be lying if I said I wasnt a bit frustrated

Genji's carbon fiber is the only fucking good skin I've gotten at level 30

I've literally yet to get a legendary

Seriously thinking about maining D.Va because of this skin. That Mecha looks so fucking cool

I think those are cool, but I prefer the scarecrow ones slightly.

Post em, faggots

>level 2 get the Maori one for Roadhog
>level 12 get the red Reindhardt one
>now level 25 and starved for good skins

What the fuck is going on with that Tracer?


what level are you?

I'll spare y'all of the absolute worst of minimum graphics, but I got the Ifrit Zenyatta, Blackbeard Tolbrerone, B.Va D. Va and Snow Plum Mei (Epic, not Legendary).

Holy fuck.

I got Young Genji in one of my first boxes, and it's my least favorite skin of his

He bought $120 worth of crates


Im jelly user


It's a pic from osmeone who bought 4 of those $50 lootbox things

I think Blizzard's playing a trick on me because the only Legendary skins I have are the Winston ones. I literally have none other than those ones. I'm level 25 too.

>people still acting like "earning" cosmetics makes you superior

literally the exact same thread every time. get some fucking creativity and stop acting childish about stuff that has no effect on the gameplay

The algorithm gives you a higher chance of rares and legionaries the higher your level.

Damn shame her hair is an absolute mess though.

Considering each crate comes with four items, and out of those items, some included can be profile pictures, currency or duplicates, I'd say this guy is either level 141 or 136, was impossibly god-tier lucky and got nothing but 500 currency rewards or spent real dillerydollaroonies on Overwatch.

I'll give you a hint: It's pretty pathetic however you slice the cake.

Explorer Winston and Lone Wolf Hanzo

I want Bloodhart since I had that in beta, maybe Vigilante for McCree later

his orbs are distracting. when i used it in beta, i couldnt focus. look up videos to see if its for you or not.

poorfag detected

I'll give you a hint: it's pathetic acting elitist over how you got cosmetics to begin with

No monkey business.

>that hair


lvl 20 still no legendary

I got one of the hayseed junkrats, the punk trace and a explorer skin for winston.
only legendary skins I had so far, had a legendary currency though, 500 coins

Only one so far.

Only used crates from level ups. Haven't spent any money on boxes.


There's the right way of EARNING your drops by leveling up. Then there's the wrong way of buying them.

How the fuck is my post anything to do with being elitist?

I'm calling the twat out on being pathetic for wasting so much time or money on Overwatch and that's elitist of me? Project harder, holy shit. Here's your (You).

sure kid

I have almost 5,000 credits, what should I buy?

Got 2 out of 4 legendary skins for Toblerone through boxes, the pirate and biker. Had to really think about it, but I ended up buying Slapshot Lucio over his other skins just because I liked the colors.

i got one every 10 levels

>hate playing snipers
>nearly every single fucking item for Widowmaker

Guess I better start practicing.

And yet somehow you aren't the most pathetic person playing OW

>finally get 1,000 coins for Pharah's mecha skin
>have no idea which of the two colors I want
>don't want to buy it on the off-chance it'll drop in the next loot box
>don't want to buy any other alternatives for my other favorite character because I know they'll also drop in the next loot box


>Spending this money money on things you will eventually get with ingame time


i have no legendary skins, but i have the finest collection of fucking shitty sprays and dogshit voice lines you'll ever see.

fuck blizz for adding in sprays, i'd rather get nothing

>Someone buys something they want

And? I wanted a fast coupe so I bought a Z51.

Who thought that widowmaker skin was a good idea, it looks terrible

>you'll eventually get 2 legendaries for every hero with "time"

sure kid

Just get Jehuty

Spend the coins on Heroic Intros, Poses and Voicelines for your absolute favorite mains. You're right - don't bother saving up coins for legendary skins. You'll feel more satisfied seeing your character not doing the generic standing pose when you win and/or get PotG.

I swear they lowered the drop rate. In the beta I had three legendaries and several purple skins at level 16. Now I'm level 23 and I've literally gotten nothing but blues and sprays

>No ranked mode to get matched with people of your skill level
>Punished for quitting out
>No /surrender option

End me

As far as legendaries go, I got:

-Fool Junk Rat

And I only really like Lionhardt, because I think the regular helm looks stupid. I'm level 31 and saving coins for Sunyatta

>save 1,000 credits
>buy the Blackhardt legendary skin
>3 levels later
>get the Blackhardt skin
>only get 200 credits for the duplicate


I don't understand why people are buying so many crates. I mean, I can understand maybe 2 or 5. I personally wouldn't spend any on random chance boxes, but I can see why someone would get a few.

But why are so many people just unloading with these boxes? Aren't you ruining things a bit? Won't the game get stale quicker if there's nothing left to unlock and no more extra incentive to play? I know they're going to add more skins in the future, but buying so many boxes right now just seems like a good way to fizzle out some of the fun at the moment.

the only interesting one I have is fireman Mei

and I don't even play Mei

>Someone spends their entire savings on heroin

>cosmetics are your only incentive to play

just fuck off already

How much did you pay for boxes?

A car serves a purpose: it takes you places. A cosmetic's only purpose is looking good, and if you bought that car for the exact same reason, you're a fucking child, regardless if you make money and what you spend it on.

You want both legendary skins for all characters and will swap back and forth with them? Why?

>Look at all the money I spent!
>Favorite? I don't have favorites, so I just use everything.
>Aren't I cool?

Well if you actually have a decent chance to get one for free, that just makes you desperate

Is this what they call, a whale?

The guy has a point, and he also said 'extra' incentive. Learn to read instead of twisting someone's post so you can be hostile anonymoos on the internet.

You fucking faggot.

>>No ranked mode to get matched with people of your skill level

It's coming "soon." Not sure on the timeline

>>Punished for quitting out

When you join a game, hit tab. You can mostly tell how shit's going down by the player levels and selections. You don't get dinged if you leave before the match starts.

>>No /surrender option

Matches are 5-10 minutes, m8. Maybe 11-12 minutes with a massive overtime battle

>that spray you'll never get because it's an achievement

What's her name Sup Forums?

Only non-palette swap I've found is some wood-bot skin for Bastion.

Too bad I don't play Bastion.

I would stop playing for a week out of sheer frustration.

>pretending to not be the fucking faggot who thinks cosmetics are the only incentive to keep playing a game

fucking faggot

It means he already had that skin and gets credits instead.

>life destroying drug is even remotely similar to fancy pixels
Are you an idiot?

I don't care about your tiny dick syndrome pal, paying $250 for cartoony pixels and then boasting about it on Twitter is fucking pathetic, what pisses me off is that fat ginger Canuck midget is fully conscious of that fact

>decent chance
>1,134 items for all characters excluding origins edition skins


>people are already level 70.

Honestly I am guessing you are unemployed and doing constant group lobbies. Not even streamerfags are that high.

Also what the fuck is this matching process? Just because I constantly won the first bunch of early games against bad players with my stack we now get matched with these nolifers. Why can't I just get other level 15s? What is this invisible bullshit process that Blizz thought was "fair"?

Mei Firefighter.

She creates so much salt as not a single person votes for me when I get POTG and save my team's ass over and over

Yeti Hunter > Firefighter

>get legendary skin for a hero you never use
>force myself to use them with that skin so it doesn't go to waste

>mfw got 2 of the same legendary skin


>I MUST have all of the hats!


>Can't draw a parallel between obsessive compulsion disorder through an analogy

I guess that's why we browse this board, eh Sup Forumsro? XD It's okay though. I think you're cool for spending real life money on cosmetics.

>took the week off of work for OW
>still only played 23 hours since I have other stuff to do
>8 hours vs AI to learn characters and still gets you XP
>15 hours in matches
>level 29

I don't get it.

I, for one, find it good incentive to at least get decent with the character. Hell, it helped me realize how fucking much I love playing Torbjorn.

Don't have a pic, but I got huntsman for widow today. Really nice looking skin. Too bad I never play widow.

I would buy this coat if it was real, I love it

How much gold do you get for that?

so how much do you even get for repeats? a fifth of the coin price?

>spend all my credits of mercy stuff
>then realize lucio is superior


I love Mei

200 I believe.


>paying $40 for base game
>paying more for skins and other useless shit

lucky for you he has shit skins

You get 1/5th the cost for every duplicate drop including sprays, emotes, etc

Every team should always have both Lucio and Mercy at the same time so its fine.

Her 250 skins honestly look better like (black anubis) but gratz on that skin my friend :)

make sure you own the correct victory poses and highlight intro so that the helmet never comes off

this is a VERY important step



Levels have nothing to do with who youre matched with. There's a hidden mmr

cute widowmaker
>get an airshot headshot kill
nobody is ever going to get that purposefully unless some form of divine intervention sets up the perfect shot for you

I actually did just buy the jump jet victory pose but I still need to save up for a highlight animation

I had to save up for a skin that covers his stupid dreads.

I wouldn't consider Mei even great unless she is on point with ice shard head shots. She's just good at 1v1 (which McCree is 100x better at tbhfam) and obnoxious to kill since she has good resilience.