I know you are here Blizzard

I know you are here Blizzard
I just wanted to say fuck you and fuck Activision for shitting up this board


Most publishers work through marketing companies with all sorts of annoying IP changing software.

The shills won't even identify with their client's name.

sleep well baba

Dumb babaposter


I think its hilarious that some people unironically think marketers come here and shill over twitter and othrr normy means.


This. Nobody but weeb game devs wake up and say, "I want the Sup Forums audience who will probably scare away my more respectable customers".

Blizzard timed Overwatch's release in tune with summer Sup Forums, it's free marketing

I'm glad we can talk about your favorite games, user... what are they?


Ah you caught me! I'm the hiring manager responsible for providing positive posts on popular games you don't like such as Undertale and Overwatch.

It's not at all the fact that the games are good, it's because I made people said it!

>people won't use free advertising space to advertise


>fps with one gun per class
>fps without a tdm or ctf mode
>fps where several classes have no viable way to get kills completely unassisted


No one is being paid to shill for Activision by the way. It's a Sup Forums funded meme and a pathetic attempt to smear their good name.

Just buy Overwatch, you'll be happy.

How are we wrong? Sup Forums ruins fan bases for normies, it could drive away customers. Sup Forumsvirgins also pirate a lot and have few friends to influence to buy more copies of the game. We'd be the lowest priority place to shill on.

Sup Forums has been normies since the time of the big Tribes game, retard.

>hating Activision

Is this radical larry?

That's because you are playing his game, Anony

Sleep well, baby baba

if Sup Forums has neither shills nor normies, then explain who is making all the threads

your theory is shit

What class is that?

Advertisers know 99% of Sup Forums will shut up about anything ingame if the community's anti-fun enough to get you banned for anything that would "scare away" normalfags

Hell, everyone knows that.

The only chan "culture" you'll see in the majority of pub servers are meme arrows and pointing out meme arrows.

>Work near Blizzard/Activision offices
>They order kegs and supplies for parties from us
>They order 6+ kegs of beer
>Cancel order at the last minute
>Everyone at my work is pissed about it
>They send us a massive "Sorry" care package
>Free shirts, gear, and even game codes

I'm pretty alright with them
I don't mind shilling

I get free shit from them

Sometimes I see some of the main devs from Titanfall.... it makes me a little sad
They are always wearing Titanfall t-shirts


People who actually like the games. There's also a lot of hate for the games on here, are they shills too?

A necessary evil is still evil.