who would win if the Battleborn and Overwatch got in a fight who would win
My money is on the Battleborn what do you think Sup Forums?
Battleborn vs Overwatch
come on some one post something
that is all that is asked right ?
>plz respond
Stillborn has more content but Overhyped was heavily marketed and shilled to shit.
If this is a "What's the better game?" type of win then it would probably go to Stillborn It isn't saying much, the biggest of 2 turds is still a turd, but a "Which will get the most sales?" type of win will definitely go to Overhyped.
Short answer? No one, the entire industry loses because both of them are garbage.
>Game A vs Game Z
>Game A and Game Z are in different genres
this thread is about a fight between The BattleBorn and overwatch not what is the better game
Way to go retard. You just put OP'S dick in your mouth.
Gearbox sure are fucking stupid.
Should've invested their time into Borderlands 3 instead of this trash heap. At least the Borderlands name is something they could cash in on.
why would they fight in the first place? different genres, apples and oranges
i find battleborn fun dose not seem that bad
They're not people. They're videogames, videogames cannot fight because they're just disks and code or hard drive space.
Whoever writes the story dictates who wins. That's how fiction works.
no shit this is just for fun just a simple "what if"
Then the battleborn easy
just wondering what others think
why do you think that ? just wondering
i wont lets this die
pity bump
Because people are retarded, and think that two multiplayer shooters with a cartoon artstyle are the same kind of game.
Don't ask Sup Forums. They wouldn't know a good game if it spit in their mouth and told them to swallow
i know right
/btbg/ - 243 replies
'retard' - 3
'fag' - 4
'fuck - 35
'meme' - 4
/owg/ - 359 replies
'retard' - 7
'fag' - 4
'fuck' - 42
'meme' - 7
/tf2g/ - 192 replies
'retard' - 2
'fag' - 5
'fuck' - 11
'meme' - 4
there will always be more blizzdrones - they gobble up shitty marketing schemes, just let them stay in their containment game - they are literally the cancer ruining gaming. they support paid subscriptions, they support casualization, they defend absurd prices for cosmetic DLC, and they dont understand what voting with their wallet is so they just feed the shitty cycle that is activision blizzard.
um ok
also worth noting - /btbg/ and /tf2g/ filled with people coming into them solely to say 'lel game sucks, u suck'. /owg/ filled we people saying 'lel, other games suck'. i guess activision pays its employees to be shitters too.
A few dedicated Overwatch shitposters keep coming into /btbg/ fagging it up.
Find a nice comfy general, and then these fucks ruin it.
What's Battleborn?
gearbox newest moba game
cmon now ones born for battle and the other is over for watches, overwatch easily
Lorewise, who's the strongest character in Overwatch?
My money is on Genji, Hanzo or Reaper. They're the only ones with supernatural habilities.
hmm good point but i think the battleborn in a landslide many of them have supernatural abilities orendi ,Galilea, and Ambra
overwatch has no paid subscriptions, and you can buy crates but most popular games have that feature so its not fair to call blizzard out for it
are we comparing universes, or just playable characters?
playable characters