Opening cutscene gives the middle finger to drawn-out exposition, denoting it's separation from the modern shooter

>Opening cutscene gives the middle finger to drawn-out exposition, denoting it's separation from the modern shooter
>Objective markers
>Linear level design

Good job id.

Other urls found in this thread:

The level design is literally perfect

Agreed, don't let the iphone generation tell you otherwise.

The level design isn't linear though OP.

Have you played it?

>Linear level design
Only if you were a retard and followed the markers and didn't explore for secrets.

>Opening cutscene gives the middle finger to drawn-out exposition, denoting it's separation from the modern shooter

Wow a whole fucking minute long cutscene which you can even skip. Yeah fuck these losers at id.

Pressing buttons and getting keycards to open doors, that shit never happened in the original Doom

>Objective markers
Which you can turn off

>Linear level design
Oh so you didn't play the game

Wew lad
Good shitpost though I like that you tried

>Opening cutscene gives the middle finger to drawn-out exposition

>and then not long later you get locked in a room and must listen to several minutes of dialogue and drawn-out exposition while not being able to do anything on at least 3 different occasions

Separation from the modern shooter my fat ass.

A compass in a DOOM game is pretty shitty in the first place but you're just shitposting

>Defeat all the demons to unlock the door

I am not shitposting.

>Just follow the objective marker
>By the end of the game you have no upgrades, weapon mods, or fun
Clever, id, very clever.

Which can all be skipped and none of which exceed 2 minutes

High quality shitposting though. I'm not going to report it because I'm enjoying watching you make more of a fool of yourself

Well you didn't mention that part so I didn't care to bring it up

>Which can all be skipped
Wrong. They're HL2 style cutscenes where all you can do is run around like a jackass while someone talks at you.

Even in the world record speedruns they aren't skipped.

>moving the goalposts

>He doesn't know about the menu option

You poor bastard

>turn right: oh look a secret!
>turn left: oh look a secret!
>ok time to continue going down the corridor

>Thing you don't like can be entirely avoided
>Moving the goalposts


Sup Forums is just looking for a reason to shit on this game. It's kinda sad

You're not getting it.

The point is that the game sets itself up as a return to old school design mechanics but is actually just a call of duty with really good gameplay.

If it were only that easy.


>I literally didn't play the game - the post

you say that as if all FPS's werent like that in one way or another, there's a set path of start, key, key, switch, door, exit with branching paths to secrets and extra weapons/ammo

compared to original Doom's secrets? Yes, it is that easy.

No, they aren't

>Sup Forums actually liking this game
S-should I trust you guys?

>linear level design


Can you read? They can't at all be avoided.

How the fuck is it like Call of Duty?

I think we had the same shitpost the other day and the reply was the most fucking retarded thing ever typed into Sup Forums

I'm getting sick of threads filled with blatant misinformation and shitposting

You guys will fucking shit on anything just because it's fun

In all seriousness, how is this game? Should I wait for a sale?

What the fuck did you want to then? Shove the mouse up your ass in order to fire a weapon?
Another fucking sandbox?
>kill 5 demons and bring back loot
You dumb motherfucker.

This is like saying that Painkiller is like Call of Duty without the cutscenes.

Which is fucking retarded.

But they can you fucking retard.

It's rejected multiplayer arenas connected by hallways.

Painkiller does have cutscenes though

The worst cutscenes you've ever seen but they're there

It's the same problem Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem Forever had.

It's just linear level design with "kill all the enemies to progress".

It's sad that developers can't make a level anymore.

I guess, for a Halo generation.

>Still posting misinformation
That's enough.

Moderators feel free to delete this shithole of a thread

Watch me suck at Ultra-Violence mode.

>It's just linear level design with "kill all the enemies to progress".
Are you really that committed to posting bullshit? What you keep saying is not even true. The only remotely linear level in the game is the last one

Hi troll



You really shouldn't talk about a game you haven't played as if you know what you're talking about.

yeah I'm a shill for pointing out that what you posted was completely incorrect

Shitposting sure is fun eh?

I wanted Doom 1 and 2 levels with a sense of Doom 3's tension, a more stable soundtrack and a bit of Metroid Prime peppered throughout.

That fucking elevator with the music and Bethesda, ID and doom logo.

Holy fuck haven't felt shivers like that in a while.

>completely incorrect
If I'm so wrong, post a Doom 4 map that isn't a bunch of arenas connected by hallways of varying length.

The game creates a checkpoint, you reload and it skips the scene

Alternatively you can just type a console command to end it

That's only for boss intros.


That was hard huh?

singleplayer is god tier. stay away from MP

You're not posting layouts.

It is Metroid Prime though, only you move fast and the controls arent fucking retardedly clunky and unintuitive.

There's the locked rooms you have to clear out, the backtracking to get powerups/upgrades, the exploration (though in a smaller scale since it;s not a sandbox/open world).

The levels are linear if you choose it to be so, though there is some exploration needed if you want to get praetor or weapon upgrades.

I really dont get what's so bad about having a moderately sized level to explore. I almost always gave up exploring in STALKER and Metro because of how fucking huge the places are. Doom actually got it right that it doesnt get dull and tiring to scour every nook and cranny of a stage.

>that isn't a bunch of arenas connected by hallways of varying length
>not 90% of all doom maps



come to think of it, is there a modern day FPS who doesnt follow that level design?

>hurr borderlands and far cry

technically, they're the same, only the hallways are big, open spaces.

doom doesn't lock you into one room and say fuck you to any sort of progression unless you kill every opponent or you google some retarded secret exit to the level.

That's a mighty ripe cherry if I do say so myself

> retarded secret exit to the level.
i meant to the arena. but i bet somebody is going to desperately cling to this.

>Speedrunners getting butthurt after some minor stops

>thick fog is everpresent in nuDooM
>it doesn't move or distort like it did in the Batman games

>a 2009 game had interactive fog (if only thanks to PhysX)
>a 2016 game does not

Sup Forums might crucify me for giving my honest opinion of this game, but here goes: it needed some actual writing, because as it stands now I had no narrative investment, making it more difficult to immerse myself and outright impossible to desire a concrete narrative outcome

into the trash

The open world map type is now a glorified hallway. Just like a tank is a glorified car. Damn son that is some circular ass logic.