So I know this is sort of hipster bullshit on top of SJW bisexuals and all that but holy shit this game made me emotionally invested.
Anybody wondering what season 2 will be about if we ever get it? Writers say it'll likely star a new cast.
So I know this is sort of hipster bullshit on top of SJW bisexuals and all that but holy shit this game made me emotionally invested.
Anybody wondering what season 2 will be about if we ever get it? Writers say it'll likely star a new cast.
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Please tell me where the SJW stuff is at in this game, I've played it twice and see absolutely nothing remotely reminiscent of them or their bullshit unless "playing as a girl" somehow is an SJW concept now after 30 years of games that let you.
>this game made me emotionally invested.
Baby's first visual novel
Nigger one of the main characters is a blue haired lesbian, right?
It looks so unappealing to me, as I hate average american millenials.
I was mostly joking/making the comment before somebody else did. I don't think the game is SJW anything but everybody seems to freak the fuck out if anything is even remotely girly or gay in video games and call it that.
I wasn't aware lesbians were something the SJW brigade created, my bad.
Also she has blue hair because she's a punk teen druggy her entire character's personality is about being exactly that, I don't seriously believe you think SJWs created the idea of colored hair and not the punk scene over 40 years ago that matches more with her personality than SJW shit.
Main characters childhood best friend, actually. It's kind of intentional as she's supposed to come off as very standoffish and punk pushing people away kinda bs.
Le buzzwords
Goobergatera and SJWS are both fucking retarded
Play waht you like without having to be part of a gang.
It's just video games you retards
Well all the usuall faggots paraded this around much like Undertale, and as I said the main characters look extremely unappealing so I haven't bothered trying it.
I actually got the first episode in some bundle.
The "SJW stuff" isn't a problem
The problem is HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS?
im interested in what they make next given that they fix the many problems of life is strange
they had this cool setting, then they just wrote themselves into a hole with meh "gameplay"
>A game made by some French Canadians about some lesbian highschool photography students in Oregon made you emotional.
I'm not even joking when I say you should kill yourselves. There's only so much autism the world can handle.
>tfw you'll never be an artschool teenager in a cozy pacific northwest town
Blue haired hipster is a total cunt and completely selfish
As well, as said, it tries way too hard to appeal to kids with internet culture
Watch this and you'll see just some of the shit about that:
Better not cut yourself on all that edge you got there.
And then there's all the 2010 le may mays.
But I'm still waiting, nigga. Kill yourself.
That was kind of the entire point of her character, though. She was given these stupid flaws and emotional outbursts because she's flawed as fuck. I'd rather have her than some Mary Sue fucker who happens to be bi for the sake of being modern and cool.
They literally have a scene where all the characters comes up to her and tell her how cool she is. She's poorly written, not because she's flawed, but because she has no redeeming qualities. She's an insufferable cunt the entire time and the devs had to tell you that she was supposed to be cool
I don't really recall that scene, honestly. I haven't replayed though and played the episodes as they were coming out so I may just be spacing. I always thought her redeeming qualities came a lot when she was more vunerable and didn't cover it up with all that hardass angry shit she put up. I mean it's clear she's obviously putting some super unhealthy expectations on Max as a bit of a replacement for Rachel and it's fucking with her head. I think the Dev's more than anything tried to make her come off as somebody you feel sorry for rather than like in a "cool" way.
That's the problem though, they didn't make someone I could feel sorry for because she was so shitty to her supposed friend.
You either didn't play or didn't get very far into the game.
Eh, different strokes I guess. I suppose I just related to her ( Complex characters are porn to me) and I can see why people dislike her. She just happened to be the heart of the whole thing for me and the game picked up like fuck whenever she was on screen.
I finished the entire game, I chose to save the town. And no, it wasn't because I didn't like Chloe, it's because I wouldn't let more people get hurt or killed just to selfishly save my friend.
I like complex characters, it's why I like Bojack Horseman (probably a poor example).
crap game
I actually like all star
Season 2 will be about a gay inner city black kid trying to get himself and his boyfriend out of the gang lifestyle.
>this game made me emotionally invested.
> Gay men acknowledged
Que pasa?
I played through it and didn't pick up any lesbian shit, I only ever saw Sup Forums talking about it
Best version
The first episode is meh, really enjoyed it starting somewhere around ep 2 - 3
Can someone explain how this game is hipster or sjw? Or are they just buzzwords?
Didn't see any sjw shit going on throughout.
And hipster back in the day meant autist that is aware of trends but still does his autistic shit. Dont know what It means now but this isnt that. Generic game in every sense, cliche characters, holy fuck awful generic music.
Try reposting that link correctly this time you retard
Did you miss the choice where Chloe literally asked you to kiss her?
Literally tumblr the game from the looks of it
Honestly you should hang yourself if you ever thought about playing this let alone actually doing it
Bluh bluh I hate when games are about story and don't let me kill everything bluh bluh i hate playing as a vagina breaks my emmersuh
The link works just fine, Chucklefuck.
Life is Gay tumblrinas everyone
Fuck off you brainwashed kike. I can't even hate a shitty game without being called a misogynist or whatever? I dont hate it because of the female protagonist I hate it because of how fucking unoriginal and dull it is. I hate the shit writing, shit story and tryhard appeal to lawl random internet culture. The soundtrack is fucking awful garbage trying to appeal to people with iPhones.
>Alt j
>Angus and Julia stone
>Local natives
The soundtrack alone says what this game is. Piece of garbage.
Fuck off. Nothing about his post would suggest this.
I enjoyed it too OP, and by the end I was quite invested in the universe. I still want to play it again, and after I first finished it I found myself thinking about it for a few days. Games like this have their place, as do games like Geometry Wars. Sup Forums HATES walking simulators, but plays them all. It really all boils down to empathy. We live in a world of solipsist assholes that can't put themselves into another persons shoes.
The first chapter is the worst chapter. The teen speak is what really brought it down. Thankfully they dialed it back in later chapters, but teenagers do say some pretty stupid shit. As for season 2, I'll certainly give it a shot if and when it comes out. I hope they keep the same art style. I really enjoyed their fake Seattle.
I would love for the Chloe end to be the true end and it's about her and Max living alone while using her powers to have a good time.
Of course it'll probably be about someone else.
That didn't happen. When you see Chloe after you save her fatheryou should have already been arrived at this conclusion, but some people need it bashed in and she is paralyzed you get a glimpse into her inner self. Chloe's father's death ruins her. She's an angry angsty teenager that can't let it go. If given the proper help or time she could be fixed, but at what cost?
>being a solopsist makes you an asshole
prove solopsism wrong then
i worry bevvy, i worry ALOT
I don't care about her inner self when her outer self is just a bitch. Tragic, your father died, so did mine, I don't take it out on other people. And seriously, fuck her alternate self for trying to guilt you into euthanizing her. She's a selfish bitch to try to do that to her friend. Fuck Chloe
I said solipsist assholes. The key word being assholes. Solipsism and solopsism are different things.
tfw your father literally died in the same way
that part
that party ruined the fuck outta me Tbh
Saying you're the only thing that exists doesn't make sense because it denies all of the factors that had to have been put in place to result in you being born. All that is certain is human practicality.
Regardless of whether or not everything else is an illusion, a lack of empathy is a hindrance that prevents people from understanding one another, and a sure calling card of an undeveloped mind.
I honestly loved LiS. Sup Forums is packed with memespouting idiots that don't actually play games, and LiS is great.
That is what makes her a more 'realistic' character. Chloe is a selfish bitch, but that is how many teenagers are after the death of a parent, and their remaining parent marrying someone else. I'm not defending Chloe in the least. She has a shitty attitude about everything, but she would grow out of it eventually. Most of her 'bitch' attitude was just a front anyway. Chloe was just a scared stupid teenager.
people were dying their hair way before that nerd
Did anyone else hate Warren? I enjoyed LiS a good deal, but just loathed this character.
I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'll probably replay it when I get some down time, and make some really awful decisions and see what I can end up with.
> it denies all of the factors that had to have been put in place to result in you being born
What factors? how do you know something had to exist before you? That can be part of the illusion
>Regardless of whether or not everything else is an illusion, a lack of empathy
What does lack of empathy have to do with anything? If a man can love an anime character I'm sure the one true existing person can empathize with everyone else
I just misspelled solipsism, sorry m8
I didn't hate him, but I didn't really like him either. He was just pretty bland, but that was his role. He wasn't really made to be interesting.
>you were a warren in high-school
Sometimes its hard to get through the day when I remember all of the embarrassing shit I did. I was known as the meme guy.
>tfw I was also Warren in high school.
I specifically let the town be destroyed just so I could kill Warren.
That was kind of the point. The game wanted to make you experience what its like to have an orbiter.