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You can't dispute this Sup Forums
She's right

I want human pinkie pie to ss me

>I'm a chef! I made this ham and cheese sandwich with ingredients I bought from Walmart!


>I'm a profession athlete!
>I go to cheer leading competitions all the time!

>Lucas and Duster

Whoever made that should feel ashamed of themselves.

If identifying yourself in a group takes 0 commitment, 0 skill and 0 effort, then why should that group label exist at all?

Cheerleading is a sport, though

>expecting taste from /ss/fags

>I played one game on a non-gaming platform! I'm a gamer!

>I'm a carpenter!
>I assemble Ikea all the time!

Just like how dancing with a ribbon is totally a sport too right?

If they're doing it on a professional level and are part of the event as an athlete then literally yes. Cheerleading is an actual thing on a professional level.

If you go as a fan then no, if you just go on a highschool team or college team, again no because that's not "professional".

Your example is shit is my point.

Fuck that too, literally the only acceptable ship in mom 3 is lucas and nana.

physical activity maybe, but not sport

Somebody post that Choose Your Own Adventure with Kumatora and Lucas

Yeah, and so is the WNBA. Boys are just jealous we're gonna take over the face of sports globally. Girl Power!

What games let me date the ugly one?

(Hollywood ugly, not actual ugly.)

Yes, just like bulletball and poker are sports.

Competitive cheerleading is the corruption of a support team for actual sports teams.


Can't, CYOAs are bannable offenses now, has to go on /quest/

It can be, what's your point? By the bare minimum a sport is classified as a physically activity played in a competitive setting. Are you going to dismiss anything that doesn't use a ball as "not a sport"?

I actually just made a ham and cheese sandwich with shit from Wal-Mart

At least I know how to cook though

Yes. "Sport" is not defined as "Things user likes".

thanks for proving me right user

Ignoring the 'professional' part and just comparing athlete=gamer, would "I'm an athlete! I play croquet all the time!" be a better example?

persona 3 and 4

Link it to quest

wew lad

>it's a sport maybe, but it's no sport

I really, really, really like this image!

Cheerleading has a large part of gymnastics, there are a lot of male gymnasts. I don't see how you can dismiss it just "muh womyn".

Are you shitting me? You'd have to go to quests just to post a god damn image? Thanks Hiroshima.

I wanna fuck that cat!

>Being a "gamer" is a professional career with legal qualifications instead of just a hobby with multiple abstract facets
I think anyone who willingly calls themselves a gamer is a fucking dweeb, honestly, but the fact that people actually try to bar people from it by totally arbitrary standards is just fucking pitiful.
By that logic, Tetris autists have no right calling themselves "gamers" either.

Really thanks, that reddit bullshit circlejerking needed to fucking stop.

>"Hey, you're kinda cute when you're crying!"

>Just to post a image
You've been here less than a week if you haven't realized that board-specific threads and images are banned in other boards.

>Legal qualifications

This isn't accurate to what he said. You can completely call yourself a chef if you happen to have that occupation, you wont' be SEEN as one by actual real chefs, but if you work as a COOK and call yourself a CHEF you're still a chef. It is not against the fucking law to label the head cook of your shitty restaurant you open with your family as a chef.


I know next to nothing about mother 3, but I do know is I need some more porn of that pink hair girl

I'm not dismissing it at all. Women playing sports is the cutest thing.

Accept chefs are people who take cooking to a professional level. Use a bit of your brain next time.

Stop trying to be a special snowflake

>be a rich mogul
>hire a bum off the street to be my personal chef

Take off the goggles, my man. They didn't mean cute as in "hey you're cute come here and kiss me bby"

Phil Dunphy please leave

Well yeah, that's why it's exclusive. No one cares how much money you spent on continues to clear 639 stages of another generic color swapping mobile puzzle game.

It's true, they're barely games at all; most mobile games are just a front with big numbers and social features to get people to spend money on them. There's a reason they aren't considered "real games" and it's not just because they're casual as fuck.

This isn't creating a while thread for it, just posting an image in a thread. It's not going to derail it like porn would.

I MAKE mobile games and even I don't consider them real vidya.

Duster knows he has bad breath, and the world was just reborn.
He had other things on his mind.


Fug off, he was just trying to be sweet. They're just friends my man.


Fuck it, just post the image


Except the analogy saying all "gamers" are equal to professional chefs is fucking stupid and doesn't apply because it implies all "gamers" play games at a professional and competitive level and not just treat it as a hobby.


>Duster and Kumatora
...are just friends.

>the short haired super cute freckles tomboy is "ugly" because she isn't to my tastes

fuck off

Cheerleading is dancing/performance arts, not a sport.


>I'm a sports fan!
>I recognize team logos, and...
>I'm a sports fan!

>Getting offended because a person called themselves a "gamer"
Who actually even does this
Why would you even possibly give a shit

Does that ship even have any other art attributed to it?

Is Track and Field a sport?

Just curious
name a game you made user
spoiler it so people dont auto-yell SHILLSHILLSHILL




You can get good ingredients without splurging

Cheerleading is a sport

Of course Dorito guzzling fat nerds wouldn't know shit about cooking and physical activities

Thats like saying Borb and Susie are "just friends"

>I'm a gourmet chef!
>I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all the time!

I was thinking of D.N.A.2 before that.

You could have picked a real """sport""", like golf, but instead you picked something that's actually physically demanding.

And why not?
Mobile games work on the same level as console/PC games mechanically and objectively speaking.

Mobile games are basically the poems and pamphlets of video games, I'm sure there are some shithead reading fuckers who claim it doesn't count at "real reading!" because it's not a fully fledged book.

Story and graphics elements don't make a whole game.

I have a few pics, it has some but only like 10% are good. I hate shipping shit but really like these two.

Buying top quality ingredients doesn't make home cooking turn into qualifying you as a chef nor having you in the occupation of a chef. You're making a point without any sense to it.


Kill yourself.

i cant think of a reason people shouldnt be allowed to live freely
oh! i know
ill post this naked man and people will think im witty and funny!
its not like fat naked people are normal in florida or anything am i rite xd

Actually it's more like "I'm such a bookworm, I've read Cat in the Hat like four times now!"


"Gamer" does not have a professional connotation.

It's more like trying to read but your fucking fingers are in the way

If you find that generic as fuck, plain, boring, lifeless fuck doll on the right more attractive than the qt on the left then you are a stupid pile of shit.


Posting before I forget it exists again. Damn it's been forever.

The Bulletball guy actually found some success catering to special needs kids, so it kinda worked out in the end.


I'm deep within the indie SJW clique, if they found out who I am I'd be hunted down

>Calling yourself a "gamer" is equal to calling yourself a "gourmet chef"
That's retarded.

Because the more casual shitters that latch onto the hobby, the more games are going to pander to them for more money, leaving those that enjoy actually games without anything that's really worth playing.

See: the mobile market they're trying to use as an example of something they play, especially a color matching game with "639 stages."

Me too, I'm actually an employee at 5guys.

>women are insulted when someone compliments their size
>men swell with pride when someone compliments their size
men and women are truly a different species

Found the libertarian

That's lewd as shit

You sound triggered fag

As if SJWs ever bother doing their research on anything. Unless someone spoonfeeds them, they won't give a shit.