Megaman Battle Network thread

let's discuss one of the best megaman series to date.

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I miss the virtual reality setting

I have yet to find another game with the amount of customization at your disposal regarding your battle setup. The styles, souls, crosses, folder, chip combos, PA's, navi customizer, it's all so good. Taking all of that and putting it all together with an engaging battle system with a wide variety of enemies and bosses makes it one of my favorite series of all time. I really wish I could find something else like it.

It's unfortunate they betrayed us with the series. :(

i'm almost done re playing starforce 1 should i skip replaying 2 and play 3 or endure the pain for the hell of it.
Also why is BN6 so easy

Just skip 2 since 3 is amazing

If you skip to 3 you might not be able to tolerate going back, otherwise skip to the only game in the series that still holds up.

The best?

There's a TouhouxBattlenetwork fangame floating around but its in Japanese

>team protoman

that adds a whole level of irony to the post

fucking kek

Artbook scans where?!?

Too bad Capcom forgot about the franchise.

Saw them in another BN thread some time ago

I'm not sure there's a download link for the whole thing

any more info in this?

>Skipping 2
What is wrong with you?


Reminder that Heatman is the catalyst to Mr Match being a bro

because heatman is the best navi

why the fuck does lan trust fucking match in every goddamn game

at least elec man had a different op when he showed up again

Why the fuck would you translate Falzar instead of Gregar first like really nigga

3 = 2 > 6 > 5 = 1 > 4

Because technically he's been a pretty cool guy about half the time.

BN1: setting houses on fire through the oven
BN2: Minding his own business being a cool dude with Heatman
BN3: tries to melt Lan's dad with the shittiest navi ever
BN4: Tries to help a hotdog selling girl but turns her marriage proposal down because he's gay
BN5: mysteriously missing
BN6: your super cool mentor that you'll forget tried to kill your mom and dad

it's funny that he's gotten away with all this shit when people like Count Zap and Gauss Magnus are still in prison for what they did

6 was already localized, what is this about?

US/EU versions of the game got a lot of late game content removed

The entirety of the series takes place over like 2-3 years or something, trials can take forever

iirc 4 and 5 take place over summer break or something, then Lan moves away to Cyber City

Fuck, I'm still mad. I really need to get off my ass and finsh learning programing.

Reading that OP there, what did it finally add for Gregar? What did it mean by just "multiplayer purposes"?

6's localization butchered a lot of shit in order to take out the Boktai crossover

for some reason this ended up doing something like never turning off the Crisis Music in post-game.

Nothing yet, some stuff is translated but all the dialog and story related stuff has glitched text

Oy. Gregar is the only dual version I haven't played at all. Why would they go for Falzar first? From what I see, Gregar's way fucking cooler. How hard could this be to apply to Gregar anyway?

Dunno nigga, ask the creator and tell him to hurry the fuck up

Nice, I haven't played Falzar so now I have a reason to do so

>BN5 on the virtual console
>hitting the communication button gives you all secret chips just like it would in any of the other virtual console games
>it also gives you Bass Cross Megaman

who are you quoting

Oh, believe me, I know about that. I've been following it for two or so years now. I still need to get off my lazy ass and finish the third scenario.

Hes clearly implying implications

I tried to play 2 once.
I recall the encounter rate making it feel borderline unplayable.

who /buyfag/ here?

>tfw bought this right before it jumped up to retarded prices

feels good man

>>it also gives you Bass Cross Megaman
Screw this BN5 DS on WiiU
Time to waste some money or is there BN for pirating on wiiu out somewhere

I would buy it if it came with armor pieces for different souls and/or crosses

the virtual console versions are literally official romhacks and someone got patches for roms somewhere

for all those who are discussing the lack of boktai content in the english versions of bn6:

Jesus, you and me both brother.

I forgot how weird BN6's soundfont is compared to the rest of the series

well time for searching

Thats not an official boss nigga

super easy

Anyone here play Rockman EXE 4.5?

There's a patch that changes it back to normal Battle Network gameplay. Anyone here play it?

I love you

>that custom made hot glued figurine that pops up here and there

it was well made, people really put that out in display cabinets

holy fuck did i use to play the shit out of these games. i bought dvds of the cartoon and had an action figure of this shit.

Damn, best gba game here right here. Currently marathoning this game and having a blast playing it.

Currently in 4, and now I understand why you guys said to avoid this. Woodman glitch turned me off so much.

I was never big on the anime because it didn't look like this

They're talking about starforce.

Anyone who says this shit right here wasn't the worst part of the series is lying to themselves.

BN4 had so many awful minigames

>Playing Blue Moon instead of Red Sun
You only have yourself to blame

The games are almost unbearable outside of boss battles and talking to qt NPCs.

>hey Mega Man, we need you to run around the internet looking for a shady navi, okay? Hopefully the random battles every few steps that give you only 100z don't get on your nerves.

But I love the battle gameplay, virus chip collecting, and virus breeder.

My only wish is that there's a game that let me play like this but with my own normal green navi that can be upgraded while playing the story or some shit.

Waste potential, capcom.

Is the girls better?

who here was able to play this shit in highschool with their friends? I did during recess we had a small scene, we even made a tourney with a $2 prize for 1st place, it was amazing and i really miss those memories

This is as good as you're getting, my man :^)

I like that game. Especially playing in phone.

>you will never have a netnavi in the age of smartphones

What game should I start on? BN1, I presume?

God me and my best friend got all the games together. We would get opposing versions and play the shit out of them for hours. Fondest memories are either BN6 or SF3

If you just picked Blue Moon for Shouko and Tamako you should just pick a completed Blue Moon save, register the Blue Moon navis into Red sun and you get both AND Mayl.

When is battle network 7 chrono x gonna be released ?

BN1 aged like milk, I would recommend you to skip to BN2.

>You will never ask your female netnavi to go to sad panda for you to get some thing you would like

Bubbleman scenario would like to have a word with you

You would get 1000 if you were actually GOOD at them!

It also had the cutest mega.

>check amazon
>$400 Beaverbucks

why does god force me to live if he's just going to push me to suicide

Fucking BN3 itself felt like a chore from the beginning to the end, why do people consider it the best BN game?

>register the Blue Moon navis into Red sun
Wait what?

Secret area was boss and bn3 had arguably the best music minus the fucking jungle.

>want to make a stupid battle network arcade cabinet where you net battle people
>also want a romhack/clone game built on a different engine that stuffs as much shit from every series as possible
>can mix and match mechanics, and chip librarys from specific games
>netbattling with MMBN3 styles, MMBN6 souls, with the chip libraries from both games
>no idea of how to start it or who to get in contact with

I'm playing through BN1 right now and it's the only game I've ever played that I can say I actually hate.

I completely fucking took this for granted but now that I think about it I don't know of any other jrpg that does this for every random encounter

it encourages the player to git gud because its not some useless "score" that shows up at the end of a fight, it actually translates to tangible shit the player can use so they have a reason ot actually try and get better

jungle? wat

>skip 2


>implying it's not just setting Gutsman as your guaranteed chip or just getting lucky

Whether or not you get the chips to finish a battle in under 1 second is not skill.

>and talking to qt NPCs

I'm fairly certain that the MMBN NPC designer sold their soul to the same demon as the Pokégirl one.
Or maybe the younger brother. Still.

If you connect both games you can register the navis that you met there so they can appear in the tournaments of the other game, for example here's Numberman in the first Red Sun Tournament.

>One of the two Mega Man series (out of 7) to get an actual ending
>Also has a pretty good ratio of good/shit games comparatively

I mean the zoo kek

Composing your folder such that you can almost always do that is your job.

Early game's rough, though.

Oh shit I didn't know this.

Build a better deck breh.

It's okay. I wouldn't say there's even a point in playing it if you just want normal BN gameplay though, since all the bosses are the same as 4. The simulation gimmick is the whole point.

Some user on /ADGD/ making online clone of it

Funny thing is i accidentally ordered it along with my textbooks, I also ordered an extra copy of the same textbook too. I mustve been tired out that day to make so many fuckups in one order.

I like this. What's the name?

Fuck those animations look smooth, name pls

> turns her marriage proposal down because he's gay
wait what? really?
was he just helping her out cause hotdogs or something?

That shit was fun as fuck. Also being able to watch other netnavis fight was pretty cool.

still in development, the dev is posting updates in /agdg/