"realistic" RPG

>"realistic" RPG
>black and white people have the same stats
>black people dont have -5 intelligence and wisdom, while have +5 agility and strength


>Sup Forums once again confirming that they treat race like RPG classes because autism

>facts are political

b-but muh evil Sup Forums boogeyman :-(((

This. Even the smartest nigger is dumber than the dumbest white person.

>1800's pseudoscience is true
Fuck off


>he hasnt played morrowind

I feel like black people would have +5 wisdom actually

I don't understand. Why is the NFL and NBA almost entirely black then?

Oh yay, these strawman comics used to shut down any dissenting opinion in a thread.

You clearly don't like video games so fuck off you crossposting faggot.

So is there a reason /mlp/ is a pretty effective containment board but Sup Forums is useless?

>not dexterity

>implying any of you Sup Forumsfucks are smart

One board is autistic. The other is not.

Because all of the site is predominantly socially alienated young white men. Sup Forums appeals to the demographics of all boards, MLP doesn't.

>want to talk about vidya
>tumbler turns thread into muh boogeywoogey

Everyfucking time


Why do people act like there's no difference except skin color? White's and Asians had to deal with winter which requires problem solving and smarts for months. African's didn't.

>"realistic" RPG
>Men and women have the same stats
>women dont have -5 intelligence, wisdom, agility, strength, dexterity, stamina
>women dont have +5 luck, chasm, vitality

This is now a Sup Forums triggering thread. Post pics to make Sup Forums go away.

>Make racist but on-topic post
>ie the Sup Forums standard since 2003
>M-MUH Sup Forums
You newfag fucks are more obnoxious than any crossboarder could ever hope to be.

Why aren't indigenous Siberians the most intelligent people on earth then? Why did civilization arise first in warmer climates? This theory makes no sense.

t. 2010 "oldfag"


who is this suppose to trigger? Sup Forums or her once proud ancestors?

White people are stronger than black people, at least genetically. It's just that black people actually leave their bedrooms and exercise.

Blacks are faster though.

cuckchan was better before Sup Forums

When you caould actually say what ever the fuck you want without being censored or having some mod waste 2 minutes of your time

It's supposed to make the yellow fever fags feel like they've been cucked.