Well Sup Forums

Well Sup Forums

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Doesn't exist.

Xenoblade, that's what everyone says anyway.



Alien Isolation

What is Half-Life?

Bravely Default, and I think we all know why.

What is my life?

dead rising

>Your life

My dick is a game?

You can make it shorter, you know.


Fuck, I was going to post that. Is Bravely Second any better?

FF 6.


See It was a 9/10 until it became too long.


Alice: Madness Returns, but only because the cut content and EA fuckery means that there isn't enough to sustain itself on its current length.

The Witcher 3. All those sidequests where Geralt is scammed out of the reward by cheapskates? No thanks.

I don't know, I haven't gotten to playing it yet.


Okami was only like 25 hours though. When I replayed it last year, I found it to be way shorter than I had remembered.

I can't think of any off the top of my head but this can be said of all those games that always seem like they're ending, but for some reason there is always another couple missions that suck and just feel forced to add length to the game.

Shin Megami Tensei IV
I got to the White Ending and quit and just pretended its canon

i consider okami's length to be one of its strong points
i was really happy when it kept going after TWO final bosses

I disagree. It's one of the few lengthy games that I replay occasionally that I feel doesn't a major 'that part'.

after playing for months, i never did finish it

the game seemingly goes on forever

good game though


Fallout 2

I spent 100 hours on that shit trying to complete every quest (Killap Restoration).

Should have ended after the pod sequence tbqh

Was gonna say FF7 but the answer said "great" not "good".



The entire game is a major "that part"

The Witcher 3

Dark Souls II

Dragon Age II

Can't think of anymore at the moment.

Vanquish by platinum games.

Dark souls 3

Dark souls 2 dragged on too long

Spec Ops
any Left 4 Dead game

Undertale & Bloodborne

>Dragon Age II

>gamer is great

user, please.

Persona Q

borderlands 2.

mirrors edge

>Luigi's Mansion
>Wario World

>bloodborne & undertale

The Darkness 2

any game by Platinum Games

Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Gone Home

What is Bioshock?

Lost Odyssey

>that third disk is just literally reassembling party that got divided



Grand Theft Auto V

Felt like nothing fucking happened and then the game just ended.


Fucking blood dragon


Should have just ended at Chapter 1.

You're too slow

Holy shit, are you me? That's exactly how I felt. I honestly couldn't believe I was done with the game that fast.

my dick

Far Cry 2

Witcher 3

Both xenoblade chronicles and X. Most of the length is just grind and padding but the rewards are too good not to do that shit.

Red dead redemption. Specifically all of Mexico

Came for this, after the boss fight along susano and playing a bit more I lost interest.

it is. the last half of bravely second isn't "multiverses, amirite. now defeat the same few bosses a million times," like the first.

the witcher 3, and too open world

lost planet 2

It said great games that are too long, not games that turn to shit in the 2nd half

Half-Life was long but it never felt like it dragged on. It was consistently great the whole way through (yes, even Xen, people just bitch about it because they can't grasp first-person platforming).

hows the xbone treating you?

Dragon Quest VII

Any Metroid


>implying the ending didnt have you wanting more


onimusha 4
onimusha 1

Not that guy, but I'd say Okami was too long because each actual part was drawn out too long. I'd go into a building expecting a couple floors of fighting and getting an item. It turns into a 6 hour jumping fest.

Star Wars Republic Commando


Jeopardy Threads.


Every SMT game ever

Final Fantasy or Zelda. Take your pick.

>what is



everything is a copy

Tales of Symphonia

You mean not long enough.

What is Motherfucking Borderlands




I would have been perfectly satisfied if it ended with the first storyline. The latter two introduce nothing new gameplay-wise, stay easy and throw away all the characters I came to know and love

Xenoblade Chronicles
Any Final Fantasy

contra, metal gear


I didn't think it was long enough and replayed it a dozen times in under twenty hours. One time while I was in a psychiatric hospital on a shitty PS2 mini that would only work 1 in 10 times you turned it on.

Stories: The Path of Destinies
Although it does have 24 endings, but each playthrough is inda short, but I s'pose that's kinda the point, because given the the fact there aren't that many skills you could upgrade, making the game any longer would just make it "Do I really have to?" kind of game

What is dayz standalone?

Having to endure "Alien spawns knowing exactly where you are" for 8 more hours that you expect was a huge pain

Every Bethesda game in the last 10 years?

I personally like this game, but

Vampire masquerade: bloodlines?



What is Donkey Kong 64

Resonance of fate
