Rocket League is way more fun than it has any right to be.
Rocket League
nice channel nerd
Not my channel senpai
Why don't they have some of modifiers in matchmaking. Like another mode or something.
Dunno. They clearly don't have the budget for it
They did but took it out for "snow" mode.
They should just add it back in with more random creations.
That's disappointing. Hockey is fun, but they should have a mode that just fucking bananas. Rotate the rules and the map every round. Sorta like labs
It is, I agree.
They have hoops and kept snow but didn't keep the random modifier mode which I liked.
It was a set list of 5 different modded game modes but I wish they would just add it back in. The game had more variety ontop of the two different game modes.
>I'm bad at aerials so i fucking hate hoops.
Where did I say that?
what the fuck are you talking about
Meant to reply to Too lazy to fix.
yeah, it really is. my only complaint is the shit tier teammates I'm paired with in random play.
wtb more friends that own this game.
1v1 m8
>animu poster
not worth my time. I'll 10-0 your ass in a minute.
I wish people would dump keys for this game in Sup Forums so I could actually play it for once.
let's form a party and play some rounds, Sup Forums
unless of course you're a console pleibeian
Get a job. Get paid. Buy the game yourself.
Your not entitled to get a free Rocket League m8
isn't this game crossplay? or can console and pc not party up?
you can't party up cross platform because steam/xbox/ps4 userbases are all separate identity databases with their own APIs that can't link together outside of the matches
You can't party. You can't even see their avatars. Or voice chat either i think.
bummer for console friends. I just started using m&kb and am loving it.
I use m/k and i feel like i'm at a huge disadvantage all the time. But i'm so fucking used to it now. I can't use a controller at all.
why isn't there a Sup Forums rocket league server on discord?
Reddit: The Video Game
easier for me to aerial this way.
I can't pull that shit off with the controller.
Yeah? You just happened across a video that had less than 250 views?
it was on reddit.
grab it from the humble monthly for 12 dollars while you still can
on sale it is god tier
i hate this game
my normie friends always play it when we chill
>What are torrents
normies have better taste than you user let that sink in