Anyone else with around 50% win/lose ratio?
Is blizzard shitting on the matchmaking?
Anyone else with around 50% win/lose ratio?
Im sitting around 55% wins famalam
47% here
God, the solo queuing is killing me inside
6 hours Mercy, 3 hours Soldier 76, 2 hours
I'm below 50%.
Am I just bad?
around 55% here as well
Why would 50% winrate be shitting on matchmaking?
Isn't that literally optimal matchmaking?
45% winrate here
It hurts to lose
Same here
Yeah for some reason i can not get above 60% win ratio
There's a hidden MMR. Unless you have a good premade you'll always be around 50%.
Are you retarded? Any game with decent matchmaking will put you in higher skill lobbies when you win consistently, and lower skill if you lose. It makes sense that over time, your winrate should be around 50%.
84 games played 53 wins
not a win rate but a ratio comparing wins to losses, meaning if he had a 50% ratio, he's so far won half of the total he has played. an ideal ratio would be 1 or more, meaning you have won an equal (or more) amount of matches to matches you've lost
MMR is just a meme.
>20 ticks per second
>game is made for kids
This board is 18+ senpai
>be in game.
>tolberone wall has us stopped.
>flanking and stopping turrets as D.Va.
>Pharah dies every time age jumps up.
>calls me a terrible tank and demands i switch to mercy.
>tell them to eat a dick as I clear the point.
>starts to rant about toxic players and says i need to be banned.
>he's so far won half of the total he has played. an ideal ratio would be 1 or more, meaning you have won an equal (or more) amount of matches to matches you've lost
That's the same exact thing
Let's say he's played 50 matches
>He's so far won half the total he has played
So he's won 25 (and thus lost 25)
>you have won an equal amount ofm atches to the matches you've lost
So he's won 25 and lost 25
oh shit that makes a ton of sense
>Join game, pick Mercy
>someone else joins after, picks Mercy
>third person picks Mercy
>non-Mercy teammate says, "nigger are you serious?"
>guy responds with "reported :^)"
just fucking kill me now
>switch to Pharah
>someone else switches to Mercy
Sounds like it's working to me OP. You're just not as good as you think you are.
>have a 60% win rate
>let a friend play to see if she likes it while I go out that night
>look at my stats today
>ratio is now 37%
>76 games played
>54 won
Junkrat mostly.
I've got seventeen hours of Mercy, and I'm in the same boat. At some point, you just start accepting that your team is full of literal children and retards
Your own damn fault.
I'm sitting around 57-58%, can't remember exactly. 45 wins, 33 losses as Mercy. I typically play with my pocket though so we have a bit of an advantage assuming our team isn't completely retarded, which it tends to be.
54% winrate
seems like anywhere between 45 and 55 is what everyone is sitting on
I remember I did have a 67% winrate in open beta
the game is designed for that, theres no skill, you will never be good or bad at this game
if you have 100+ hours playing, a guy with 1 hour playing will beat you or have very high chance of doing it
its for casuals, and noobs to make them feel good
>you will never be bad at this game
you have clearly not played it
Anyone got the ps4 version ? Worth it ?
Pretty sure you need to queue with at least one other to influence wins over 55-60%. You will get put up against 4-5 man stacks as filler if you solo.
I'm at like 56% after ~200 games and I spam tracer every game.
feels ok.
Git gud
Does this game give you some hiper armor when you first start out? Because I was able to face tank 5 heroes ALONE as D.VA and kill them all just holding left click like a mongoloid for the first 10 matches or so. Then I started getting one-shot most of the time.
56% but it feels like I'm stuck on a hopeless team 75% of the time
hidden mmr
you played against shitties at the start
54.5%. Sometimes I feel like I'm well below .500, but the numbers say otherwise.
>Does this game give you some hiper armor when you first start out?
Fucking Souls drones using terms they don't understand because they saw it in /dsg/
Wew you found me out good job.
If you're winning about half your matches the matchmaking is doing its job.
no, this is every match, no balance, notable rock paper scissors, so the game tells you to swtich every death
Like ASSFAGs it's intentionally designed so that no one is good or bad.
How long does it take you to get put into quick play, Sup Forums?
It takes like 5 minutes just waiting around for me.
>playing a match and pick Widow
>other guy picks widow and doesn't want to switch
>no one wants to heal
>change to Mercy
>team is actually fucking retarded
>Our Widow keeps rushing up to the front and getting killed
>doesn't even attempts to go for their widow
>Their widow suppresses like three of us
>Our reinhardt doesn't want to protect us
>Our soldier keeps rushing up and getting shot to pieces
>they cap both points in like under 2 minutes
>Bastion on our team has the nerve to say everyone else was shit when all he did was get shot to death every five seconds and set up in the most retarded spots
>call them retarded
>Tank never stays on the objective
>Team never pushes the payload back
>Snipers never knock out turrets
>Assassins think they are meant for the front line
>Team isn't going to have a healer unless you are it.
I'm starting to hate this game for the same reason I hate MOBAs
let me laugh at your stupidity
Explain how you think the dev can manipulate win ratios if you're present for every game you play and it's a 3rd grade math equation to get the percentage?
>want to play Overwatch with Sup Forums
>also want to fap to favorite camgirl
>shitty wifi will only allow one or the other