Your not the only one suffering from the SJW menace Sup Forums

Your not the only one suffering from the SJW menace Sup Forums

It's infested everything that's for sure.

Fuck off.



Marvel comics pander to everyone. This has been the business model for decades. Then after a while they write things to piss off those fans they just spent years pandering to. Marvel does this every year.

A company founded and run by Jews is full of SJWs?!

man, comics were infested w/ SJW shit LONG before vidya was. They fucking came and the entire comic industry rolled over and took it in the ass. Fuck, I think that fanbase rolling over is what's caused all this nonsense.

Opposite. A company of JEWS pissed off SJW's who are angry on behalf of all jews.

you literally are the sjw menace.

This please

What happened now?

What's sjw about this

comic books are the most SJW thing that exists

but comic writers are hacks they actually deserve to get fucked

I don't think this is sjw crap as much as not wanting a beloved character become a parody of itself.

>Heroes become a black guy
>Male heroes turned female
>Shitty writings
>Hero turning bad

a numale writer made a "mistake" and twitter is on a witch hunt

so much for the pandering eh?

this isn't even vidya

captain America turned out to be a Hydra agent the whole time. His parents were hydra too.

Comic creators have stated many times that they do things that will deliberately piss people off because it boosts exposure and sales.

have you been to Sup Forums? They literary defend stepehen universe as best cartoon ever made. its lost cause, comic is already hive of SJW

>hero has a heel turn
>people flipping out like its somehow new

Have these people just started reading comics a few years ago?

Apparently Captain America has been revealed to be a double-agent for Hydra. Anyone with a brain who actually reads comics knows this is just a stunt to pull in more sales and it'll turn out that he was just pretending to work for Hydra to fuck them up or some shit.

shit non vidya thread
ive seen better vidya related threads get deleted
shit mods sage
Sup Forums sees its population increase 3x over during the summer and they spill out of the containment board

Go back to your own board, newfag.
You're on Sup Forums, go cry about your social faggotry somewhere else.

>Ask for context
>Get more vague shit
I want the full story senpai

signs point to it being mind control or a memory wipe

That sounds interesting though. Why are people mad? It's not like things in comics stay permanent.


>They literary defend stepehen universe as best cartoon ever made
I don't go to Sup Forums quite that much but I do enough to tell that this is certainly not the case. In fact, just posting a Steven Universe image is prone to make people flip out and cry tumblr, like they do with pretty much every new cartoon.

I don't read comics but it seems like OP's tweet is complaining about a questionable story direction and it has nothing to do wish social justice.

are you really this desperate?

that is it nigga

only drama that happens on twitter is sjw shit

This. What the fuck.

It's another fucking pointless publicity stunt, and angry neckbeards are swallowing it whole.

I don't see what this has to do with SJW. People are complaining about a stupid clickbait change to Captain America. It has nothing to do with gender.


Yeah, nothing new there. I wonder how triggered these fags would get if they saw Legacy part 1 from Superman TAS.

>tfw no gf

report this shit non vidya thread
take this summertrash to the containment board

SU isn't the best cartoon ever made, but its hardly bad. idk why it gets so much hate

People still read comics?

Why? Manga and Webtoons are legitimately in every way superior.

I still don't understand how anyone ever cares about anything ever done in mainstream comics

Shit is literally guaranteed to be undone by the end of this very same arc. Same shit when cap died, did anyone genuinely believe that was a thing? It boggles the fucking mind.

This shit happens constantly
No capeshit is above it, but more importantly who gives a fuck

Spotted the sjw


Because Sup Forums likes to read into shit too much so they have an excuse to accuse it of being tumblr.

no one cares /r9k/

kill yourself

Yes. it's all the people that are suddenly (weve been fans all along) that have only seen the recent movies.

>that shitty 3d model background

Captain America was recently revealed to be working for Hydra all along. Hydra being the organization of literal Nazis that he's been fighting since his creation as a character. During the comic it was shown that Captain America was inducted into Hydra at a young age and all of his previous comics were just him in deep cover as a double agent.

A writer has even come forward saying that it's the real Cap, and no cloning, alternate universes, or mind control is involved.

People are getting really pissy and it's a blast to watch unfold.

They wouldn't care because of the "Superman is boring" ideology they all seem to share despite knowing jack shit about Superman.