DVA is useful.
DVA is useful
She is, actually.
Yeah as a cum dumpster maybe
-for sex
>mfw rocket right into widow's face and blast her with my canons 10 times in a map and her team mates complain their sniper was useless all game long
D.Va's actually really cute. I don't say that often about video game girls.
>there are people that don't main D.Va and spam winky face non-stop
Whoa. I-Is that a Wasp skin?
She is best on that map
Psst! Hey, guys. Do you have any Overwatch lewd pictures?
That's not the best Wasp
I want to impregnate Hana Song
We already have a tank and you don't do as much damage as actual damage characters
We're essentially playing one man down because you are here.
Mei stole them all
>none of them have any victory poses
>or skins
fucking pathetic
Best skin since her hair's in a bun so it looks like something she'd have when blowing you
I like her Junker skin because it's one of the skins that could be a different character.
A QT Aussie girl that makes her own Mad Mech outta scrap
I just got the Junebug skin for her and now I want to git gud with her.
How do I play her?
Yes she is.
You just need to know how to use her properly.
>6 Reinharts all being shield buddies on the cart
>having a blast just smashing into them repeatedly as D.va
Also, 6 D.Va in arcade is the funnest.
>Press H to fuck Hero
>boost top top levels
>jump behind enemy lines
>shoot squishy characters up close in the head
>use defense matrix
>boost away
>all that pouting
Yeah, her being listed as a Tank is slightly misleading. She's not really built for pushing steadily like the other tanks, but for a sudden flank to scatter turtling enemies, punishing a sniper and/or wiping out the supports she's gold at that.
>bastion camping
>boost in behind him
>hit winky face emote
>blow him up before he can realize it's D.Va time
think we faced you today
you got absolutely destroyed
I love DVA but you guys are retards
not what shes best at either
Her best move is to rush down a point, and use defense matrix to force the defenders to abandon their chokepoint so the rest of your team can walk in
No sir, nuh uh nothing to see here
>you came to the wrong payload, motherfucker
The listings in this game are terrible.
I really hate this character
I'll play literally anyone else
Not really no. She's still a tank because most of her health is armor which mitigates damage by 5. Also an ability that makes her invulnerable from the front and no reload short range shotguns make her extremely good at taking damage and fucking with enemy formations.
I'm the same way but with Zarya
fuck that annoying butch-looking dyke tumblr enabler
I'm very relaxed when I play video games but retarded teammates turning the enemy Zarya into a death machine drives me up the fucking wall
I have never encountered a good Zarya, she just seems bad.
I absolutely smash her with Reinhardt, it's not even funny.
>It's a "turret Bastion shoots her shield" episode
she's not even tumblr, she's just the stereotypical "russian woman stronk", just as every character in the game is a stereotype. The only off-putting thing is her stupid pink hair. A true tumblr character would be a landwhale that rolls around and shouts really loud for abilities. Making a modern art piece about shoving cans of macaroni up her vagina would be her ultimate.
>Hated Zarya before the game
>Actually enjoy playing her
>All her skins are fucking trash except the ruskie one
>1000 coins / legendary
why blizzard
>not maining zarya
>not shielding your team mates
>not getting fully charged
>not graviton surging the entire enemy team and blowing them away with your laser
>it's a "bastion keeps pressing LMB when genji press E" episode
I swear some bastion players are retarded.
>take Bastion on hanamura
>well positioned, knows when to not fire and move
>Huurr hard holding LMB uh? noob
>He takes Bastion on their defense turn
>totally rekt him with McCree
>being cancer and shielding bastion as reinhardt
>we also have a mercy damage boosting him
>see a genji trying to flank
>get on mic and tell bastion not to shoot, I'll hammer time him
>drop my shield
>bastion lights up genji who reflects
>kills all 3 of us
Nearly punched my fucking monitor
>Russian nationalist
>tumblr character
>Tumblr goes on and on about fat shaming
>tumblr barely fucking mentions muscleshaming
>REEEEEEEE Tumblr get your characters out of my gaaaaaame
I love this shit
>annoy the shit out of the enemy team with pharah
>enemy takes pharah
>goes up high and starts shooting at me
>jump right above her and kill her in two rockets
fuck widowmakers though
I dropped her "Arctic" skin earlier today famalam
She's fun to play and can take a trukload of damage.
Mei doesn't have a bulldyke haircut with a shitty fake hair color
Do you guys open up your loot crates right after you get them or do you save them up and then open them
>tfw computer is a toaster
>tfw can't appreciate D.Va's beautiful self
>got her ruskie skin by chance the other day
winky face
The point remains that we don't even know what the fuck we mean by Tumblr anymore. They're more about Mei's fat nerd shit than Zarya's but Zarya is tumblr because we like her less. Nice memes kid.
>mfw headshotting Pharah with McCree
>Defending tumblrshit
Play at a lower resolution with higher settings then you spaz.
can't hear you over the sound of my lazer
Zarya's a fucking dyke with a stupid hair cut/color and disgusting voice.
What more do you need
>lowering rendering scale
play in 720p baka
>playing with interpolation
Favorite Dva skin.
Her vanilla one is the best desu
>Reinhardt lived
Also that ult wouldnt have hit anyone with the bus right there. That D.va is a maximum shitter
>Sir, permission to leave the station.
>For what purpose Master Chief?
>To give the Covenant back their bomb.
She's useful for busting a nut, thats about it.
>That D.va is a maximum shitter
Didn't you notice the Xbox prompt?
>He's never dunked on fools coming out of that spawn by boosting it into the air just outside the door
I think the thing I find most attractive about D.Va is her hair. There is just something about her mid-back length hair with no accents that gets me going.
It is good that most of the porn of DVa has her getting raped by my main Roadhog
>All D.Va's on PC are good
there was an attempt
I actually have, and wont the match with it. The difference is I flew above them from behind something and dropped it right into the middle of em so they couldnt react fast enough
That D.va is a dumbass who thought to just let it glide along the ground where everyone could see it so she could get the ebin killcam BM
Why do I keep experiencing players online who seem to do way too much damage with certain characters? D.va and Tracer to name two.
Like, i'll play D.va, be right up in someone's ass hitting them dead on with her shotguns, but I barely do any damage. Meanwhile i'll have a D.va meme up to me and shred me in a half second.
>work my ass of in a match
>even get play of the game
>everyone gives votes to dva even though she has shit like "stayed alive for 2 minutes"
git gud
>half the cast has short range hitscan weapons
I think this is my major problem with overwatch,
Don't go solo.
Fuck off you attention whore.
The upboats do nothing besides serve as dickstroking
>enemy d.va
>just fly around and shoot her mech
>mech dies and she hops out like a headless chicken running around full panic mode
d.va players are trash
I watch their killcam and they actually hit me less than I have hit the same characters and usually from a longer range, though? It's like they have a damage modifier. It isn't headshots, either.
You lost?
I think you just perceive time differently between shooting someone and getting shot by someone.
She looks like Dexter's sister.
>Fuck off you attention whore
I don't play dva
>All D.Va's on PC are good
I am
man you're probably right but it feels so good to blow up a highly guarded checkpoint
or those duels where you they overextended while you lost your mech and your gun outputs a ton of damage 1v1
or facetackling far off targets with my shield up and focusing my damage on their face
she fucking sucks at defense though, people need to stop that.
d.va players mechs are like bulls eyes for missiles.
>trusting Kill cams
literally git gud. the situation you are describing is literally impossible, they just are outplaying you.
maybe so
>not actually getting kills with the pistol
On the other hand, it's super satisfying when Road Hog hooks your ult.
>mfw didn't realize until earlier today that D.Va is a play on Diva
Carbon Fiber.
I really hate how the other mechs ruin her beautiful long hair
How does this make you feel?
>people still dont emote or bind a quick voice line after every kill
I just got 10 votes after getting a 5-kill death blossom POTG. I did save the game with that ult but I still think half of them voted for me ironically and I feel dirty
>dying with it
>that shitty framerate