>American level
>burger music starts playing
American level
>Sup Forums level
>stale memes music starts playing
>German level
>ISIS music starts playing
>OP level
>Barney music starts playing
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
What in gods cock is going on?
How do you people find out that OP is a barneyfag
>any level
>something topical or relating to that level starts playing
fuck off frogposter this thread is shit
because he was the one that posted it
this is now a barney thread
Because OP's pic is a gif, and if you click on it and wait long enough, it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
>japanese level
>he still shills this shitty meme
click on the op gif dude im actually more shocked that barneyfag know that it was a pony pic
Post yfw you are not Barneyfag
>Nam level
>"I am not the one" starts playing
>he actually still thinks this
Wow, go die any time m8.
Fuck off and die brony.
We all can see the unique post count, it doesn't go up when you claim to call out pony posters.
>he actually still thinks this
Because we all know its true
I really want all these degenerates to FOAD.
It never was, that's just more delusions on your behalf.
Again, more delusions.
>barneyfag level
>samefag music starts playing
This is Amethyst, voiced by Michaela Dietz
I think you might've been hallucinating.
>any place of south america level
>mariachi music starts playing
Read the filename moron.
The real barneyfag has been rangebanned.
Fuck off with your SJW: The cartoon shit.
reeeee barney
I'm still here, I just hate degenerates that much.
It's always been like that.
>click image unknowing of barneyfag
>just a pepe, click back
>see this reply and click image again
>suddenly Starlight Glimmer
>special ed level
Yeah, I really do hate these fucking degenerates.
Kill them all.
>club show
>saying this as if it's a bad thing
Last one I went to was Vital Remains and Hate Eternal a couple weeks back. Shit was fun.
Unfortunately for you, posts ending in repeating digits are disabled on Sup Forums except for "00".
I once got hexts myself.
>Barneyfag is somehow more autistic than bronies
It's impressive, really.
Not really, I'm not the one trying to shill my shit outside of containment.
Because bronies aren't really autist, they are try hard wannabes, the posers who arrived late to the party and are just in to feel like special snowflakes.
I hate Steven Universe, but I'm not autistic enough to watch it and study every fanbase meme out of hatred.
Oh, they're degenerates either way and I hate their guts.
Exactly, unlike other autistic fanbases, bronies have no talents or even real autism, they are just degenerate failed normies.
I'll have to if they're going to constantly break a rule made to contain them.
Looks like she needs to go on a diet
Aren't you breaking the rules
This is why they deserve execution. Gas them.
Really, kill them off.
That was Darkthrone's worst album.
Okay, bull shit, detecting the obscure fan art was one thing, but this just makes it obvious that you post these threads too.
Thread theme
How? I could spot their shit from a mile away.
I also have an RSS feed that shows each thread as they're made.