Post yfw enjoying your vidya, ignoring all e-celebs and SJWs

Post yfw enjoying your vidya, ignoring all e-celebs and SJWs

Other urls found in this thread:

>enjoying vidya

>not enjoying vidya

feels aight

news flash: "gamers" are dead.

>translating rocket slime 3 while playing
Very comfortable





>alt-tab to Sup Forums while eating
>never go back


>Overwatch (fuck you i like it)
>Total Warhammer

I've never played so much vidya in a month.

Vete a la barriga seƱor Verga!

>playing comfy nip games and not caring about all the fotm garbage on Sup Forums

>tfw I finally outgrew the childish urge to waste time playing videogames

>tfw games are getting boring
>i have nothing i want to play
>when i start something new i drop it after 30 minutes

help Sup Forums

me on the right

try reading a book

>tfw enjoying vidya while occasionally taking time to watch some Criken2, MightyJingles, Sliphantom, Vinesauce (Vinny, Joel, and Rev)
Currently playing overwatch. I was worried about the whole sjw fiasco but now that I know Blizzard was actually stealthily making fun of them all along, I'm enjoying it. Pharah, Roadhog, and Genji are the most fun to play

>Even the dog knows that he's been cucked into raising a niglet

Life's great when you play vidya

Good times friend.


I have a toaster so I'm all out of fucks to give about fotm shit that needs GTX900000 to play. And I'm ok with that.

I hate e-celebs, anyone trying to spoonfeed me thoughts as if i was mentally crippled needs to get shot, woudn't you agree?

>enjoying things


is that pamperchu?


So has this guy's cancer killed him yet?



>playing through Doom 64 and new Doom at the same time

Feels excellent dude.

>enjoying vidya

radioactive microwaved piss and turds have only made him stronger

>tfw manga got no sequel with monster dick younger brother

Feels bad man

>mfw able to enjoy playing overwatch even though random people on the internet think it's shit
Feels good to formulate your own opinions. I love vidya

> post yfw when you let a bunch of babies ruin your hobby with their "progressive" ideas while they bully developers into agreeing with them or being shat on by the corrupt media
I just don't understand why people can't see this is just like Jack Thompson all over again, except this time instead of the media laughing at anita they respectfully nod in her direction and agree with everything these shitty tumblrtits say because it's the PC thing to do

I'm enjoying my vidya AND me e-celebs and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

That fucking screenshot of that guy's forum posts are the only thing I've seen on Sup Forums that actually make me feel unwell.



Video games are fine for me, because I'm a poorfag that mainly plays PS2 games and the old PC games my shitty laptop can run. I've been getting into the Shin Megami Tensei series lately, it's pretty great.

I don't play video games.

try doing other stuff so when you play videogames it becomes fun

Post yfw enjoying your e-celebs and SJWs, ignoring all vidya


poorfag here. if i can get enough ti invest in a modded system i pirate the shit out of whatever I can.

It's my solution.

>mfw enjoying Fire Emblem Fates while Sup Forums loses its shit over the localisation

The worst part is that for someone to have taken that screenshot and posted it on Sup Forums, they browsed the same forum as pamperchu. And even that guy who probably has similarly fucked up fetishes even thought it was too far.

That reminds me I never finished Revelations. Guess I just got bored, made it to chapter 25 and then just kind of stopped

>tfw making content for long dead game that SJWs and ecelebs have hardly acknowledged if at all

There are shops where I live that sell PS2 games for a couple of quid each, so combining that with Steam sales, I don't even need to bother pirating stuff.

>tfw avoided the overwatch threads for a while
>tfw I finally checked them out I found out Sup Forums thinks the characters I like to play ( and Zenyatta) suck
This is what I get for forming my own opinions.

I'm pretty baffled the localization caused a bigger uproar than the game being split up into 3

>I don't even need to bother pirating stuff.
lucky you. Wont be that way over in my area that's for fucking sure.

Best i can do is invest in a modded system and pirate. As long as the system doesnt break I'm safe

>enjoying vidya

>tfw I have no idea if these groups of people actually hate me or not IRL because I never leave my room

Does anyone else feel like this place fucks with your attention span, and as a result, your ability to enjoy video games? I have trouble focusing on anything after spending too much time on Sup Forums.

I'm sorry to hear that user. The best solution here is to not give a fuck.
Also Lucio on KOTH is the most fun I've ever had

>play vidya
>find a thing I dislike
>immediately put the controller aside to check if people on the internet shitpost about it

>finally started playing Dark Souls 3 this past week
>been playing 4-5 hours each day and loving every minute of it

it started as me playing games and having Sup Forums open on my computer to the side

and then it turned into browsing Sup Forums with a paused game sitting at the side

I fucking hate video games and myself for spending money on them

I only buy games, I never play them. I wish cars were my hobby instead like my big brother. Maybe after college I'll show some self control



>he doesn't pirate his singleplayer games

what's the point I wouldn't play them anyways

all I get out of gaming is the satisfaction of buying and collecting things

Want to get it but fuck I want it on one cart not two.

I'm physicalfag, I doubt they'll release it on one cart the way it should have been.

>Mfw enjoying Xenoblade Chronicles X as Sup Forums goes apeshit over MUH CENSORSHIP OFFLINE MMO >WII U SAWANOOOOOOO

Also fuck paying 80 dollars for collecters edition and 40 per cart.


>came into the thread hoping for a Megamilk dump
Fuck you OP you got my hopes up for nothing.

fuck you

>tfw no lewd shenanigans with your onee-san

Playing through Wolfenstein TNO for the first time. Just got out of chapter 13. I'm loving both the story and gameplay. Really makes me wanna get D44M

You should get The Old Blood first

LPers, e-celebs and SJW made me despise video games. I seriously can't stand a single video game developer. Nobody does anything out of the box of risky anymore and it's just fucking boring.

Fuck everyone who enjoys modern video games.

I feel a bit bad for people who get distracted by bullshit so easily.

Already beat it.

Got them both on sale and played chronologically because I heard it was a prequel. (I know that's probably going to upset some people.)

Man, fuck you and fuck videogames.

My name is egoraptor and i would just like to say that jontron can suck my big ol cockity cock.

so.. i was in this thread, the other night. and there was this guy who was enjoying vidya.
a bit weird, innit?

I'm too behind on my backlog to keep up with all the bullshit drama. GTAV is pretty nice so far.


>tfw got a job
>tfw vidya is more fun now
Feels good.

This. Any time someone posts that image, I have to fap to it.

Is that from super? Idk if I should actually give a fuck about super or not ssgod os retarded designwise and I have next to no interest in it.








Creating a thread about something you're ignoring isnt really ignoring it sorry to say champ

>I was worried about the whole sjw fiasco but now that I know Blizzard was actually stealthily making fun of them all along

>He doesn't support the social justice movement in video games