ITT: Computer builds
What are your specs?
Upgrading anything?
Making a new build?
I'm making a new build and wanted a look on what current setups are like since I last looked.
ITT: Computer builds
What are your specs?
Upgrading anything?
Making a new build?
I'm making a new build and wanted a look on what current setups are like since I last looked.
Currently nothing left I want to upgrade. Feels good. I'll probably wait a few years and do a full Intel build.
2500K i5 overclocked to 4.5
16gb ram
250gb SSD
500gb HDD
Just upgraded from a GTX 460 to a 980 Windforce for $300 off Ebay. I think I got it at a pretty good price.
Please don't use my computer as an example
Intel Core i7 6700K
Corsair Hydro Series H100i 240mm Liquid CPU Cooler
MSI Z170A-Gaming M7 Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB DDR4
Intel 540s Series 1TB M.2 SATA SSD
Western Digital WD Black 4TB
Corsair AX1500i
CoolerMaster CM Storm
Waiting for watercooled 1080 but currently using a 980 Ti
I'd bought some zip ties and velcro strips a few weeks ago, aiming to get some cable management going but kept putting it off. Finally sat down and actually did it today.
i5 is OC'd to 4.5 and am currently waiting for the non-reference 1080 to release before upgrading.
>currently waiting for the non-reference 1080 to release before upgrading.
Fuck, someone who is getting a 1080 that isn't braindead.
>People will actually buy the founders edition
I have an 8350 running @ 4.5 on stock voltage with pretty decent temps and I fucking hate it, I'm switching it out tomorrow for a cheap 4690k + mobo I found locally.
Tons of areas run in the low 40s in Dark Souls 3 which is pretty frustrating considering I have a slightly OC'd 390X. I can crank it up to 1440p and it'll make no difference, I have a friend who beat the whole game with a 390 + 4790k at 1440p and he said he never dipped low enough below 60 for it to become noticeable. Shit like AC:Syndicate and Crysis 3 also chugs along at times.
Admittedly this doesn't happen in every game and the majority of them tend to run fine for the most part but the few where it does get bad makes it annoying enough for me to change my CPU in order to get consistently good performance across the board.
I'm totally rooting for AMD and hoping that Zen isn't bust but everything they've put out between the Deneb Phenoms and now has been so dreadfully bad. Their GPUs are rock solid from my experience, though. Better at every price point except the top of the high end where the xx80 Ti and Titan cards reside
I really hope AMD comes out with something great, even though I'm an intel/nvidia fag.
It would at least force them to become competitive instead of releasing the same shit every few years with minor improvements.
God I hate being in canada where prices are fucked.
2013 toaster
i5 4570
MSI B85M (works, could be better)
Asus HD7750 (terrible)
Corsair VS450 (had issues early on, nothing lately)
>Making a new build?
When I got the money.
>4gb ram
>3016 - 1000
Nigga it was 2013
Also it's enough.
built this back in January, pretty much my first pc. Any recommendations? Seriously considering getting a 1080/1070/980ti
>Any recommendations?
Roll back to Win 7
What's a good graphics card that's cheap and gets the job done?
(Intel CPU (kind of old))
I don't need anything too good I mostly play dota2 csgo overwatch civ and a couple other games.
What would you guys recommend for me?
never had it to begin with on this pc, windows 10 was free and I wouldn't trust a cracked os. I'm not having any problems with 10 personally. Is there any reason you're recommending 7, other than the hating on windows 10 meme?
Any R7 or R8
nothing worth while to upgrade
You could go for the new GTX 1080 but it'd probably be a waste of money since you've got such a good card already.
Looking to replace my Corsair 600M as there seem to be a lot of problems with them, then I'll probably upgrade my GPU in a year or two.
Have an AMD FX-4100 cpu
8 gb ram
amd radeon HD7850 card
I run Overwatch at 720p with the lowest settings to play at 60-70 fps.
what would be a good 400 dollar upgrade to try and play overwatch at the max settings? or close to it? should I just upgrade cpu, all etc.
Is there a build within 400 bucks I could make? maybe get the fx6300 or i5? should I bite the bullet and get Nvidia? (I have never owned any nvidia card)
going to wait for zen release before i build a new computer
Probably today i will get i5 6500 and gtx 960
>wouldn't trust a cracked os
>but I totally trust an os that is literally programmed to be full of spyware and malware sending my personal info to Daddy Microsoft
Seriously fuck right off
what do I care if somebody at microsoft gets copies of my porn?
That's what I have I can run most games on high with few things tweaked and get 60fps
>What are your specs?
2500k @ 4.2
16gb ram
>Upgrading anything?
>Making a new build?
I'm very content with my pc right now.
Built it last summer and don't have a reason to upgrade anything.
not posting until I see a rig worse than mine
Recommended builds for $900 ish? i have no idea what to pick
I just finished this build today. I just need to get one extra SATA cable for my optical drive. It's my first build and first desktop in 10 years.
>have a GT 330
>wanted to get either a GTX 960 or an AMD 380
>not sure if those GPU'S will even fit well since my ram slots are so near my GPU slot and they seem a lot bigger than the one I currently have
Can't download speccy currently.
i5 3570k
8 GB DDR3 ram at 1333mhz
GPU was a 660ti until it borked.
3 HDD: 128gb, 1TB and 3TB
take a pic
Forgot to add that I received the warranty in full for the 660ti and am waiting to buy a non-reference 1070.
challenge accepted
Can't buy shit at the moment, bu i might be able to build a new one in a few months, only 400€ tops though, and i have no idea what to get and where to start...
sorry guys i had to publish mine i couldent get it to save a pic.
but i love what i got tho.
Great man
I need to get more storage
Maybe 2 4tb HDDs or something
Had a 9800Gt for a good 3 years.
Solid card for it's time.
Switched recently from a AMD to Intel Processor.
Best decision I've ever made.
Their GPUs are fine though, don't be a bitch.
HGST Deskstar 5K3000
One of the best HDD there is.
Would recommend over any 4TB HDD.
I love to spend some money on new parts, but I gotta admit my build is pretty much finished.
I'll be buying a new wireless headset, speakers and an XBox Elite controller next.
I'm thinking the Corsair Void for the headset, anyone has any other recommendations for wireless ones?
I was recently thinking of getting myself an external HDD enclosure with 4-5 bays. Something like pic related.
My PC. I built cheap. Spent a little over 400. This PC is just a placement until I decide to build again.
New monitor
New keyboard
250D was a mistake.
That new keyboard better be mechanical, boy.
user, I'm still using a first gen blackwidow.
I wish it would die already.
Wheres a good place where i can pirate some ram?
Don't get a gaming headset
Don't get a wireless
Get a pair of headphones
Get a mic like a Zalman or Modmic
i5 6500 BCLK oc @ 4.2
16gb dd4 @2666
R9 380 slient
Corsair Force LE SSD 256
old ass HHDs 500gb x2
Not bad for a new budget build the gpu is fucking silent and I can't hear it even while gaming at night and I had a gpu die from the fan not spinning once so i've been on edge. Will upgrade to a new nvidia gpu later on when I get a better job or something.
I'm tired of wires. I want out, I need to be free.
Dem temps
Well rip I dont have any suggestions
Just be ready for it to always be dead or having to constantly buy batteries
I guess you could get rechargeable batteries still a hassle
I5 4690k
R9 270x
8gb ram
240gb ssd
Im gonna buy the new amd card when it comes out. Or the 1080, I dunno yet.
I5 6500/4460
Gtx 970
looks like a prebuilt (who would buy a 330) so I wouldn't suggest the 380 most of them are fucking HUGE and require extra power. Also most gpus dont have bulk on the back so worry about where the pci x1 slots are ehich you aren't using. You should be fine but I would look at you psu and measure you case.
an R7 360 or a gtx950 would be you best pick
>received the warranty in full for the 660ti
What do you mean? Also do cards have warranty that long or was it extra warranty that you purchased?
8gb ddr3
radeon 5770
seagate barracuda 1tb
Next build maybe this fall:
16gb ddr4
radeon r9 390x or nvidia gtx 1070 depending
samsung 850 evo 250gb
seagate barracuda 1tb
-Any input on future build for tweeks?
My card had a 3 year warranty from MSI.
2 Weeks before it went out, i sent it back due to it borking and they gave me back what I paid for it.
>3 years
I'm going to be upgrading to the 1080 hopefully.
Going to wait for Evga
Built this 2 years ago. Thinking about upgrading the RAM and getting a GTX 1080 when non-reference is available. Thoughts?
Asus M5A99FX PRO R2.0
FX8350 @ 4.6 GHz under a Corsair H80i cooling
Palit GTX 770 Super Jetstream
8gb Corsair Vengeance
I'm fine for the most part, but my shit is clearly outdated as far as new games are concerned. Currently playing Witcher 3 on high settings, v-sync on and hariworks on high with 2x AAq and it runs quike alright. I never experienced any trouble in Crysis 3 as some user said above.
Should I fall for the 1080/Polaris meme or just wait it out a bit?
Corsair H80i
Corsair Vengeance 2x4gb 1866
ASUS Maximus VII Hero
ASUS Strix GTX970
Samsung EVO850 250gb
Seagate Barracuda 1tb
EVGA SuperNova 850GT
Corsair Vengeance C70
Overkilled it as I was overly excited to build my first PC after getting back from Germany. Thinking about downgrading it to an i5, then using the i7 to build a new mini-ITX for when I'm traveling out of town.
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($300.97 @ DirectCanada)
CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-U12S 55.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($79.95 @ Amazon Canada)
Thermal Compound: Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 3.5g Thermal Paste ($5.98 @ DirectCanada)
Motherboard: MSI Z170A GAMING M7 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($282.98 @ DirectCanada)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($74.88 @ Canada Computers)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($117.97 @ DirectCanada)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 980 4GB Twin Frozr Video Card ($629.99 @ NCIX)
Case: Cooler Master Storm Trooper ATX Full
Tower Case ($179.99 @ NCIX)
Power Supply: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($164.98 @ Newegg Canada)
Optical Drive: LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer ($65.09 @ DirectCanada)
Total: $2077.76
This is going to cost me an arm and a leg. Should I do it Sup Forums? Should I downgrade for an alternative? I have a USA PO box I can send stuff to so maybe I can save 40 bucks here or there.
>$65.09 Optical Drive
For what purpose?
Id like to get another mobo because mine doesnt have as much pcie express slots as id like
I was looking for the ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 but ti seems they dont make or sell them anymore and I dont want a new cpu because mine does fine.
user, can you justify that mobo,psu, and the case? Also, why go for a 980 now?
Got myself a Qnap TS-431. 16TB of Space.
They can get really costly but if you live in a house with multiple computers. For me it's me, my son, and my GF. Networked torrents are good that way we're not all downloading duplicate shit.
>that build
>those prices assuming its CAD
>that case
Mobo, PSU, and case for future expansions.
Although if I'm going to be building with future in mind, I should drop the 980 for now. You're right.
>Cooler Master Storm Trooper ATX Full
Fuck that case. This is the one you want. It's got probably the best airflow of any case.
It's not pretty, but it's got excellent space for cable management and great airflow. Plus a lot of room if you plan on watercooling.
It's starting to feel its age now, after 4 years. Considering buying something to replace it, desktop or laptop either.
fucking CANADA
and holy shit plextor is available in Canada
980 is shit compared to a 980ti, either get a 980ti right now or go budget with an r9 380/x and save up for 1080ti or Vega
fuck the windowed case
Wait for the GTX 1080 for about the same price, and everything else people have said and you're good.
the 1080 is 1k CAD right now
>980 is shit compared to a 980ti, either get a 980ti right now or go budget with an r9 380/x and save up for 1080ti or Vega
u smart
I've never actually seen a Haf-X without the window.
Thanks guys. I'll adjust my build.
Got a budget? Get the best one you can. But for DotA and CSGO the 750 Ti is OK.
$100 GTX 750 Ti R7 360
$150 GTX 950 or R7 370
$175 GTX 960
$200 R9 380 or 380X
lol I didin't even pay 1k CAD for my 980ti and the 1080 isn't much of an improvement over the 980ti
And I got a lot of free games with it.
u right
fuck the blower cards though, I'd rip that shit off and stick some big ass raijintek morpheus fans + heatsink on it
depends on your power supply, did you buy some OEM pre-built shit that would go tits up when you fiddle with its bits? get a 750ti that doesn't require a psu connector and sucks power off the mobo pci
What are some things I can adjust for this one? I have a monitor already but it's 1440x900.
Can someone smarter than me explain this
>microstutter on the whole system
>after some time pinpoint it to my router
>use ethernet cable
>use wifi
>move router 5 meters away
I'm glad I finally got it working but I'm interested if someone knows the logic behind this shit?
I dont know enough about $400 builds.
If you can save up more money, Why dont you buy a graphics card now? Then when you buy a new one system, just move the GPU.
AMD for best color? That's the first time I've heard of that. It's probably not true.
600 Pound build, used my old GTX 660 in hopes of pascal being affordable and it actually is.
Going to be getting the 1070 and then I'll finally be finished.
Temps are starting to act out of the normal because It's finally starting to heat up in Ireland.
It's probably not the router at all is my guess.
Too much pressure on the CPU can fuck up your memory channels and produce stutters.
just look at this, throw in what, 15% in taxes? and that price balloons to over 1k
If you ever plan on watercooling then you'll want to go with a large case. If you don't plan on it, then it's a decent build.
looking pretty good. But why founder's card? I suggest waiting for better 3rd Party ones. They are cheaper.
Waiting for 1070
In hindsight, I really should have gone for a bigger case.