There's literally NOTHING wrong with snipers in any multiplayer shooter
Prove me wrong
You can't.
There's literally NOTHING wrong with snipers in any multiplayer shooter
Prove me wrong
You can't.
Oh shit user get do
yeah there is, their are mostly usele
Low risk high reward what's not to like
>doesn't push the objective
>redundant class as their role usually comes down to counter-sniping
>almost never supports the team
>go-to class for casuals
>getting killed in one shot from somewhere nobody should even be is anti-fun
fuck snipers
The role of a sniper is to pinpoint vital targets--realistically this would mean fixed machine guns, enemy snipers, high value targets, &c. However, in video games, the things that I mentioned
>fixed turret = fucking useless bullet sponge for enemy team
>enemy sniper = just as useless as you for sniping
>high value target = literally anyone
So no, snipers are fucking wastes of oxygen for the most part
>doesn't push the objective
What about when it's a team deatchmatch?
There's nothing wrong with snipers, but there's everything wrong with the KD whores who choose to play snipers and refuse to support their teams.
Too bad there definitely something wrong with sniper players.
>playing the gamemode equivalent of 2fort
>Implying snipers can actually carry the team
Maybe in TDM. but in objective based modes you fuckers need to get your thumbs out of your asses and PTFO.
God I fucking hate snipers so fucking much. I wish more games would put sniper limits.
>but there's everything wrong with the KD whores who choose to play snipers and refuse to support their teams.
That is the problem with snipers. That's all they are.
theres absolutely nothing wrong with hitscan based "skill" gamepl
Like, can you not?
>like, ugh
You best be ironying, my boy.
i, uh, dont know how to turn it off :\
There would be nothing wrong with snipers if people played them correctly, but they never do, they always sit in the arsehole of nowhere helping no one but themselves, when they should be used as infantry support and recon. But nope, they just sit on a hill shooting at stranglers because they're fucking useless.
more squids would be nice
And if they aren't doing that, they are engaging in a stubborn sniper war with each other.
Bed time i think.
Remember to keep reporting Pedo weebshit.
Mods are more likely to just purge a thread than ban and delete the offending posters/posts.
>Load up Bad Company 2
>Get into server
>Arica Harbor, fuck yes. Time for fun.
>Our team is spawn trapped
>Both teams are pretty much nothing but snipers
>One guy complaining about how much our team sucks
>He was a sniper
Fuck snipers.
A good sniper is the greatest asset to your team. A bad sniper is the worst waste of space possible.
I'm inclined to agree, so long as there is ample room for sniping.
Games with small multiplayer maps like CoD and the like have no business having sniper weapons in their games.
Bullshit, snipers are the worst fucking thing to ever h-
Yes they do, they're fun.
Did you guys not hear me the first time?
I said report pedo weebshit. Why is this still up?
Its only an issue when there isn't some indicator you're being aimed at. Feels cheap as fuck otherwise.
It's fun for the sniper, but only the sniper.
MW2 had some real good maps for sniping. Wasteland was MOAT for sniping.
On the topic of Splatoon, they're proof that there's something wrong with snipers in multiplayer shooters.
Fucking Jap E-liter niggers
>buys a game to sit in a corner
>shoots the occasional wanderer that walks down a hall way
What's going on in this thr
>team deatchmatch
kys m8
Who would win in a fight? Candlejack or a sni-
>you guys
honestly the pedophile is more charismatic than you
Thanks mods.
Candlejack's pretty strong, but who's sni-
If youre good then it's okay, most people are not.
Haha, good one.
I was charasmatic enough to kill a pedo IN THIS THREAD. What have you accomplished? Haha, kill yourself.
Apparently you didn't
he stopped with the squid and now he's broken out the hard stuff to spite you
I hope you're happy. I'm not happy. Squids are cute.
fucking normie, that's not how the Candlejack meme wor
>Happy that some weeb retard has commited suicide out of raging and will get a ban from the mod that cleaned up 5 seconds ago.
Yes, I'm happy.
Wow, kill yourself.
I wish that other guy would keep posting. i always lurk threads like these to expand my reference folder.
play RO
you usually have 1 sniper per side, and they end up playing their role as a result
>implying he hasn't already been banned and is not ban evading
>does not know about the IP counter
dumb newfriends
I do. It's literally one of the only positive examples of sniping and it only achieves that because it artificially limits the number of snipers on the field at any given time. Most games don't.
You have to be autistic
If a game has a sniper available off spawn, the game isn't worth playing.
In Red Orchestra if your sniper isn't doing their job (taking out enemy machinegunners and engineers, typically) you will lose. With that said, most times new players will instantly select the sniper slots and waste the entire game being a useless shit on both teams
Hitting quickscopes in Splatoon is one of the most satisfying things ever.
And I hardly stack that much damage.
Would you happen to know what manga this is from friend?
>low risk
>high reward
>low risk
>low reward
>tfw you found a clan because you were the only person to drop in on their open scrim night and actually play sniper right
Tell me how you feel about the AWP in Counter Strike.
tokyo ghoul, it's not very good. if you want a good manga with great art go for vagabond or anything by inoue really.
no wait i was wrong. it's "groundless" I only download images for references so I usually don't know where they're from most of the time.
The AWP is my gunfu.
Snipers in Counter Strike are interesting because they (paradoxically enough) aren't even used like snipers the majority of the time.
They serve a role more comparable to slug shotguns
Thanks man. For a second i was like "Tokyo Ghoul? Was there a scene like that in Tokyo Ghoul?"
>tfw I'm the player Sup Forums hates
I could not give a shit about the objective if I tried. I just want to do whatever I feel like, most of the time that's constantly flanking with an smg/shotgun but sometimes I feel like sniping.
If snipers actually did the job that they were meant to do (that is, killing high value targets such as medics, really good players and people around the objective) then I wouldn't say anything about them. The problem is the sniper class in games is usually played by people who don't like dying and want easy kills, circle jerkers who counter snipe, or morons who think "I HAVE A GUN SO I SHOULD RUN AT THE ENEMY".
You can quickscope in mw2 though. No need to sit back.
Especially on console, the autoaim turns them into shotguns that can kill at any range. Never understood all that quicksoping montage shit, quickscoping is piss easy on consoles. Isn't particularly difficult on PC either because the bullet always lands dead centre of the screen.
I wouldn't mind if they were covering for the players pushing the objective but mostly they're just trading kills with enemy snipers
dont play bad games.
Snipers are fine as long as they also make use of their role as recon and actually spot enemies or counter snipers.
What makes snipers cancerous is quickscoping, statistics and the whole concept of "skill" and the urge to show off your e-penis in videogames.
>Never understood all that quicksoping montage shit
>quickscoping is piss easy on consoles
But that's the point. Most montages are done either ironically or by clueless underage children.
That's why people do Tony Hawk sniping. To make it somewhat interesting.
>mfw i play sniper in BF
There's nothing more satisfying than skirting around the enemy, setting up a spawnpoint behind, then sneaking around shooting people in the head and ghost capping objectives while my squad parachutes in to raise hell. Anyone who thinks recon classes are useless is a shit player. Taking out enemy equipment with MAVs, setting up mobile spawns, and generally sneaking about can make the difference between an easy win and a crushing defeat, especially on quick objective gamemodes like rush.
>flank enemy
>start picking them off
>they all get drawn towards me
>tell team when to push
>team has free objective
>enemy team just keeps throwing bodies at you trying to take you out
>just keep fucking with them and they just keep coming for me
>taunt as much as you can
That's how you carry as a sniper. Just make the enemy team expend stupid amounts of resources on you and frustrate them.
Agreed. beacons are great and if you use recon tools right, they are very helpful to your team.
in Ghost Recon Phantoms, semi-auto snipers are actually good at suppressing and locking an area down
snipers are only fun to use in games where the map isn't small
also you generally need good aim. battle rifles are a better alternative in most semi realistic games (not cs go)
Most games have only super long range bolt action sniper rifles unfit for the usual medium or small maps with few good spots for shooting, this forces snipers to stay behind and be useless since their 12x optic and 2 second delay between each shot with no chance to hit a target using hipfire offers no safety from anybody at anything but a static safe position.
If more games included DMRs, semi auto battle rifles and lever action rifles that had good accuracy and reasonable optics like 4x, OHK headshots with a moderate rate of fire intended for medium and long ranges instead of super long ranges, then maybe snipers could do something aside being useless.
The sniper role is crap on most games, Sharpahooter/Marksman is what should be the norm, except maps are made for Sharpshooters, but the weapons on most games are for sniping