ITT: games only you hate.
ITT: games only you hate
I'm with you, OP. I like most of the Zelda series including Majora's Mask, but for some reason I could never get into OoT, even as a kid.
witcher 3
>get Epona
>don't ride near holes in the ground
>afraid I'd break the horse's legs and never get another one
my GOD, I am so SORRY for you.
It's pretty boring m8
This game almost put me to sleep because of how boring it is
Plenty of people dislike Bioshock 2
which upsets me, because I think it's the better of the first two
LOL pls be true
Unpopular Opinion: just about any game released by Bethesda during the 7th gen has been unpolished and glitchy as hell. Anyway this game is worse than sonic 06 because at least I wouldn't get my save file corrupted
>inb4 morrowbreakwind fags create shit storm
Planescape: Torment
I'm actually with you on that one, man. One of the most overrated games ever, easily.
Nobody on Sup Forums will defend this game
What's to defend? It's in most people's top 10 most played whenever there's a steam profile thread.
Im just going to ask what specifically?
shit combat, poor animations, too much reading
Fuck this shitty hiking simulator with shit combat.
lore isn't as engaging as people say
hasn't aged well and looks like ass
combat is ass
slow as fuck
story is ass
progression is ass
characters are ass
oh god no, this game is fucking awful. Let alone its quake 2, but it controls like absolute ASS on the 64 controller
Everyone tells me my opinion is wrong but I think SoTN is just too easy to be fun. It looks great, it's animated well and that's about it.
>Witcher 3
Quite a few people hate it tbqh senpai.
Every MG games except MG2 and MGS
Fuck this bug ridden overrated trash.
This game was so boring. I never liked open world games, just the concept of them made them sound like shovelware. But i went ahead and got this game last year because everyone was saying it was the best thing ever.
Still fucking butthurt. Open world games, never again
That's a piece of my early adolescence there, man. Don't make this personal.
meh, was a lot slower and boring than i imagined it to be after years of hype