You could totally beat up a horse

Look, if you can dodge every attack from every boss in Dark Souls just by rolling, something every fairly fit person can do with ease, I see no reason why a fairly fit person couldn't kill a horse with nothing more than some brass knuckles. Think about it: bosses in Dark Souls have decent AI and tracking abilities - once you learn their moves, they become a very doable challenge. A horse is much dumber than a boss and they aren't even aggressive when you first see them, so the first few hits are free while it's stunned at the fact that you're punching it in the face, and we already know the limits of horses and their movesets, so they can't really pull any AoE surprises. The only difference is you can't parry them, but even then, most bosses can't be parried.

Prove me wrong and explain why I can't beat up a horse. Oh wait, you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

>needing brass knuckles
unlike sonic i don't chuckle

>Videogame logic applies to real life

A horse will fucking trample you man. You can't inflict enough damage with your hands to keep one from bowling you over and stomping you to death.

Sure you probably could KO a horse if she had her guard down, but could you stop a charging horse with just fists? Maybe could get a hit in but the horse's momentum would definitely knock the fuck out of you.

Guy who worked on a horse ranch here. Horses are assholes, they are the wasps of livestock. They exists only to fuck up your day. Do not ever, ever, ever go behind one because its just waiting for its chance to kick your brains out of your ear. And be fucking quick with your hands because the fuckers bite and they bite hard. They bite like they are trying to get a god damn chunk of your flesh.

If you're a human and you think you can 1 v 1 a horse. Just stay the fuck away it doesn't end well for you

No, you would roll out of the way, like you would for any charging attack. The horse can't turn on a dime, so you'd have a couple seconds to get some cheap hits in, then roll away in preparation for the next attack.

Depends on the species of horse and your fitness level

You might be able to sucker punch a small horse and knock it out, but it's not very likely even then. A horse would probably just run away from you before you could knock it out.

You're assuming I'd try some idiotic tactics like going directly behind the horse. Dark Souls bosses consistently punish you for going directly behind them - the secret is to stay on their side and strafe them. A horse would be especially vulnerable to this strategy.

How do you plan to deal with the fact that it can just zone you out all day and never engage

FUCKING THANK YOU. I grew up on a horse farm and they're fucking awful beasts. Surprisingly fragile though. Like feed them buttercups, or let them drink a little too much. They'll fucking die easy with that. I work with a few bitches who are like "OH I LOVE HORSES" "Really, have you worked with them?" "No but they're beautiful and gentle." FUCK THEM ALL.

I can aggro it by kicking dirt in its face.

The real questions still need to be answered.

What are your stats (you fit?), are you going out there with any protective items, what kind of boss arena are you fighting the horse on (a bridge or hallway and your fucked), do you have any items that impact I-frames or distance on your roll?

>Kick dirt in its face
>It gallops away and stays out of your range
>Any time you try to get closer it just stay out of your range

Now what? Think you can out run a fucking Mustang?

If I have a high enough Charisma or Deception can I seduce the horse?

They aren't the fastest in turning speed, but they also don't have to do a full stop just to turn. You won't be able to catch the fucker. Assuming you both would be outside with a wide arena, the horse could just try to trample you over and over until you get tired of evading attacks.

I kinda want to see OP fight a horse.

>Dark Souls bosses consistently punish you for going directly behind them
>what is stray demon

Could a knight take down an angry horse?

Actually, I don't know shit about horses, could a pro boxer feasibly knock one out with brass knuckles if they had a free hit?

>punch a horse in the face
Have you even felt how solid a horse's bones are? A punch isn't gonna do much but piss it off. Enjoy having a hoof rammed through your skull

Thank you OP, I need it this thread. I sure think you can a beat a horse with the right tactics, but how bout 2 horses?

It shouldn't be too hard to level up fast enough to beat up a horse I don't think. You could just go in the barnyard and start killing level 1 chicks, then level 3 chickens and work your way up.

>explain why I can't beat up a horse.
Because you're morbidly obese

Holy shit, I'm laughing so hard at this retarded thread. Thanks OP, I needed that, had a shitty day.

Pretty sure a boxer like mike tyson could do it.

I would assume, given the advantage of surprise you might be able to choke a horse but it'd be difficult. Punching a horse's skull would be like punching a rock though.

Someone post that webm where a deer kicks the shit out of a dog.

a knight with a sword could 1 shot the sucker while it runs past

a fighter maybe if it was young rampage or chuck liddel and knuckles

Negative. Most boxers are trained for sniffing out a weakpoint then peppering it. Few of them can deliver a one punch knock out. You'd need a Bruce Lee tier one inch punch to break down a horse in one blow

Anyway, you should go for the knee. If you can injure its leg, the fucker is at your mercy

Yes, but can you defeat a bull using the same tactic once you practiced enough on horses?

Brass knuckles only, final destination.

This guy gets it, just punch the shit out of one its knees. It has four of glaring weak spots, shouldn't be too hard to take out one.

Deer are fucking scary man. You can never tell when they're just gonna flip the fuck out likes spergs and then you're gonna be the faggot that got killed by bambi

Brass knuckles were mentioned. I think that would even things out.

Animals are pretty good at reacting. I tried petting my Cockatiel and it would lash out like a viper in millisecond it saw you coming.

Now imagine that with something that could actually kill you.

Can an adult male in peak physical condition with a baseball bat 1v1 a deer?

They just charge forward man, you just have to jump over it or roll.

Has anyone here ever been around a horse? The horse doesn't want to fight you. The horse is a huge fucking pussy and it will dart off at the first sign of confrontation.

>Brass Knuckles

If we're giving OP brass knuckles we have to give the horse brass knuckles in the interest of fairness.

Yes you can stop a horse with a punch to the head my dad did it once

Don't horse shoes count? I'd imagine they make getting kicked by a horse significantly worse.

what if instead of a horse is a pony?

>31 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
>none of you retards are saging
This is why sage belongs in the email field, so that newfriends can learn.

Italians have gotta be pretty stupid to think antagonizing a bull is a good idea.

brass hooves

>Dark Souls
I play MonHun. Great Sword user. Pretty sure by comparison a horse would be a joke

You get to pick if you want to be the dude in the bottom right, or any of the guys getting gored in the nuts. Think fast, a bull is charging at you.

leave those poor horses alone man, jeez!
you guys are ILL

i kind of doubt this though, a proffessional boxer could probably punch the horse hard enough to knock it out since he would have the element of surprise because on a clean hit those fuckers can hit devastatingly hard.

maybe, but you would have a problem even getting close to it to punch it. A horse would just run away if it sees you and a horse has a 360 degree field of vision, and an acute sense of hearing. They also have faster reflexes than a cat

Dont call your mom like that

Best thread on Sup Forums currently you faggot, go ahead and return to your 19th overwatch thread though


>Do not ever, ever, ever go behind one
then how am I supposed to have sex with it?

How do you not know it's the Spanish

>beating up a horse
What the actual fuck is wrong with you op?

Spain, Sorry.

Still, Spics are just as stupid.

>email field
user give it up, it's gone, everything is gone. i've given up on Sup Forums and for your own sake you should too.

you could just follow it until it is too exhausted to move and punch it's head in

You have sex with the sheep, they will faint on you before fighting back.

That guy is being gored through the head AND sodomized, isn't he?

holy shit i just saw this thread the other day. I hadnt seen any documentaries in a while and only now realize how fucking right it was about american ones.

the constant dubbed in horse screeches were fucking ridiculously awful

but ya dam a horse can fuk u up

Yeah, I think I've basically proven that I could beat up one horse, but this is an interesting question. Could I beat a Horsestein and Neigh? Probably, but it would depend on what happens when I kill one of them. Does the other get angry at the death of its horse friend and become more aggressive? If so, that could pose a problem.

well that's basically how early humans hunted so I guess it would work.

Guys some horses are assholes but pls don't bully them there are some really sweet breeds

This is OP's mind

>Prove me wrong and explain why I can't beat up a horse.

Your right, I can't, go do it!


Only way i could feasibly kill a horse with my bare hands is to make it choke on my arm like that one guy did to kill a bear with no weapons. Get on its back, hold on for dear life with one arm and stick your arm in its mouth.

Either that or try to make it fuck its legs up on something

How... do you train a horse to just throw itself like that?

is it true that if you ride a horse hard and don't cool it down properly it will die?


But could you beat up a coyote?

It was real. Animals were killed in that movie.

If you got a really clean kick at it's knee you could probably break it or dislocate it which basically is a death sentence for a horse.

>Equinecutioner Neigh

OP, I think you COULD kill the horse, but why?
Why not convinced it to join you instead?

You can't just defeat every wildlife by rolling.

fight it like this fucker

>Can an adult male in peak physical condition with a baseball bat 1v1 a deer?
I really wouldn't want to try, its an animal with almost as much strength as a horse. This is why we have guns.

The thing is that the youtube video linked isn't from an american documentary, it's from a shitty show called "most shocking", not to discount the fact that american releases of documentaries are fucking embarrassing. I still feel 3rd hand anger for David Attenborough for all the great narration he's done that gets dubbed over because American cable networks thinks we're too retarded to understand what he's saying.

I don't think I could beat up this horse.

>needing a gun

Horses are too stupid to join pacts. If I kill it, I get Soul of a Horse, and Horseshoe x4. This is really a no-brainer.

>sage belongs in the email field
there is no email field, I miss it. I also miss visible sage.

>someone makes a thread begging for a dota 2 beta invite
>sure I've got one, just send me an email
>they mouse over your name to see your email

Thats because that horse is shit senpai beside Miia is better

>dubbing english with english


Horses don't understand English.

You fuck.

Neigh you couldn't.

I'd her horse, if you know what I mean.

You realize that worked with weapons right? An animal that's 10 times your weight will still have the advantage whether it's tired or not


but coyote are pack hunters so the real question is could you beat up a pack of them

fuck off you horseloving dickslut

But I speak Japanese and Spanish too.

Miia a shit.

You overestimate American TV audience, whose general consensus is that the Big Bang Theory is still one of the best primetime TV shows 9 seasons in.


try this

yes, doe pussy

Therr are people who killed BEARS, bear-handedly, and you're gonna flee from living roadkill when you're armed with a bat?


I have a chance it'll pussy out as soon as I get a good hit on it, everything else will murder me to death

Bear of course, bears can't bite through metal.