What happened to Valve and the PC gaming industry in general Sup Forums...

What happened to Valve and the PC gaming industry in general Sup Forums? People genuinely fork out real money for a different color weapons and gamble more than the game's price only to get shit items. Are you one of those persons that contributes to this cancer?


Its because people feel a need to brag, or have some sort of "status" to uphold.

If you get sucked into Cosmetic/Decorational crap, congratz on being a NEET. Literally no sane functioning human would spend $230 for a Rainbow colored Gun skin.

You could buy a real gun for what some of the fake shit goes for.

>being poor and not having the newest cosmetics

Once you realize nobody gives a shit about what your character is 'customized' to be you realize how shitty and annoying the custom shit is.

Valve atleast makes all the soulhouettes stay the same with dota.

Blizzard makes all their heroes unrecognizable with their skins. Its really annoying. Wish you could just hide them.

Valve went into the trash.

FIFA points are some of the most cancerous too.

People are retarded, more news at 11.

>my friend used to waste like 30 bucks a week on those cards
>his parents were rich and it barely even mattered to him
>mfw growing up barely paying rent

>it's okay to spend hundreds of thousands on paying for online and amiibo locked DLC
>but some random person buying gun skins is the bad guy here

Greed and Valve's libertarian idealism of automating content creation and handing it off to users. You saw this immediately begin with paid mods: most of them were just swords and armor packs. Valve popularized gambling in non-mobile games and it's infecting the entire industry now.

This shit is doubly bad because it used to have an exploit (on PS3 at least, possibly 360) that let you purchase ultimate teams with somebody else's credit card info just through PSN.

This is a very small sliver of available PC games. It feels to me like AAA gaming in general has a nasty business model, but that is also a very small sliver of available PC games and doesn't bother me to much.

>paying for online
This grants me infinitely more positive things than a Re-Skin of a weapon/character ever would. Not sure why this is a valid argument point.

>buying Amiibos
They were collectable, physical, real Items that would alter a game in a special way. They werent expensive, and were marketed as a Toy/DLC thing. So not much better, but atleast its not restricted to a fake reality nobody cares what you look like.


That shit that nostalrius fags complain about when they say "That feeling you get when you saw someone in full t3 knowing it was hard to get"..

they monetized that feeling.

>This grants me infinitely more positive things
Oh yes, Sony losing my credit card info and getting me banned because of it is surely a positive thing. I'm glad my money went into security measures such as "putting my passwords and credit into into wordpad".

>They were collectable, physical, real Items that would alter a game in a special way.
Why was it locked to a toy that I didn't want? Why should I have to buy it? Unlike reskins and cosmetics, this stuff locked content behind it, like entire game modes. This was in addition to digital DLC, making it worse as a whole.

I don't like it as well nor do I use them (I don't even play multiplayer Valve games), but you have to admit that it's an incredibly genius idea that Valve has conjured up. I mean for fucks sake, it's making them MILLIONS by just changing or adding graphics.

>paying for internet
>paying for a computer
>paying for electricity
>paying for food

Kill yourself.

>crouch in real life to crouch

The difference is that, on a PC, I only do that once. With consoles, you're doing that twice.

And for what? "More secure online"? "Not laggy servers"? """""Free"""""" games? Because the execution of all three of these promises has been lackluster.

By doing which they destroyed that feeling. Nobodys going to admire you for wasting money on a skin. It's not hard to get, it's just stupid.

>people pay money for a flashy item
>at most people just look at it and say "oh thats cool."
>somehow this pleases people

valve learned how to make money off of very stupid kids and manchildren who play outdated games

there's always been good and bad multiplayer games. cs go is just another bad one


Counter Strike is a good multiplayer shooter though. I know it's meme to hate Valve and their games and all, and I agree, Valve cosmetics system is cancer of multiplayer videogames, but the game itself is pretty good. Again, not talking about the community or business model or whatever. The game is and always was good.

>Call of Duty: Valve Edition

This video never gets old
The music synchronizes so well with it too

gaben got wealth, aged, threw in the towel
next generation ideas for next generation buyers

Valve struck gold and they've been corrupted ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if they never make a single player game again.

Except they are completely literally fucking different in every single aspect except being a multiplayer shooter set in modern times.

They're both brown first person murder simulators that emphasize realism and killing and making sport of it. That's the biggest problem that both of them share. It's a degradation to our society.

Honestly admiring anyone for getting anything in a game is stupid. Valve just found an easier way to make money doing it.

>threw in the towel
You say that like he wasn't always a money-grubbing butt-hole.

Valve realized that they could make money hand over fist doing very little beyond hosting game files and providing a storefront.

Now all they need to do is dump a F2P turd every 5 years and have cute little skins for it and maybe the occasional week-long mode added around holidays.

They are the definition of "victims of their own success." Just look at pictures of Gaben circa 2002 versus pictures of him now - he doesn't just look ~15 years older, the spark has gone out of his eyes. His soul was stolen by Steam, and until he cashes out his billions and goes to found an actual development studio again he will suffer.

Xbox Live has like half a million secure and reliable servers. You get free games every month also. It's not too bad.

they are both twitch shooters that value reflexes higher than strategy


All his videos hit the nail on the head for everything wrong with the industry.

I don't think it's stupid though. If its something that required effort and/or skill to get I don't see a reason why admiring it would be stupid. It's not different from any other hobby really.
Except when it says "look, I spent more money on this game than you" instead of "look, I'm skilled/dedicated to the game" it loses meaning.

You should really play games before you talk about them imho

>tfw I've bought hundreds of games from the money I got selling hats and gun skins to kids

Don't knock it till you try it senpai.

I purchased a few keys when TF2 updated with contracts.
Then I realised what a faggot I was being and just what it is I was spending money on after already spending a fiver as buy-in into the contract and stopped. Next contracts, I'm just going to buy the pass, because they're fun, and try to immediately sell whatever cases I get. If you do it quick enough, you can easily make back the money spent on the pass.

I have

They found they could make money off paid mods and microtransations because despite all the banter, PCfats are toolbags like mobile and IOs players

First, that isn't a bad thing at all, they are shooters, not strategy games.
Second, thats false, counter strike requires great deal of strategy, at least compared to call of duty.

Sierra died.

It's stupid because the difficulty of getting it was predetermined by the developers, and it's value is only worth as much as the players put on it. Also, one could argue that shoveling thousands to get an expensive ugly skin does show dedication.

You should really play games before you talk about them imho

>at least compared to call of duty
>requires great deal of strategy

more than an average shooter, but people make it out to be something that it's not

pc gaming is dead

Why is it Call of Duty: Valve edition then?
You can't even compare those games, they are almost different genres.

I used to be
I've spent thousands unboxing and buying hats, though I got my keys from a third party rather than valve
Being fawned over and treated as a god because you have a burning hat on your head was a way to wash over my depression, as well as the gambling. I undoubtedly had a gambling addiction

Do I regret it? Yeah, I ended up getting fucked over in the end and lost everything, not to mention it did nothing for my mental health

that wasn't me. but it is still a twitch shooter with a cancerous fanbase and same theme

Yeah, but when I see guy with full T3 on Vanilla, it tells me he's quite dedicated, probably good PvEr that takes the game seriously and spent months or years to git gud. I can admire the player for he's better than me at the game.
When I see guy with le epik rare unusual glowing particle pink top hat with custom name it only tells me that he spent fucking 100$.

I used to be. Stopped when Valve started selling access to community made maps.

It has been taken over the microtransaction, which personally I believe was popularized by console games (360).

All really Valve is now is a gambling and auction establishment that happens to run a computer game distribution business.

I think maybe Ubisoft and EA tried to work against this by putting out UPlay and Origin, but both publishers are just genuinely terrible that they managed to get the majority of players to ignore or refuse to use their services.

Valve has always been a shit company. They stole mods and charged for them then introduced DRM that no one wanted and didn't give a fuck about how badly it worked for like 10 years. I remember back in 1.6 when I couldn't access my Steam account for about a week straight (it was a global thing).

Fuck Valve, they are far worse than EA and the like. Origin is a hundred times better as a client and their support is much better aswell. They just don't have the Facebook aspect so aspies won't use it.

Love how it's only white, scrawny dudes? Meanwhile black dudes are out fucking white women. Just rofl.

>What happened to Valve and the PC gaming industry in general Sup Forums?

Now im foggy on the timeline but here's the jist.

Made a bunch of money on HL1. Mods become super popular.

We wanna make HL2 and other super popular things. How do we do that?

Lets use psychology to figure out what people want. Hire a bunch of psychologists (theres articles about that shit) and do focus group testing till your anus bleeds (they talk about their tests in director commentary).

Then you get the current shit which exploits the fuck out of people's love of dopamine and dopamine accessories.

I guess that's just you then. Never played vanilla, but in other games, when I saw something like say, hyabusa or flaming recon helmets in Halo 3, I'd just say "k", because it's just pixels on a screen that has only as much value as you're willing to give it.

Besides, the two are very different. It's like comparing a buff guy to a beautiful woman. The guy may have worked hard to look good, but you still can't say the girl isn't pretty just because she just spent $300 at macys to look that good.

Not much different from mobile games, the whole unregulated gambling thing. It's heavily augmented by the streamer generation though where overdone reactions are what draws in viewers.

can you fuck off back to Sup Forums with your shit

No, the value is determined by how difficult it is to obtain said item.
It doesn't matter how the item looks like.

>black people
>affording pc
>affording games
>affording cosmetics

And the difficulty to obtain the item is decided by the developers, and I'd rather have a good-looking item than a "rare" item that's only liked for being rare, which could be made common at any point in time if the devs ever felt like doing so for whatever reason.


Can you hotglue a gun skin? I didn't think so.

But i like old and new games it's great.

If there was a way to prove you got the item "before it was cool" than nothing changes. Otherwise its a poor decision that devs shouldn't make.

i just realized after about 2 years that ive been getting 'trading cards' just for playing shit on steam, went through and sold them all on the market and made about ~$15. im not complaining.

Initially, it seemed like Valve were passionate about good gaming experiences. However, they possibly realised they wouldn't be able to meet those expectations for the forseeable future.

So, instead they found a solution to ensure their place on market: Steam. They had the foresight to see business going online.

Honestly, It seems frightening how the industry is grativating towards monetizing any potential need. Financially, it makes great sense. For the future of gaming though it doesn't.

Personally, I fear the extreme focus on monetization will lead to severe consequences to the industry. The way its working, at the moment, is already showing red flags.

At this point I'd claim a large amount of developers manipulate gamers, not only Valve.

It also looks like Valve keeps their Half life IP as a fail-safe trump card should everything turn for the worse. They'll keep waving that a potential Halfe life 3 as long as necessary.

I'm not questioning whether or not it would ever change, I'm stating that its value is nothing, and you and other players are just placing a sort of pseudo-worth on it just because you like the game.

Nope. That's just as stupid.

>Are you one of those persons that contributes to this cancer?
>tfw have over 2000 hours and have never put a cent into the game (beyond the original purchase)
I don't see why faggots get sucked up in all this ugly cosmetic shit.

people moved in, it took longer than consoles but it happened

Neither of those are OK you bellend.

>free games
Something you can only get with a subscription service isn't fucking free.

it is all ugly
why would I want my gun to have rainbows and pizza and shit on it?

It only makes sense in the mind of a man who values his e-peen.

What game is this from?

>piss filter and text
>shit graphics

I'd guess New Vegas

i got some damn mac 10 skin after making a sacrifice to volvo :(

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard

Sadly, the money is in social experiences. Developers realised that multiplayer can channel a consistent cashstream.

Sorry senpai, how have I offended you?

I guarantee you 80 percent of the people buying all this cosmetic DLC at full price are previous consolecucks or teenagers with their parents credit card.

>wasting money on impractical, non-functional pixels

I think the bigger problem on PC right now is EARLY ACCESS HURRY UP AND BUY BEFORE WE FINISH.

>Initially, it seemed like Valve were passionate about good gaming experiences.

Nah, Valve was founded by a couple of Microsoft guys who thought they could make a lot of money in games. Once upon a time making a lot of money in video games required making a good game but those days a long over.

>It also looks like Valve keeps their Half life IP as a fail-safe trump card should everything turn for the worse. They'll keep waving that a potential Halfe life 3 as long as necessary.

Last I heard Gabe mention the Half Life IP he said Valve have no interest in making another one. He said it would only happen if a bunch of employees decide they wanted to make a Half Life game on their own but they better have one hell of a sell for him and they better be prepared for micro-transactions to be a key component.

He doesn't care about Half Life, he doesn't care about games, he's just in it to make a lot of money.

What is your point, dipshit.

NV is an amazing game

I just stated facts though, it still does have a piss filter and shit graphics.

games are just becoming more and more anti-consumer now because idiots have allowed them to be. its sad
we're already seeing games launching with dlc levels for quicker experience or money grinding. then when those things exist and people don't seem to mind, now theres incentive to make the main game a bit more grindy then it would have otherwise been to encourage people to buy the dlc
it hurts the overall quality for everyone when developers feel that the best way to profit from their games is to use development and art resources to pump out as much microtransaction bullshit as possible
and we have no one to blame but the community. throwing millions and millions of dollars at gta5 online for what exactly? and then you expect these developers to make a good game when all they can think about is how rich they just got off of a few extra bits of data?
and now blizzard has just taken it to new levels with overwatch and wow and hots and especially hearthstone. they have figured out the secret. people are actually retarded. whatever value you tell them something is worth they will pay it. 60$ for you to move a bit of data from one server to another? sure. 20$ skin in our shit moba? no problem.and now overwatch. spend endless amounts of money getting RANDOM shit
and its not to just pick on blizzard either. everyone is doing it. why wouldnt they? idiots keep buying.
but anyway, as was pointed out earlier in this thread there are plenty of good non-AAA games out there that aren't trying to financially fist your anus and they are what i will be playing

>dollars at gta5 online for what exactly
For fun? Have you never played it?

...i guess