ITT: post forced Sup Forums memes you hate
ITT: post forced Sup Forums memes you hate
I would, but I don't want the ban.
what did he mean by this
now that the dust has settled
what went wrong
Protip: fuck off haha
Everything after 2010
>Undertale is a shit game but at least the musics good the community ruined it
Almost every shitty forced Sup Forums meme is actually a shitty Sup Forums meme.
Calling anything others do but you don't do autistic
Blame the consoleshits they could not handle Kojima losing out to a fucking indie game.
jojo was a mistake
Wonder how kajetokun feels about Jojo now?
the stupid mario 64 one
>Overwatch shilling
>nuDoom is trash
>Nintendo going third party
>PC master race
Each and every one of them.
ESPECIALLY shit that surfaced after ~2011.
Now that the dust has settled
>quoting 75 posts and saying "All me"
>console wars, mainly the loads of falseflagging threads
>just fuck my shit up
>Sup Forums suddenly hates forced memes
What happened?
Le healer slut maymay
The culmination of cancer.
memes itself is a forced meme
What's this?
People enjoying a game?
This must be the work of a shill!
>Le overwatch is bad and cancer maymay
>Le PC community is good
>casual games are for normies
>hardcore games are for autists
The type of person who goes off about how he enjoys "dank memes" and "shitposting" makes me want to kill myself.
>posts the japanese minions
muh (thing)
>no game does this
>Name 1 (one) thing that does this
But this is true...
>pc master race
its alright
it is casual af tho tbqh hamilia
I'd say Jojo in general after the anime.
It blew up, now Jojo shit is everywhere.
Look at /r9k/. Look at Sup Forums. Look at Sup Forums. Look at motherfucking Sup Forums. When reddit discovers a board and teenage redditards flood into it, it shows. That shit kills boards, simply obliterates what little value they had in favor of "memes" and general Sup Forumstardation. When that happens, a board is drowned in idiotic 16 year olds who aren't really interested in the board's subject matter, are extremely ignorant of it, have shallow tastes and - worst of all - refuse to self-improve or educate themselves. For them, it's all just one big joke. An excuse to post on an imageboard.
And the most depressing part is that the change is permanent, there is no going back from it. A vicious cycle is created where a board full of ignorant teenage posers keeps attracting more ignorant teenager posers, while those users who DO develop a genuine interest or understanding leave the place because they feel they "outgrew" it (and they're probably right).
The overlap between Sup Forums's and reddit's userbases has steadily been growing ever since ~2012, and it's reaching the point where the two websites are indistinguishable. Reddit has been ripping off cheap Sup Forums content since its very first day, so nothing of value lost there. But for Sup Forums, it's different. All of Sup Forums's uniqueness and quirks are being sandblasted off to make this place more similar to the Sup Forums-inspired image of Sup Forums most outsiders have in their minds. Even the last few islands of relative stability are going down the drain as we speak. Sup Forums is a prime example.
This isn't anything new, or even unexpected. The process is a natural result of the rapid commercialization of "nerd culture" we've been experiencing for the past 10 years. As more and more of their hobby is being pushed into the fatal limelight, genuine enthusiasts are forced to dig deeper and deeper to find substantial content they can enjoy and communities of like-minded people whom they can talk to. Sup Forums is just another milestone, just another name off the list.
I hate the casual is bad meme
>a game is bad because of a community
>the quality of a computer game is dependent on an outside factor that has no influence on it
It really is retarded.
>af tho tbqh hamilia
This is also a 'meme' I hate.
>a game is bad because of a community
What is a multiplayer game for 5.
>people proceed to name 57 games
>OP moves the goalposts outside of Scotland
>Implying Minions was bad
yeah i agree nigger memes are p shitty
o shit wattup
>PC has no games
How the fuck do you come to this belief?
That is different.
Undertale is single-player.
I don't mind desu senpai as much since it just sounds weeaboo.
the fucking word meme.
This place was better off when nobody outside of Sup Forums and encyclopedia dramatica actually used it.
Now it's meme this meme that the moment something is mentioned twice.
this lil nigger
>If you aren't a racist white conservative stereotype, you cannot post on Sup Forums
>some guy post non video game related picture
>thread devolves into people shitposting and/or posting pictures of traps
>mods keep it up for hours
This thread is shit
I actually like the "I wanna fuck that" reaction, it grew on me unlike Pacha
Here's your (you)
Should Sup Forums really be split
I DO mind it because you know the person behind the post isn't even old enough to legally drink alcohol. It's a constant fucking reminder in your face that you're browsing a website full of little kids.
Someone sounds triggered.
>fell for the 'x' meme
Really? This might be the only objectively good thing that has happened here in years.
>People unironicly hate the Henry meme
>Not the stupid shit with
>What happened
>How can we fix it
>Really makes you think
>What did he mean by this
I think you belong on ur safe space kiddo? Triggered much??? hee hee
Don't be such a meme user.
>happened here
Try "happened at reddit, then brought here".
Those weeks were pure hell, those shitposters were the densest mother fuckers.
No matter what you say they will always reply with a meme or call you "henry".
Sounds like the real triggered person here is you.
>Console war threads
>smug anime faces
Oh that reminds me
>someone posts something you cannot handle
>post (You) or "BAIT" in response instead of trying to form cohesive argument
This is also a shit maymay
You would think this site would be more liberal given the demographics, but counterculture is just too fucking cool, I guess.
Conservatism for the most part is just a perversion of Christianity.
Fuck u nigger i bet you use "police violence" as an excuse to rob convince stores
"Bait" is the second-worst thing to happen to the Internet in the past few years.
"Cuck" is by far the worst.
fuck you
Pepe is great
The real problem are all these faggots who keep saying "dumb frogposter". A bunch of triggered tumblrina cucks and normies who can't enjoy the sheer dankness of our rarest pepes.
It was liberal during the bush years and up until around 2012/2013. I'd say 2011-2012 it was neutral and then 2013 it became the meme that all liberals were hardcore SJWs.
Also conservatism humors the racism of the average modern channer
>the quality of a computer game is dependent on an outside factor that has no influence on it
>computer game
where did u say single player mate
wher single playr??????????????
fat being attractive.
don't put it in quotes like it's not true.
>have an aquaintance who I play games with online every few months
>he's around 21 or 22 years old
>says sm h tb h fa m on teamspeak
>says JUST or just fuck my shit up like it's a normal phrase
>animal characters make it a furry game
>any praise is shilling
>any indie game is bad
>games cannot be liked by other websites or they are bad
>threads about games that recently came out are shilling
>i don't like how many threads this game i don't like gets, so i'm going to falseflag with more threads until any discussion or mention of the game is greeted with shitposting
Nigger you couldn't even realize the post that guy was replying to was being sarcastic, you just went against someone who probably has the same viewpoint as you because you're a dense motherfucker and backed it up with a hilarious meme pic.
It's so dumb. They just hate others so they can feel some false sense of superiority.
Hate accomplishes nothing.
here's your memecracker polly, now fuck off
goddamnit tripfag, you're encouraging him
I said it after, you imbecile.
I clarified.
HAHA OH WOW Bern cucks can't be this delusional. You were never welcome here fucktard, it's not just a meme you inbred nigger.
>Any game with a female lead or a lead character that is not Aryan is an SJW plot pushed by the games developer
>game is recieved with rave reviews from critics and users
>even people on Sup Forums are having a good time
>"What went wrong?"
>game comes out
>3 attoseconds later
>Now that the dust has settled...
You didn't really question what he said you just used the meme again.
DK isn't furry because he's literally a gorilla that can't talk, and us wearing a tie. It's funny.
Candy Kong on the other hand, is clearly sexualized monkey furbait.
Says the person who obviously hasn't been here for longer than one election cycle.
I rarely see this if ever. I see people calling "furry shit" in threads of games LIKE this because furries spam the thread with porn and the general consensus of the thread is "post more mr. furfag"
Nope, barafags like DK.
Yiff in hell.
>ctrl + f 'deal'
>0 results found
That shit was retarded, so was "rub my belly onii-chan"
diaf please