What are things TF2 does better than Overwatch?

What are things TF2 does better than Overwatch?

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Have women.

Be actually fun and competitive.

Plus game modes beyond shooting/stabbing/burning/blowing up each other like surfing or parkour mods.

character design, overall style

It has a spy class

Rocket Jump
Pace of a game
Not depend on waifus to keep afloat (though there could be an argument made regarding Ms.Pauling)


have an actual theme to characters and maps instead of just random ethnicities and locations with sci-fi body parts

Character personality, movement, higher individual skill ceiling.

Not being a generic garbage.
Unique style.
Not made my blizzard.

And I hate TF2.

Seriously, how do people fall for this shit again and again. If you see the name blizzard on it just fucking avoid.

doesnt rely on waifu-bait and niggers

actually having a low skill floor and high skill ceiling at the same time

>Not depend on waifus to keep afloat
The only thing keeping TF2 afloat are jews who genuinely believe their pixels will allow them to retire once they sell them all.

TF2 is more balanced and each character has more personality.
Overwatch characters are 1 caricatures while TF2 characters are 2 dimensional cartoons.


Server - Client Performance


TF2 < Overwatch

having 5 capture point maps.

seriously if overwatch added a game mode like that id enjoy it more instead of the 5 minute games we get

Technically they can.
Burning TC is pretty expensive.
But then there's a ton of people who genuinely don't care about that stuff, as well as a ton of people who just like customization. So you might say those are the ones keeping it afloat.
As well as people who like to have fun.

Community servers
Custom maps
Game modes

More character interactions.

There's just too many memorable voice lines between classes dominating other classes in my head for me to forget TF2.

I don't understand. This black character feels genuine. It looks like a character that happens to be a black guy.

Meanwhile all Overwatch characters "of color" feel forced and shoved. Like they decided to make it black/poo in the loo because muh diversity.

team size

seriously this 5v5 wannabe esports garbage needs to stop

how can I rek people when there's only 5 people max to be rekt at any given time?

It feels genuine because a Black Scotsman is absolutely absurd.

Being weapon centric instead of hotbar centric
Having more gameplay options per class.
Having more maps
Having more game modes
Having more customization (although Overwatch skins are often more thorough)
Having a coop mode

I never got the idea of playing as "a Reinhardt" or "a Mei." They're presented as unique individuals, with their own personalities and relationships to the other characters. Why would Tracer fight Winston? Or team up with Widowmaker?

In TF2, these kinds of characters work better. I can believe that there's several pyros, several spies, several medics. They're mercenaries, and none of them has a personality where any personal tie would override a cash reward. Even though you have things like Medic and Heavy seeming a bit buddy-buddy in "Meet the Medic," I doubt either would hesitate to kill the other if enough money was on the table.

>Black Scotsman

Trading is both fun and cancer

That's because this one isn't too "overly clean" like a lot of black characters are. You know, the ones that are way too cleaned up to make sure they don't offend anyone.
Demo is a scottish drunken cyclops who blows up people for a living and says shit like "IF I WASN'T A MAN I WUSSA KISS YE"
The TF2 team held no bars when making him.

well, he's a Scotsman who happens to be black

TF2 characters are way better written

he said better

its 6 ya retard

more competitive(comparably)
higher skill ceilings
design is more consistent overall(prior to the latest updates, its all over the place now)
likable characters

TF2 beats out Overwatch in:
>Character personalities
>Classes are much more distinct, Overwatch Silhouettes are pretty confusing, Skins make it worse.
>Team Identification, Team Colors much easier to read than a colored Name
>World Building
>Server Choices, selection, Mods
>You can actually select the map you want to play
>Game Modes
>Overall Skill Ceilings

Overwatch beats out TF2 In:
>Overall Polish
>Better Matchmaking; No Auto Balance shit
>No Random Crits
>More Likely to be updated

Both games are pretty unbalanced, and both have pretty cancerous shit. But currently I'd say TF2 is the better game

>all blacks are niggers

There's no true Scotsman

Character lines are WAY more detailed. Sometimes you can hear banter in OW at the start of each match but for somebody like the Spy you can hear multiple insults for each and every domination.

It's like adding a Japanese character to a game and they're black because there's a couple black guys in Japan.

This, Overwatch would be way better with 12 players max.
I don't think you can even do that with custom games, Blizz is shit yet again.

same shit

You have to have autism to actually want to play those mods.

>like surfing or parkour mods
TF2cucks, everyone

user, Winston was just born like this

Nationality does not equal ethnicity.

>he doesn't place the stickies in the cones

>Rocket Jump
Phara has a jump and Junkrat can jump

>Pace of a game
Fucking what
That depends on how good the teams are

Nobody likes your dress-up game, cunt

Odd, but not "absolutely absurd."

Absolutely this

Overwatch heroes are very Quantity over Quality.

Whats the point of D.va when theres Winston
Whats the point of Hanzo when theres Widowmaker
Whats the point Zenyatta when theres Lucio

I think there are a lot of cases of Heroes being flat out better than another.

funny because overwatch is shaping up to be more of a dress-up game than TF2

>Having more gameplay options per class.
What is the difference between a sniper with a gun and a bow, and a two snipers with either a gun or bow?

>Having more maps
>Having more game modes
>Having a coop mode
All these took years for TF2 to get

oh wait, the "blacks" are the niggers you like, right? Fuck off, retard.

Exist ten years earlier

Nah, niggers are just uncivilized blacks famalam

>Phara has a jump and Junkrat can jump
Not as satisfying as consecutive rocket jumps

>How good the teams are
Even with a shit team, TF2 always feels fast paced. Even with the F2P gibus engi slapping the wall.

>Nobody likes your dress-up game,cunt
There's skins in Overwatch.

Getting angry won't do much for you, calm down.

Tf2 x overwatch crossover when?

>Nobody likes your dress-up game, cunt
Pretty sure he's talking about the fuck load of alt weapons TF2 has. Which Overwatch has literally none.

>what are findable/unlockable weapons


All this.

I do like Overwatch. But if it wants longevity, it's going to need to introduce more game modes, not just more maps for the same 3 modes we have now. And one of the best ways to do that is allowing community servers to do what they want.

Plus a lot of characters would really benefit from 5-point maps. Gives you a lot more options in play and naturally allows for much larger maps.

well damn son, saves me the trouble of typing all that.

Hes done too much thinking today already

>Rocket and Sticky Jump shit

Is it me or is there like so much fucking air resistance in OW, horizontal movement is really a chore for Pharah

>What is the difference between a sniper with a gun and a bow
Pretty big difference, honestly. Or are you just equating all servers as full of snipers because all you play on are Valve pubs? Either way, you're cherry picking pretty hard.

>All these took years for TF2 to get
So what? Who said the games have to compete on fair terms? OP asked a question. This is how the games are, right now, at this moment.

>pressing shift and hovering in the air
>any way comparable to hours spent mastering trajectory of rocket jumps with syncs, pogos air strafes and ammo management.

It's only a matter of time

>much more skill-based
>more reliance on aim and positioning than knowing when to activate an ability
>much more freedom of movement,
>no autoaiming weapons or abilities besides sentry
>8 white males and 1 scot have more personality than an ensemble of 21 waifus, robots, a cowboy, gorilla, and edgelord.
>doesn't take itself seriously
>no cringeworthy dialogue. (some are ok but dva, tracer, and reaper are godawfully cheesy. seriously someone at blizzard should be fired)

I'm honestly happy a company finally managed to successfully rip off tf2. now valve might finally get off their asses and fix this game.

You have much less air control in OW than TF2 even with regular jumps

because with Sniper you have options. He has plenty of weapons that offer different playstyles, same with any class.

In Overwatch you have to pick an entirely different character just to switch to that bow and you only have the bow

Everything except
Crits (which need to fuck off)
Paywall filter
Support being fun to play

I understand being dissatisfied with the launch content, but I honestly think that Overwatch is a good investment for 40 bucks, assuming that Blizzard do release content as often as they say they will.

Which I think they will. Overwatch has probably sold gangbusters, and even the relatively niche Heroes of the Storm gets loads of updates.

Pharah has a jump outside of her flight.

tf2 has the record of being the fastest uninstalled steam game for me

Memes and comics

>check trade servers
>about 3 half full ones

Why do people pretend like trade servers are such a big deal?

Character design.

Every toon in the blizzard game is literally every fanfic cliche.

because they exist and there's just no fucking way to ignore that fact, so you must complain about it

TF2 has way better voice acting than Overwatch.

Just compare them

Jump is fucking worthless for most characters, you just don't have any control in comparison to TF2

I had fun with Overwatch, but the characters feel so dead. The mercenaries in TF2 are always interacting with each other and each one has around thirty or forty minutes of dialogue - they're booming with personalities. I feel that Overwatch heavily relies on their shorts to build personality for their characters, which isn't bad but nor good as well since what matters more is what's happening in-game.

Because it strengthens their argument against it in an easy way.


the male/robot characters have great silhouettes but all the females look the same

Map Design
Having a fucking 5 cap mode
Overall the maps are well thought out with lots of options for manuvering to attack. 5 Cap is a mode desperately need in OW and would add longer more interesting games.

Cast (On a mechanical level)
Smaller team size
I think the cast of OW, mechanically, are overall great. Some clearly need nerfs, some buffs, but they did I pretty good job making most of the cast serve a purpose. OW does counter classes a bit better than TF2. This mixed with the smaller teams makes the game feel much more like a team effort and grouping with 5 other friends on mic is amazing.

D.Va has a high Armor pool which helps reduce incoming damage and armor heals 50% faster, her defense matrix absorbs literally everything in the game including ultimates as well

Hanzo excells in aggressive pushing and peeking while keeping his high DPS where as Widowmaker does her best DPS at a distance.

Zenyatta is great at focused support and healing roaming tanks that have armor (like D.va) because his heal is unfocused, his healing and debuff orbs are also animation cancelled meaning that he never has to interrupt any animation to use them. His ultimate also outheals pretty much everything in the game

The reason why D.va isn't that good is because her headshot hitbox is just too big, making the damage mitigation from armor pretty much useless.
The problem with Hanzo is that he is squishy and doesn't contribute information to the rest of the team like Widowmaker does.
The problem with Zen is that he is so fucking slow, and that the benefit of Lucio to boost flankers puts him at increased risk.

D.va, Hanzo, and Zen are all amazing characters, but have flaws that don't fit into the meta as well, making them more situational, but they are all great heroes, D.va just needs hitbox tweaking, Zen needs a speed boost or a shield boost, but Hanzo is more or less fine as is

TF2 x Overwatch PORN crossover when?

>every toon in the blizzard game
>every toon

>Phara has a jump
>She doesn't just rocket jump across the map
>Junkrat can jump
Junkrat is literally Demoman pre-nerf

Overwatch's animations will never top the "Meet The" series and Expiration Date


But do we have any news of WHAT the content will be?

New heroes will mix things up for a week or two of play, sure. New maps will be fun to roll into as well. But if they just add more Assault Maps, more KotH maps, etc, then it gets old in a single year's time.

TFC/TF2's longevity has been a bit of a different story because they were the only real arena shooters out there that weren't Quake clones.

>Black Scotsman
>The absurdity is funny and makes for a fun character

>Whatever the fuck Lucio is
>But from Brazil
>But has the design of a Jamaican
>But has the accent of an American
>And is also an SJW/hippy

It's like they said "Shit, we don't have enough characters to fill out the quota, so just mash them all together in one character".

Honestly Overwatch's characters are all fucking awful. The writing for their dialogue is especially bad. It's so plain and predictable and hamfisted. TF2 has so many memorable lines.

Blizzard can never hope to make a character to top the Heavy

Hell, nobody else can either.

Just try to name one. I dare you.

I know how silly it sounds

>Not as satisfying as consecutive rocket jumps
The satisfaction of the game should be killing and winning, not basic transport

>TF2 always feels fast paced
Considering most people here bitch about how "short" OW is, thats entirely subjective

>There's skins in Overwatch.
The cosmetic system is a lot more complex then in TF2
Which, as someone who has played TF2 since 2008, is a good thing

The weapons were either useless, radically different (which are esentially other heroes in OW), or broken

>different options

>open Sniper class
>click rifle
>make it bow

>open OW classes
>pick Widowmaker
>or pick Hanzo

Both have their own playstyles so I don't know what you're talking about

TF2 voices are so damn entertaining, I have to admit.

But Overwatch is OK in that department. Look at the bright side, neither of them is fucking Battleborn.
Listen to this shit.

Because women need to be slim and sexy.
Seriously, Sup Forums might hate Zarya for being "SJW pandering" or whatever but at least she's different you know.
The pink hair is still vomit though.

literally who

>Junkrat is literally Demoman pre-nerf
He's Demoman but more brain dead