Pour the 40s for the people that aren't enjoying themselves with Overwatch because they're hella poor, myself included

pour the 40s for the people that aren't enjoying themselves with Overwatch because they're hella poor, myself included

Other urls found in this thread:


shit game, shit dev. They killed nostalrius, how good can they be lmao.

The trailers are infinitely more fun than the game itself.

I have enough money to buy 441 copies of overwatch.
I buy 0. Because it's a shit company that needs to die.

>wahhh they stopped my illegal server ;.;

Cry more faggot

Why are you shitposting like all the other poorfags?

Game is literally a gayer $40 reskin of TF2

t. poorfag

WoW was never good.

But Overwatch is also shit. I look forward to the day we can lock these cancerous shits in their general on /vg/ and forget about them.

guys what does the 't. ' stand for?

also i can buy overwatch for you OP

Man, the game looks fun as shit.

>including myself

I don't believe you, falseflagger.

OP here, bless your kind heart if you do, I'll post my steam if you really want to.


Never forgive.

Blizzard really just needs to shut down and die. I hope EA buys them and shuts them down lmao.


Actualy, could I ask for the backstory on this???

Blizzard shut down a popular private server weeks (months?) ago. People are still crying about it.

why 'a' popular server and not all of them

Because they called the president of Blizzard a nigger

you probably have it on the gaystation


I posted my steam account though

I don't have money and I'm Canadian