Game of the Generation came early
Game of the Generation came early
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I agree, it's pretty GOAT
I know that feel
It's true
Not even shitposting and I agree
Best game of the decade
Literally the only people who don't think so are jealous pcucks
It's genuinely the closest game i've came to a 3D castlevania.
>that level design
>that fucking setting
>that atmosphere
>that combat
It's genuinely the best game i've played, Witcher 3 might have won more awards but I don't know, Bloodborne just hit the right notes for me. It was so fucking good. Witcher 3 is fun and all but the setting is so fucking generic ("b-but it's a lot darker than generic Tolkien bullshit!") that I always crave the criminally underused lovecraftian/victorian england setting found in Bloodborne. I don't know man, Bloodborne is infinitely more memorable of the two.
All I know is that regardless of which you prefer (they obviously attract different tastes. Witcher 3 leaning more towards expertly crafted cinematics whereas Bloodborne is pure raw gameplay in its truest form) , 2015 genuinely had arguably two of the greatest games post 2010 (maybe even post 2000s)
If only it was on PC for that 60fps
Bloodborne is great (minus the 20fps), but game of the generation? That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard this generation you daft cunt.
>Bloodborne is great (minus the 20fps), but game of the generation? That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard this generation you daft cunt.
Name 3 better games so far this gen with a copy of your bloodborne screencapped + timestamp.
>game should come to pc cause I watched it on youtube and it would be objectively better on PC and there is an audience for it
memes aside It will never ever come to PC. Game was co-developed with Sony
Who said it will? I only wished it was because I have a beast rig that would likely max it out at 1440-4k 60fps.
The game is fantastic and easily the best souls game. The only thing that hampers it is the frame rate imo and even then I wouldn't say it's even close to "game breaking", it could just be better
Yoshida already talked bout A PC version
i don't really care honestly. community is comfy and non cancerous and it is a better trade-off to shit framerate
Reminde that FromSoftware has two more exclusives co-developed with Sony left in their contract. PCucks will kill themselves at E3.
The fps and chromatic aberration ruin it.
>super generous I-frames
>most bosses have a weakened state for visceral attacks
>super easy to grind for blood
>most enemies have very little to no poise
>easy to farm materials for upgrades
Too easy
>"my level 300 raped the game"
Come on, bruh. The game is super easy. You don't have to over level for it. At least Demons made grass farming a set back, this game makes it easy.
Unless the DS3 DLC is soo good it makes me me cum blood, I'm gonna have to agree.
Thats not The Witcher 3
post pic of your character select screen
Got this yesterday. I beat the Cleric Beast without dying, but Father Cologne is raping me pretty damn hard. At least the game is not the kind of turtlefest as DaS2.
Also, the game says I can't play in online mode because my installation was "not complete". What's that supposed to mean?
Bloodborne was pretty good the first run but on the second when I did platinum and actually read into the lore it went to god tier. The whole damn thing is so interesting and cool on so many levels, really hoping one of froms new games is a sequel..actually that might not work
>Witcher 3
Everytime. Don't you have some waifu thread you could be shitposting in? Are you really going to latch onto a 2015 exclusive thread to fuel discussion over your meme game that is still ironically dead on Sup Forums despite having DLC releasing in less than 24 hours?
There's two installations senpai, I take it you bought the GOTY edition that was up on sale recently? Check your downloads, it's likely not finished downloading.
Can't post pic from ps4, user
Bloodborne way my first From game, so after beating iron NG++ wit the dlc and all the endings, I've decided to try Dark Souls.
>no fast travel between bonfires
>enemies that chase you almost forever
>enemies can still attack you if you are near a bonfire
>the whole humanity bullshit
>the fucking invisible ghosts you can't hit/block unless you're cursed
>all weapons feel almost as slow as Bloodbornes heavy weapons in terms of speed
>them fps drops
>that block-hit-block combat
Did the game age like shit? Or am I just a casul?
Just fucking parry his huge as fuck wind up, or get him stuck between tombstones.
if you bought digital copy it first installs the early part of the game, central yarnham. leave your ps4 on standby and let it download the rest.
>tfw recently bought the game
>already know about the Lovecraftian twist
FUARK. How epic was finding out about the twist on your own bros? It was still cool as fuck despite me already knowing it would happen so I could only imagine how epic of a reveal it would have been on a blind playthrough
I've played it blindly and I honestly don't get this whole "Lovecraftian twist" thing. Is it about how Amygdalas are hanging around Yarham, but people can't see them?
>Buy game that's deliberately against the grain of the last 3 entries and the fourth one after it
it's a pretty mediocre game tbqh senpai.
The level design is stellar up until around Dukes Archives (where it literally becomes worse than DS2) and the bosses are all pretty mediocre outside of O&S. PVP sucks donkey dick too because of all the backstab fishers.
It's a solid game, legit 10/10 for its time but it truly has aged like milk. DS3/Bloodborne are better in almost everyway.
The DLC is literal GOAT tho
The mechanics are way different.
Parry speeds work differently, dodging works differently, but there's a whole bunch of new weapons and magic for you to try out.
Also, unlike bloodborne, dark souls doesn't turn into a numbers game where bosses are drawn out and take forever.
Yes but there's SO much more to it than just that.
>Did the game age like shit? Or am I just a casul?
You're just casul. DaS is about patience and strategy, BB is about CUUUHRAAAAAZY dps.
you need to visit Nightmare Frontier without knowledge about eldrtich background to truly appreciate the twist. can't say it really takes that much. From did an amazing job with slowly shifting from werewolf hunt to defeating the Great Ones.
>numbers game
nigga u stewpod
>No fast travel between bonfires
This was a design choice. You can teleport to certain fires later. The game is connected very well to let you travel around fluidly early on.
>Enemies chase you almost forever
Not really. They are a lot worse in Dark Souls 2 SotFS I believe. But yes, expect enemies to follow you for a while if you try to run through them all.
>Enemies can still attack if near bonfire
Yes, this is intentional. You can't just run from bonfire to bonfire without ever fighting, the bonfires will disable themselves.
Pretty easy to farm once you get far enough. No need to use them constantly unless you want to coop cheese everything
>Invisible ghosts you cant hit until you are cursed
This is not true at all. You can use items to buff yourself to kill them. They are also very easy to kill by the time you actually want to kill them.
>All weapons feel slow
It is a slower game.
>FPS drops
Can't argue with that, fucking shit optimization
Or roll or poise break or outrange.
it's insane how FROM is able to make their games infinitely better with simple DLCs. i'm not buying DaS3 until they drop the DLC.
You can't get plat on second run
Requires that you get all 3 endings
>when the "meme game" has more relevant dlc than the entire souls franchise
Stay mad soulsfags
yes BB needed an early game area that was difficult to chip away at but offered great rewards
bam DLC solved the problem
don't think ds3 dlc will solve the antitwink mechinisms killing off the low level ng+ community
don't care, i never play online. was never interested in coop or pvp.
ah then you are fine!
Tho mid/low level depth 5 chalice coop with friends is a fun time on Bloodborne!
this fucking triggered me
>implying teleportation is a good thing
>implying the GOAT world design of DaS with all its interconnectedness doesn't trump the warp between far away bonfires of das2/das3/bb
>implying having enemies like the ghosts that require a certain item or condition to hit doesn't add to making New Londo that much more terrifying as an area
>implying fps drops can't be fixed with dsfix
>implying humanity is bad at all
>implying having a more heavy feel to a game based on knights and shit isn't good compared to a game based on victorian england and dodginess
>implying you are using a shield
Tell me about it
I bought the regular digital version and the download list didn't show any other files, but I'll check again later.
I get him to low health no problem, but when he transforms, he just rages around nonstop, I can't get a hit in. And I don't see how you can get him stuck between tombstones, considering he blows them away.
world interconnection is overated
its nice verticality but I would have prefered a DeS like structure with painted world like level quality
how is it overrated? The entire world is connected with itself before anal rodeo
levels run back into themselves through shortcuts and multiple zones interconnect, making running from one zone to another not as big a chore as running from one zone to another in the other games, making the teleportation unnecessary
Yes you can lol
the highlights of ds1 are depths to blightown
painted world and anor londo
the rest of the game is a blur
ill add, unless you include the dlc
(the actual satifying endgame)
>muh difficulty
PTD babby fuck off.
Bloodborne >>>>>> Witcher 3
There, I fucking said it
You're not wrong senpai. Anyone who has played both most likely prefer Bloodborne.
It got robbed of GOTY just like DS1
Will be playing this after the upgraded version of ps4 gets released to hopefully play it in 60 fps
Gameplay? Sure. Witcher is more about the great, complex, intricate, and rich story.
Bloodborne is all about the gameplay.
youd be lucky to get a locked 30
>implying this is an unpopular opinion
It's only unpopular among single platform PCucks.
Souls games usually do, they're a different niche with not enough "MUH CINEMATICS". The """""""""""""""""""gaming""""""""""""""""""" industry has become a farce
I dont think the Ps4.5 will be able to run it at 60 fps.
Ps4 can barely keep a sub 24 fps rate. a stable 30 would be a miracle.
That's not Overwatch
And? It's overwhelmingly agreed by anyone with taste or from a civilized country.
>White Frost outta fucking nowhere!
The writing is great but the story itself was the most generic snoozefest i've ever fucking seen. Bloodbornes plot is ironically infinitely more interesting
>b-but muh item descriptions
Witcher 3 will always be a fucking slog that gets forgotten for a reason. The only reason it's semi relevant now is because of the DLC. It's simply forgettable
it probly could but there is no way they will uncap the framerate
there is probly a lot of game logic tied to framerate that would break
>Witcher is more about the great, complex, intricate, and rich story.
Witcher 3 is not a single one of those descriptors
b-but muh GotY!
Not like there's been any FUCKING COMPETITION so far.
Jesus christ what a shit generation.
>complex and intricate story
Literally fucking wotm8?
Tying shit to framerate is such a fucking lazy way to game design. But since they know it wont change much.
Frankly what I'm expecting with the Ps4.5 is for them to market "4k gaming" with horribly upscaled shitfests running at the same framerate.
If there's one thing Sony is genius about is their shady marketing.
Ps4 runs it at solid 30fps, its just that frame pacing issue which makes it feel choppier
>solid 30 fps
Stop. The game rarely suffers much from the dips though. It's not a game that requires frame perfect inputs like fighting games, so it's alright.
It also never drops below 15, so it doesn't hurt much.
>people complaining about framerate
60 fps is a fucking meme
>It also never drops below 15
it can during paarl/darkbeast of loran if you try to roll thru his aoe
The game is probably the best game i've ever played. Everything just clicked with this one.
It's Fromsofts magnum opus
It's an excellent game but it's probably the most overrated game of this generation.
Probably because it is the only true killer app on the Ps4, so that doesn't help with its overratedness.
It's reaching OoT-tier overrated.
you're a fuckin meme
name a killer app on other consoles
It is a solid 30, check the post-patch df video.
It's not perfect but it's pretty good.
The neo could easily run it at 60fps if it's gpu is 2.3x better like the rumours say
I dont know.
"killer apps" are based on exclusivity and widely subjective.
Many people consider Smash Bros a killer app, due to its immense success as a franchise.
PC's Star Citizen could be a killer app if it ever released I guess? It's all subjective.
In the eyes of the actual masses, bloodborne is not the ps4 killer app, but Uncharted.
>run it at 60
Never. Fromsoft games have shit tier coding that is tied to framerate.
After so many titles in the soulsborne series why are the camera and controls still so shit?
How so? It wasn't even the primarily GoTY of 2015 (Fallout 4 won more GoTYs), if anything it's severly underrated.
What's an example of an aRPG with decent camera and controls?
Overrated on online communities.
GOTY titles are worthless. Those are just companies shelling out money.
There was a mod that unlocked the das2 framerate within a day, and das3 runs 60fps on pc no problem.
The engine is clearly capable of it.
Stop posting bs
Man , BB is the OOT of this gen
fucking overrated game
>buh muh witcher
that game deserve that praise
>on PC
Nice job, buddy.
You're expecting from to actually give a shit, go back into the game, and do a Ps4k only patch.
It would be nice if it happened, but don't hold your breath.
>buh muh witcher
>that game deserve that praise
Witcher 3 is crap. More of a movie game than Uncharted
I came early in your mother
Sony didn't just fund the game, they co-developed it.
It's in sony's interests to go back and patch it, and they could do it themselves if from is not willing
Even though I filtered "witcher" to avoid shitposting I sometimes open these posts to see if there are some reasonable opinions
Thanks to that habit I can get rid of a retarded tripfag.
>Overrated on online communities.
Ok, how so then? It's definitely in the argument of one of the best games of the 2000s. It's a breath of fresh air from most open world meme AAA trash with more hand holding than Ubishit.
The world design was fantastic, setting was unique (by gaming standards), gameplay is the best i've played in any Action RPG (possibly even Action game, period. Though Devil May Cry 3/4 is pretty fucking GOAT) and the lore/story (while very subtle and miniscule) is engaging as fuck.
The Lovecraft twist at around the half way point was also one of the biggest "Woaaaaah Shit!" moments i've had in vidya and the game just oozed atmosphere.
What exactly is overrated about it? I do agree with OoT being grossly overrated btw, i'm just genuinely curious
It kinda sets a precedent though, a dangerous one for corporate.
If BB got a 60 fps patch, most Ps4 games should as well.
I don't know how corporate would handle that.
>Witcher 3 isn't