>99% of the time he just repeats the teacher's verse
>everyone in the game is a better rapper than him
>he's still considered a great rapper
explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
All of the "great rappers" in real life are absolute dogshit who rhyme "nigga" with "nigga" while talented producers and songwriters get no credit
seems legit to be honest
He has a nice voice. Also, that's another reason why I kind of prefer Um Jammer Lammy over the Parappa games, though I did like his songs in Lammy, too.
Kanye immediately comes to mind as someone who doesn't fit your criteria.
Try again, this time with better bait.
if only the scoring system made sense
>Sup Forumsfags defending Kanye on every board
Those are some long legs
>talented producers and songwriters get no credit
This couldn't be more wrong
>playing parappa 2
>try to match the timing perfectly
>get "Bad"
>spam button prompts many times
>get lots of points
and this is why gitaroo man is better
PaRappa had to get a second game to not be a shitter. Lammy got shit done ez
I just discovered this game after seeing threads and pics of this over the years I thought it was some furry-tier indie game with a strange PC or Nintendo following... turns out its cool as shit and its actually a Sony first party game.
Yeah but read my lips faggot
Lammy is used goods
Yeah? Well PaRappa took a shit.
PaRappa 1
Lammy 0
t. Joe Chin
>hand on the chainsaw blade
Lammy why
>he fell for some shitty Sup Forumsme
Dojo, casino, it's all in the mind.
Because she's using it as a guitar, doofus.
What did he mean by this?
I am a master, and you?
> Black people
> Good at rapping
One skinny ass white boy comes by and destroys everyone and redefines the genre.