Can they please fucking nerf reaper?
>140 per shot at close range
What the fuck was blizzard thinking?
Can they please fucking nerf reaper?
>140 per shot at close range
What the fuck was blizzard thinking?
>Waaah 3 shotting a tank in 1.5 seconds is brooookeeeeen neeerrrrfffff
Fucking entitled babies I swear.
Tasteful image, OP.
>not McCree
Literally just stay at range. He moves so slowly and he's so noticeable you can easily beat him even with Tracer.
>expecting anything on Sup Forums to be tasteful
kek is this your first day?
I'll taste your dick, faggot.
just play mccree and flashbang him
or better yet stop trying to fight him up close you shitty dva main
This post confused me.
blizzard was thinking you wouldn't be retarded enough to fight a guy with two shotguns at close range
Story behind this? Obviously the unedited one.
You know McCree does 420 damage every fan and Widow does 300 damage every second from any range, right?
They're much more in need of a nerf.
>tfw I wreck reaper/anything that moves at close range with
reaper used his ulti and the security camera got all of it
columbine shooting
It's the columbine shooting.
wew lad
A great American tradition.
Why blizzard can't into original character design?
>character design
Why change a winning formula?
Korra is perfect.
Say what you want about warframe, but the only thing good about it is the designs of the frames. They loook unique and fucking fantastic, there's nothing like it.
Thanks for helping proving my point even further. Every single character is a caricature.
I'd say nerf his damage at close range and buff it from further distances. I can take out Torbjorn but I can't take out his turret when I'm the only one that can get to it.
>columbine shooting
Oh shit its a school. Thats depressing as fuck.
Must be 18 to post here.
The columbine shooting was 17 years ago
What have you done during that time?
Get a load of this newfag
i giggled for some reason
i only play characters i fap to