Zarya wants to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear

Zarya wants to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear.

>truly best girl, only plebs will disagree

>tfw I don't mind her pink hair on her base skin, but it clashes really bad with all her recolors
If only the recolors changed her hair color as well

Stop making me sad OP

So who has the watermelon pic?

God, if she just had brown or blonde hair and dropped the shitty tats, she'd be fine.


No fuck off

keep the hair short

I find it funny that even though she looks like the most SJW character in the game she is actually a huge racist body shaming Russian woman.

Not necessarily even long hair, but if it were still short and just not fucking pink, she'd work fine as a kind of female Dolph Lundgren.


>get revealed
>seems like stupid sjw pandering
>turns out she is pretty cool and kinda cute

How did that happen? And how is Overwatch so sjw free (tumblr autism aside)?

i honestly love this

Blonde is good, short is best

inb4 Sam fucks niggers kek

Go on...

Thanks, user.

nobody wants to hug me tho

It's like if Blizzard did a cartoony Ellen Ripley, honestly.

>Drop Arctic skin
>finally get to enjoy her

inb4 huur it's a FPS

Long, messy sexy hair on a woman, mixed with scars and just the right amount of muscle.

Nothing makes me harder.

jesus christ

seeing the original then this is like a reverse DmC effect.

>huge racist body shaming Russian woman
She is perfect.

>hating robots that wiped humans off a whole continent is bad

>believing in "27 billions" con
Meat, pls.

>Those tits
>With those shoulders

>tfw Zarya is actually pretty cool

She's way better with that lion mane.

Do want

Shills! Stop this madness.

They do. I've seen her with blonde and I think brown hair.

I welcome my waifu with open arms.

>dem thighs tho

>tfw the best girl is from your country
Жaль тoлькo чтo eё выкpacили кaк фeминиcткy-лecбиянкy. Ho вcё paвнo Зapя-няшa :3


My fav line
my fav pose
Zarya is super cool

It supose to be big contrast.
Midnight skin is best.


shes is brittish right? No suprise there they are all sluts.

No, she's 'murrcan

cyka idi nahui

>Tracer's blush and smile

Eeeh she so cute.

Her accent is a bit of a turn off/turn on thou.

na hui tvoya zhopa horosha :3

"di nahui pidr blja" will be better. That is you want to pass for ruskie buidlo in pubs

so it is 50/50 to be slut.


But what does it mean?

I don't even mind that it's pink, I just hate the fact that it looks like Justin Bieber

>he doesn't like pink on girls
>posts a crossdressing boy
what's it like to be a turbogay?

>No armpit hair


Yes. Which is unfortunate because sluts are cool.

>none of her colors change her fucking hair
they knew what they were doing.

The goth one


Only for hour or two.

gtfo faggit


>only for hour or two
sluts are cool for 30 or 5 minutes, depends on how fast you are and how much you pay.

sluts do it for free user.

Ho я люблю тeбя aнoн...


Nothing in this life is free.
eщё пoтpaхaйтecь тyт

Bы гoмoceкcyaл

Bы гoмoфoб.

Why not just remove the audio and post it directly on other boards?

Because too lazy to have multiple of the same webm saved.

When I played her in the open beta, I didn't care for her, none of her abilities seems to make sense to me. It was awful.

I gave her another go yesterdat, after having played a lot of Mei and Junkrat. It finally clicked. I really like her. Problem is, she's really reliant on the rest of the team not being awful to feel like you're doing anything productive. When the rest of the team is competent, she really shines. When they are ass, you feel impotent.

>People won't stop shooting when her barriers are up
>She then proceeds to run a train on our entire team
Feeding Zarya should be reportable.

>her gun becomes stronger if you cover allies with shield
>her ultimate is a giant blackhole which sucks enemies in and lets your team to slaughter them
Geeee I fucking wonder why Zarya is so reliant on competent teammates

I like this. She looks wild like a lioness.

Would you a lioness?

who is lady?

I wouldn't let real Zarya touch me with a 10 foot pole. But I'd let that wild thing break my pelvis.

implying real Zarya would need your approval to touch you with a 10 foot pole.
Or your permission to shatter your pelvis.

Stefania Ferrario

you can thank me now

Well, the point is I'd enjoy it more with the latter.

thank you

youre welcome

And I need to thank me myself, this girl...mmmm soo good.

In their defense, you have to play Zarya to understand how it works, and a lot of people refuse to even touch her because she's not waifu material, and not brain dead enough to wreck shit as without knowing what you're doing

just a model.
We need someone who'd cosplay as Zarya and do lewd stuff.
SFM is not enough.

>Zarya will never stroke your dick with her big strong hands

>Zarya not waifu material
I will find you and I will fucking make you love Zarya

I honestly don't know any of her mechanics because she's the only character I haven't played as. All other shields you're supposed to break through so I can understand if people are confused.

I'm fine with it being pink, just wish they would tone it down a bit.
Right now it looks like a unicorn took a jelly shit on her head.

We could tweet Stefania about trying cosplay for hungry nerds.

we could tweet, but she wouldn't do it for free.
Ergo, we need a rich patron.

>people actually give a shit about what color her hair is

I guess it's just as pink as her insides are when I blast her to pieces


>set up badass ults as Zarya
>shitters like Bastion, Pharah, or Reaper get the POTG because they AoE'd out of my ult


I don't like men tho

Sorry, I'm not into girls shorter than me.

then your ult wasn't badass enough

It must be hard to find girl as manlet than.

>tfw only really good at Mercy
>no friends to heal

>Use McCree's ult from a flank position and clear 4 of the enemy team off the control point
>Headshot the remaining straggler
>They were at 99% cap
>My team swarms in moments later and we win the game thanks to that
>POTG goes to a Pharah who killed one enemy and died right after


That's a cute boy.

That gonna be hard. Time to kickstarter it.

I-I-is this real life?

Please, for the love of god, give us a name.

Muh diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik

the post above yours

go to

Oh shit, sorry guys, I just couldn't concentrate.

Thanks though