No Tracksuit skin

>no Tracksuit skin
>no Squatting pose
>no cyka blyat for voice command
>no insulting to other players in Russian
>comes from non-friendly LGBT country

Is Zarya the most inaccurate depiction of a Russian character in video games?

aside from the hair implying she's lgbt friendly you don't really make other valid points

Zarya is not even a peroper russian name.

Yeah, it's not like the most of other heroes are using aliases.

It's not like a nickname from her last name Zaryanova or anything.

Her real name isn't Zarya that's why, it's Aleksandra.

>make the tranny come from russia

eh, low-hanging bantz. If they wanted to be really funny they should've done like Pussy Riot and had Zarya shove her hand down her pants and pull a fish out of >her cunt. (The game is rated PG-13 or whatever so obviously you couldn't have Zarya running around butt-ass naked which would be more accurate)

It's a Russian word (means "dawn"). She uses it as a callsign.
Problem is, even she pronounces it wrong, the first syllable should be stressed.
Her Russian and her accent are terrible and cringeworthy too.

>the first syllable should be stressed
Wait, I mean the second. I'm sleep deprived.

>comes from non-friendly LGBT country

Russians right now are extremely anti muslims/LGBT/Degenerates. They beat them on sight. I envy how they can get shit done.

I want tracksuit skin

>this delusional
типпити тoппити кeк

She she hates all robots with a passion, to the point where she talks about the people of Nepal (who live in peace with omnics) as being fools who "will soon learn". She tells Bastion she has sent thousands of his kind to the scrap yard, tells Zenyatta she doesn't trust him and he has no soul to his face, and even distrusts Genji because he's a cyborg.

Her name is Aleksandra Zaryanova.

>comes from non-friendly LGBT country
Yes and? It's not like Zarya is lesbian

People triggered by Zarya are worse than SJWs

they are sjw and low test

The Japanese from Hanzo and ESPECIALLY Genji is just as bad.

Apparently only Mercy does a good accent.

They recast Mercy VA for that.
Still, her lines are bad and at least has improper usage of pronouns.

What is Zarya saying during her ult? All I'm hearing is a random waarharbl jumble of indistinct Russian.

From an Australian's perspective, Roadhog and Junkrat are an odd case. Junkrat's accent is actually really good. Without knowing beforehand, I'd assume he was voiced by an Aussie. Roadhog on the other hand makes literally no attempt whatsoever, and just speaks in a generic American accent.

It's just kind of weird to have two characters from the same place with a shared backstory, effectively advertised as a package deal, and give one a great voice with a super accurate accent while completely dropping the ball with the other.

The foreign language lines are always the same as the English lines.

Same as in English pretty much
>Fire as [you are] ready [to]

why did they give her pink hair? for fucks sake it flat out ruins an already weak russian character

An actual answer,wow

A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!


>most inaccurate

>Oгoн пo гoтoвнocты
That's not Russian desu.

Roadhog is a kiwi cannibal anyway.

She's saying "oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти" with a horrible accent. It means "fire when ready".'s korean also heavily varies in quality

t. korean

She thinks Omnics are scum.

She is supposed to be a Red Alert unit, what the fuck man. She even has a winter comie skin.

Yes, I am very much aware of that, that's the joke cyкa блять

Kind of weird that instead of anything related to what people think of Russia nowadays (track suits, STALKER (I know it's not in Russia, but still) ) or fitness (again, track suits, sexy yoga pants), Zarya gets random shit outfits. Like the goth skins, those are garbage.

>let's put as much diversity in the game as we can
>and do no research or spend any money into getting good VAs or writing good lines

Roadhog isnt actually aussie, thats why

how do i play good

>low test
Pretty sure Zarya has more testosterone than everyone but /fit/

well winston isn't a proper african name but nobody complains about him

Fuck off kiwi cunt he's Aussie his skin is irrelevant
Getting a person with a voice like that is not easy, I think it's the same VA as the hulk in all the cartoons

Zarya is not a lesbian.
Soviet Union was among the first countries that introduced legal equality of women and men, post-Soviet Russia never had an organized feminist movement because of this.
Aside from a horrible pink hair and tattoos she's a pretty cool and unexpected representation of russian woman.

'Cept it's a dude with tits,'s physically a dude with tits

Yes he is m8
He's supposed to be like immortan joe

Nah bruv, he's kiwi.

From a Britbong perspective, Tracer is so unbearably bad it is like nails on a chalkboard. Why the fuck they didn't just get someone from London or have someone do their own accent is a mystery, she sounds like an American doing a parody of the Mary Poppins chimney sweep accent.

>post-Soviet Russia never had an organized feminist movement

He's an Islander who moved to the outback to fuck some robots up

I've noticed that if the voice actor isn't particularly good, even their normal accent can sound "put on". The new Mad Max game recast their original American VA due to fans complaining. They instead got an Australian character artist because he was the only one they could find in the company on short notice. He was good, but until I looked this all up I was sure he was just an American putting on an accent. It's easy to be hypersensitive to having your accent faked. Leads to false positives.


Just a reminder that russian women don't do tracksuits. That's your silly fantasy.

We are leading the world in women in executive positions :^)

Although feminists still found that top of the top mostly have men and bitched about that

is cute

Speaking as a brit i can confirm that tracer's accent isn't a thing that exists ethier.

Russia is only behind 'murica in being world famous for your feminist movements, Boris.

free pussy or riot?

Underrated post

There are woman who look like that. you're one ignorant fuck if you think otherwise.

Alright, show me

Her VA is Cara Theobald, she's British but she's from Yorkshire, a northern Tracer would've been pretty good desu, the forced cockney sparrow thing is disgusting

They didn't though. not only were all the woman doing all the Manuel labor during their industrialization but a good 1/6 of their entire military force was woman during WW II.

they didn't have a radical feminist movement because they had no need for it. and the feminism movements in the 60s and 70s in America and the UK paved the way for gay rights movements in the last 20 years

they really hate gays over in Russia. i don't know if it has reached the level of incarceration like it did in Greece(lel)


I think you need a prescription for glasses, since those look nothing alike

>only 270 funbucks
>over 700 to go before I can get the siberian skin so I can play her

Zarya x Reinhardt OTP

They fit the same bill of you questioning if russian women have such manlike qualities.
I'm not gonna argue anymore on this.

Now it's even more of a dude

Manlike? The russian woman looks like a woman, Zarya has the freaking physique of a man. Where the fuck do you live that has "women" who look remotely like Zarya?

I really want a Zarya Orc skin
Or Sonya skin from HotS

>no disgusting slavic caricature

thank you, based Blizzard.

I wonder how much less criticism Zarya would have gotten if she was just a Carbon copy of Zhanna from the TF2 comics, or at least had long dark hair instead of bright pink short dyke hair

None because Zhanna is drawn by someone who knows what a female looks like - a female

Show me where it says he's kiwi
From what I read he's from the outback

>Quick honey, say something racist

Fire at will in russian

I learned Zarya is fun as fuck today.

You forget that Kenneth is the 3rd most common non-muslim African name.


Protip: Heroes will have different lines for using their ulti depending on what team you're on.Reaper says "Clearing the area" rather than "DIE DIE DIE")

Heroes who say their ulti in their native language will always say it in English on your team.

>get shit done
You mean being unemployed and drinking themselves to death?

You mean living free and punishing degeneracy?

I wish she was more interesting, visually speaking

Even her good legendary costume isn't terribly interesting or fun.

Mate, you have no idea what "strong woman" looks like beyond seeing muscle. She still has a female physique despite the butter face, probably juice and probably fake tits

So being unemployed and drinking themselves to death, thanks for confirming.

>zarya in yoga pants
I need to see this.


I think at the root of it all, you can see all the other female characters' butts.
Zarya needs a skin with tight pants like everyone else

Atleast it covers her up, it's best skin just for that

>never uses the word "cunt"

Where do you live? I'm genuinely curious


She's voiced by a Russian, you fuck.

I just wish her other alternate outfit didn't make her look like a fat, ugly tumblrsexual.

A Bulgarian, actually.

Mercy's VA is English but she uses a horrible fake accent she doesn't have to please dumb Americans though.

Blizzard wanted a character to appeal to tumblr sjw people (I'm not hypothesising, this was literally their motivation with the character, it's documented) and of course didn't want them to be american. Better to be for some country where people from wont play the game anyway.

>mfw Lucio does not once HUE

What the fuck were they thinking?

>Better to be for some country where people from wont play the game anyway.

Dumb fucking Americunt, if you'd played on a European server once in your life you'd know Ruskies are here what HUEs are in the Americas

Irrelevant. Winston comes from The Moon.

>her hair only changes in legendary skins

It's hilarious how its a definitive part of her character. On point for faggots who colour their hair.

In free games like dota, sure.
In paid ones, not so much.

You have literally never played in a European server on any game. Most Overwatch matches are at least 40% Russians