Can we have a Firefly Diary thread?

Can we have a Firefly Diary thread?
Mion is such a cute loli...
Even her deaths are cute.

Lolis make everything more enjoyable.

I hate this artificial difficulty: the game so much
I want to know the story dammit

Is it Dark Souls with lolis?

Its not that hard user just try more.

Don't die on me...

It will die on me.

It's disappointing it's impossible to have a thread about this game.
Meanwhile there are dozen shitpost threads on the front page.
At this point I'm getting tempted to start using buzzwords like "pedoshit" and "why is this allowed" to try to get shitposters to bump my threads.

It's just not a good game and there's nothing to talk about.

Start a thread shitting on the vita for taking one of its exclusives

as if anyone cares

But I have nothing against the Vita... but I get your point...

Who else is buying the LE?

>NA only

Anyone got the complete list?

I'm always up for a reindeer loli thread, that game was super cute & had a nice little dark backstory to it. Can't wait for Rose to get localized.
Here you go.

Thanks user. I'm waiting for Yomawari for now. Rose will probably be localized next year.

I can't wait for Yomawari myself, gonna get the LE when I can. I've been waiting for that one since it was first announced in Japan, it gives off a Horror RPGMaker vibe to it which I dig a lot.

Same as both of you guys

I'm getting the LE whenever we get it in Europe.

Does the PC port differ from the Vita version (aside from resolution, of course)?

You can use the mouse to move the fairies. It's actually quite interesting.

>You can use the mouse to move the fairies.
Does it make 2-3 easier?

Haven't been there yet but I feel it's easier to move them than with controller. At least definitely faster.

Don't die on me!

Droppin' a wallpaper in the hopes this thread stays alive a bit longer

Is the rolling mini-game also in the real game or it's just a mini-game on the browser?

I think it's only available in-browser, as I couldn't find it in the Vita version

It makes senses as I don't think there's a way to make Mion jump in the game.

Dragon's Dogma

does she have unique death scenes?

The girls in Dragon Dogma are teenagers, not little kids though. That's like saying they're the same age as character like Arle(5) or Mion.

Yes, they're fully animated cute death scenes.
Seriously after seeing them I understand why there's so much fanart like that.

does anything eat her? I'm disturbed immensely by that to the point of freaking out

The first boss can eat her & if I remember correctly it quickly turns to black right before you see it eat down all the way though.

I don't think so but I never got this far.
Fuck I don't wanna be spoiled.