Play as Soldier: 76

>play as Soldier: 76
>proceed to get 40 eliminations
>0 commend points

>play as Mercy
>heal somewhat okay
>10 commend points

Time to become a Mercy main.

Any mouth breather can kill a ton of people. A good healer is far more valuable to help keep said mouth breahting killing machines alive and rolling the team.

>that's what healsluts actually believe

Without the healer the guy probably wouldn't have made it that far.

>Wanting someone to stroke your epeen instead of being satisfied with your game.
What's it like being 11?

Kill yourself.

>play as mercy
>carry team
>40% of damage healed
>0 commendations

Repeat x 30

>play as Reaper
>do okay
>potg is me killing a healer and toblerone
>5 commendations

People have shit taste

Nah man that's a buncha chicanos congratulating their boy.

Mercy / Lucio mains are the only mains that count. I love Mercy mains, because that means I'll get a fucking medic every game, so I can actually do what I'm good at, instead of giving out piss poor heals to my braindead team. There is literally never a time where the only medic should change to someone else.

Me and my group have made it a ritual to commend medics, and to personally thank them in teamchat if they did well. Good medics make the game bearable.

If you're not abusing this smug fucker right now before he gets nerfed you're playing the game wrong.

Lucio should get nerfed. He's good in any team and 2 is even welcome. Whenever I use that guy, the team always wins, especially after a well timed Soind Barrier or rushing to objective point

>Actually believing his story

Commend votes? Is this a ruse?
Just play the game you underage nigger

>he thinks pressing Q and holding left click is deserving of commendation

lmaoing at ur life rn

Not to mention how OP he is on payload missions.

I can't aim with his m1. How bad am I?

True, just amp up speed boost when no one needs healing. His fart gun shuts down Roadhogg meathooks and Genji as well. I like the guy and all, he's full of energy and his beats are good, but he's too good

The speed up makes payloads faster. Makes a whole world of difference in those games. Can finish those payloads by doing that in under 5 mins all the time.


>I only care about winning in casual mode

There's nothing interesting after "mastering" his braindead combo, and people like you are now ruinning every game.

Yep, try it out if you don't believe me.

>Attack map
>Going as Mercy
>Widowmaker, Pharah, Torbjorn and Hanzo on team.
>Always alone on the objective with the Roadhog.
>"WTF, PUSH TEAM!" says the. fucking. Wodowmaker.

Why are snipers such cancer?

You know you won't win if you have two Hanzos on your team.

>Play as Mercy
>Nobody's around to protect me
>end up getting a triple kill by myself

she's too fat for me

i'm testing it out right now in a custom game and it isn't going any faster.

It's not blazing fast, but it speeds it up. Not sure if the payload+ "x" mean that though.

>healsluts whine all the time how unappreciated they are
>literally every game the healer ends up being on of the four cards
>literally every game the healer gets at least 5 commendations

when will this "nobody appreciates healers" meme end

>play as sumthing
>proceed to play sub par
>0 upboats

>play as Mercy
>play the game
>10 upboats

Maybe you are on the wrong site

>giving a fuck about commends



>>literally every game the healer gets at least 5 commendations

>When you have such a good round as Mercy you get 11 commendations and a 'nice healer' comment from the opposing team

It's nice to be appreciated.


Do commends do a single fucking thing? Not even a 1 xp bonus? like what the fuck?

>tfw you always try to btfo the ditto of you by any means even if it's another Mercy

commends are literally LIke and Upvote buttons user, and the cat is out of the bag - Sup Forums is full of normalfags who are into it.

commends dont even fucking do anything who cares

>Play Reinhardt
>Gold medal objective time all day
>0 commendations
Rein never gets any love.


>Playing Mercy
>Chasing down the enemy Mercy and pistol whipping her down

There is no greater feeling in this world.

>playing Rein, btfo the other one so many times, he's scared of me now

>play mercy
>zarya uses her ultimate
>kill their entire team with the cheesy pistol
>revive the shit s76 to guarantee play of the game
>get play of the game
>it's just me standing still the entire time holding down the fire button and hitting all their heads

Awww shiiet Reich skin for Mercy when ?

Will Blizzard ever introduce sidegrade weapon unlocks or will they just add new heroes?

I'd like a smaller staff for Mercy that can be used at the same time as her pistol like in her victory poses. LMB for the pistol, RMB for the healing beam, no damage boost.

Never because it's Blizz' hugbox.

i hate this fucking game so much, you can't imagine how sick i am off all those fucking threads ALL DAY LONG. fuck you blizzard employees, fuck you fuck you fuck you it's like your cock is called overwatch and you want to put it as deep as possible in any video games players throat.




the face of autism

>personally thank them
Oh my

well too fucking bad but that is to be expected, they even ban people for saying "ggez" for fucksake. Blizz just too fucking sensitive if you ask me

Kys healshitter, I don't need you to heal me when I can simply get to cover and press E.

Who the fuck even thinks Mercy helps at all? She's an even more braindead Medic in a game where ridiculousness is the norm?

Pick Lucio for God's sake. He at least is an interesting concept, not just floaty-angel Medic.

This game really needs a mini-gun class like the Heavy before I'll ever consider Mercy.

is that her... peepee ?

Do you got a 'Let's make a perfect world' edit?

>Hey guys you know what would be a great Brawl Mode: rules where the bullshit characters are even MORE bullshit and it just boils down to which team has more Meis

fuck this piece of shit game mode

>braindead Medic
>Pick Lucio for God's sake
>Lucio heals just by standing around near people and pressing E once in a while

As your doppelganger should. He has a deathwish, since your the doppelganger and he's the real Reinhardt.

>play support 80% of the time, simply cause no one else does
>'i need healing' someone spams from the other side of the fucking map, off doing his own thing miles away from the rest of the team
>entire team is shit, nothing you can do about it cause support

I want a Mercy military skin.

That's cool, Soldier. But your ass ain't carrying the whole team.

But please, continue to pretend you're Rambo in a team-based game.

I'm not trying to put any sissy fuckboy implications into this - but I fucking LOVE flying around all over the map, healing and buffing ultimates and people.

It feels so good being out of reach for pretty much everyone except the better snipers.

>team's shit gets pushed in, now they are hunting me
>fly to the widow in the back
>they come closer to us
>fly through them back to the dead bodies behind them, rez
>audibly laugh as we fuck them in the ass

>2 Snipers
You were destined to lose

what would her wings be?

Good question.

no they specifically said they do not want to ever add additional parts of a kit, only entire champions. I would however pitch that idea about using the staff and pistol on their forums as I think that is better than her current set too.

>play Overwatch
>get matched up with level 40s and 30s
>meanwhile im level 10
>get obliterated instantly

But then where would her Valkyrie suit go?

>On Hollywood defence
>Be Widowmaker
>Rest of team is tanks and offence
>Get gold medal for time on the point because they all prefer to just stand outside of the point while the enemies are capping it and plink away instead of blocking the capture

Why are pubs so fucking retarded?


>be level 10
>playing with friend ranked level 27
>against other level 25-30 people
>holding my own against them

Same shit as any other shooter: out gun the other fucker, be elusive as fuck, and sneak attacks.

I hope not, the only thing this shit has over TF2 right now is that you atleast KNOW what each hero can do right now, no matter how they look.

>play Mercy during open beta/week 1
>constant commendations, always busy keeping the team alive and reviving

>play Mercy closer to week 2
>can barely do shit because everyone on the enemy team tries to kill me instantly
>enemy Mercy is always being commendated while I don't even show up in commendations anymore

Is this what NTR feels like?

No, its what being bad feels like.

>Level 32.
>Constantly matched with level 70-80 people.
>Straight up entire team of high leveled people.
>Playing with them draws out my pro since I'm forced to play good to survive.

Play to win friend.

It's what attention envy feels like

what are commends for?

>team doesn't turn around to check for flankers
>they abandon me for whatever when a flanker does appear

A spray

Turning around or helping your healer is not a concept that sunk in to most people playing.

On the positive, this is the first time I have a reason to not hate the fuck out of snipers, since they usually provide a good escape point.

>tfw you're the only one who bothers checking for flanks
>as Mercy

I'm guilty. I don't want to heal. I always commend the healers however even if they did almost nothing because I want to condition their brain. Healslut = pleasure, any other = nothing.

I shouldn't say it but this is a conspiracy.

>being sensitive to commends

I love healfags that just pick a healer for some stupid number at the end. Stupid slut can pick some shitty class that is nofun while I have fun blasting people.

>be McCree
>miss 5 times a Lucio who didn't even notice I'm behind him
>follow him in a room
>high noon 3 people
D-don't l-look pls

Am I wrong for thinking that Widowmaker is a bit too strong at the moment? Her rifle is nearly semi automatic. There's next to no recoil and forget about headshots when it's that easy to follow up with a second shot if you miss the first one.

>tfw you get chased by a Mei
>see a Pharah
>pharah runs past Mei ignoring her
>I die shortly after

I fucking hate people with tunnel vision.

>tfw this will never be a skin
>tfw this will never be a skin with the dick too

>mcrees shitty noon potg no.19999
>at the end you can see me rez everyone

Its literally better than getting it myself.

Knowing that you helped your team win is commendable enough, unless you constantly seek approval from redditors in a video game

What do the commendations actually do?

I got them a couple of times but it seems like they were just a pat on the back for a job well done

Everyone here totally does.

And OW will teach a ton of other impressionable children to be the same way.

They add up for a spray. There's no other purpose outside of e-peen.

Boosts xp by a little.

You're getting matched with higher skill players. It happened to me - the first few days were glorious, I mained Mercy and barely lost a game while racking up decent killing sprees on my own. Now everybody primaries me and I can't seem to do shit.

Last game I played a fucking Genji made it his mission to kill me every fucking time. I know he's doing his job well but fuck, I haven't raged at a game so hard for a while. Playing Route 66 attack, the final part of the payload push, I couldn't even get back to the front lines after dying without getting assassinated by that fucking manlet. Didn't matter if I grouped up with others, he'd always fucking find a way.

A Genji who knows what the fuck he's doing is scary.


what do the commend points even do?

They add up for a spray. There's no other purpose outside of e-peen.

>I know he's doing his job well but fuck, I haven't raged at a game so hard for a while.
make it a preference to play with this guy so you don't end up in a game with shitters

>A Genji who knows what the fuck he's doing is scary.
genji even counters mccree by reflecting his flashbang

>A Genji who knows what the fuck he's doing is scary.

Fucking this. All you need to do is double jump and wall climb around who you're fighting while spamming right click and shift.