What is the most de-stressing vidya ever made
What is the most de-stressing vidya ever made
I was looking forward to No Man's Sky as my new de-stressing video game but now that it's been pushed back to August I'll probably kill myself instead.
>tfw I just play Skyrim just to run through the beautiful forests near riften, and to listen to the creeks crackle and birds chirp. The ambience is just beautiful.
I used to like racing on an empty track in PGR4 under the rain, listening to my own music. Just feels nice
>implying more than one
Hero of the Kingdom (1)
Barely a vidya though
How about for gamecube games?
Is this worth getting if i have new leaf?
DOA series, fun fast fighting action and you can jerk off to the girls after.
Darkest dungeon
Yes, I think the original AC remains the best.
It has the best music for sure.
Not sure, it lacks many features the new one has. You can't do a lot of landscaping
What is a good Gamecube game that's easy to just pick up and fuck around in for a few every so often? Something that's easily replayable, but not too intensive
The original Spyro trilogy if you take your time to enjoy the surrounding and just have fun.
super mario sunshine is a good one
maybe something a bit more relaxing, that pachinko level shoots my blood pressure up
Fuck yes. One of the reasons it's one of my annual winter holidays playthroughs.
>Is this worth getting if i have new leaf?
No rolling pin world so ye
Majoras mask creates a huge amount of tension and anxiety. The clock is always ticking and the moon is always getting closer
Tearaway is therapy.
picked skyrim up on sale a while ago, never played it. what are the bare essential mods i need to unfuck it into a relaxing "atmospheric" walking sim?
Stardew Valley
Gothic 2
Just play trucks OP, it's nice and calming.