He doesn't have a gamer gf

>he doesn't have a gamer gf
What's your excuse?

Good one user

1.Finding one is like finding a needle in a haystack.
2.I'm socially retarded.

>tfw I do
>tfw we holds hands every time we go out on a date.

I pity the souls that still haven't experience this, really.



3D women are flawed, they can't fill the void years of 2D and waifuism has created in my heart.
Sorry, OP, but my bloodline ends with me.

>tfw kissless virgin
>tfw turning 21 next month

Just finished Dark Souls 3 co-operating with my qt3.14 girlfriend, just started Bloodborne.

Feels good, man.

I like dating normies.

i'm becoming my own gamer gf through years of extensive hormone therapy and facial feminization surgery

We all know Miru doesn't play vidya

Now back to /akbg/ with you

My excuse I fucked it all up back in high school

It's fine though. I've been making worse decisions ever since anyway

>tfw used to be me
>tfw used to be happy
>tfw broke up
>tfw can't play any souls games without thinking of her
>tfw sad life
I envy the souls that still haven't experienced this, really.

Kill yourself.

Casual shits.

I'm really digging all of these threads with Japanese girls as the picture.

Most of the ones I've met are fat or ugly. Sometimes both.

>implying I'm not going to end this bloodline

Literally no direct ancestor from my family has experienced a happy life.

no worries, user

>What's your excuse?
I do not know even 1 woman who regularly plays games on anything other than a mobile

Don't forget or crazy

Wonder what happened to that user who asked that girl out from one of these threads a while back

I turn 24 soon and made out with some hot chicks at a bar when I was your age. Too bad I was so drunk I could barely stand and I barely remember their faces.
>best moment of my life and I don't even remember it
At this point I'm just waiting until my mom dies so I can kill myself.

Had one, honestly it wasn't all that great. No "just me" time, since any game we I played, she was there too. And when it was over, my memory of those games was soured by the memories of us there.

Where's the gamers dating website?

I have a much better non-gaming gf.

no job.

>dating normal girl
>go to fighting game tournaments and lie about why I out of town

I am not embarrassed by my hobby but I find it easier to lie about it then explain why I travel just to play video games against strangers