Say something positive about Tracer and Tracer players

Say something positive about Tracer and Tracer players.

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they have great asses

They aren't using Torbjorn

blizzard is deleting her porn over tumblr

>torbjorn mains
>all that effort to put his turrets in creative places
>blow them up immediately anyway

They have good autism?

and Pornhub.

They really know how to fuck me in the ass

They make me feel alive.

delete this

Torbjorn from the last game I played
>Set up turret right in front of payload
>It gets obliterated, and he gets shot in the head
>He continues to spawn and attempt to build a turret right in front of the payload
>Refuses to change hero
>Always running into all 6 of them, to build a new turret directly in front of a moving payload

What is the definitive tracer counter? i can't even


They make me very happy when they're on the enemy team.

They're ___________cute_________

Road hog works for me a lot. Mei seems solid too

They're fun to hook and blow away.

Absolutely, unequivocally McCree.

McCree is her hard counter

Flashbang and fan

Hard CC.

McREEEEE, Roadhog, etc.

As Reinhardt, I love checking Tracer's into walls the most...

I would say Torbjorn, reaper, or a good mcree.

Torbjorn turret will wreck her and reaper will out damage her in close quarters

If I cum in her she can turn time back and not get pregnant

She can turn back time and send your sperm racing back up your penis so you can come again


why are her pupils super dilated?

They're great for distracting the enemy team and generally pissing people off with her completely retarded blink ability.

Nobody likes tracer. Absolutely fucking nobody.

That's the best I can do.

They won't stop it people will just keep reloading them to other sites or a torrent site. You can't stop shit once it's on the Internet

If you cum inside tracer and she uses her jump ability, what happens to your cum? Does it just disappear? Does it stay inside of her?

does it go back in your dick?

slurps back into your dickhole anonfam

She's hot and doesn't have shitty tribal tattoos or piercings like most western designed female characters.

it hurts

you can just keep cumming my dude

I don't understand her appeal at all. Generally don't much care for tomboish characters but this one is actually irritating to see. Feels like everythinng about her is fake. Fake smile, fake accent, fake attitude, fuck knows what else. Blizzard puts her dumbass smile on every box art and poster related to the game, selling shit is her only excuse for existing. She was made to appeal to the broadest possible audience but ended up a repulsive abomination with seeming stitches all across hes buttocks.

>blizzard is deleting her porn over tumblr
Perfunctory and entirely disingenuous.

Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing with this roster. We're seeing an explosion of porn on a scale that well surpasses Undertale. This is MAINSTREAM fetish appeal. It's across the entire female roster and I'm guessing a lot of the male roster as well.

Gainix used to gauge how well their shows were doing by how much hentai was produced in their wake. Evangelion basically generated a mountain after the very first episode and the team knew they had hit it big. It's obvious that the character designs were created with the third party creator market in mind.

Blizzard has pulled the same stunt, except instead of a market, they went for meme mindshare. With an entire spectrum of sexual fetishes individually catered to, all the content creators across the web have latched onto this game and are churning out OC at a phenomenal rate. Density dropped $500 million on advertising and couldn't anywhere near this level of product awareness.

This game is going to explode in slow motion. There are literally hundreds of thousands of teens whose first orgams/fetish/waifu will originate from this. The game will be played, followed, and will generate OC for a decade. Blizzard have hit the jackpot, again, and without a single actual gameplay feature coming into play.

Want to hit it big? Tickle anons dick.


It seems like the MOBA mindset to me. Create a bunch of interesting gimmick characters with stories more interesting than the game they're actually in. Bonus points if the universe is flimsy enough to have magic and technology and ninjas side by side.

But the porn probably helps too.

Wait they can do that?

Here's one from earlier I played with
>sets turret up in the corner of B point in volskaya industries
>bangs hammer constantly, never leaving it
>dies and runs back to turret to keep banging it with hammer or rebuild it and then bang on it with hammer
>potg is just him banging the hammer while it kills things in molten core

My dick gets hard as diamonds when i'm reinhardt and hear her death cry when I smack her face in with his hammer

McCree destroys her. Reaper also works but it isn't as simple.

McCree, Reaper, Soldier, Widowmaker. Unless the Tracer player is good you could probably even 1v1 her successfully with a Dva out of her mech. Seriously Tracer's damage output is shit for an offensive role hero.

combat enhancement drugs to keep up. Thats why she is so bubbly, she is high all the time

I haven't played tracer much but that dva gun fucks her up. I underestimate it since on the other characters I play dva is a joke to deal with.

Her great great great grandmother was a god tier slut.

>not encountering a toblerone that sets their turret up on one of the rotating platforms while they're defending point B in Volskaya
You haven't faced a true menace.

I need you Tracer

You're a hateful little man.

> decide to actually watch gameplay footage of Overwatch.
> search for overwatch gameplay footage.
> First link is Death Reaper or something.
> Click on vid.
> PlayOverwatch Youtube account. Think it's official.
> Watched for about a minute
> See link to Tracer video.
> Fuck it I'll watch that gameplay footage
> Click on link:
> video hasn't even started
> vid related pops up in my recommends

This is a clean work tablet. I have literally _never_ had anything like this ever appear in my Youtube recommends. I get gaming recommends when I watch gaming vids, science for science vids, political when I watch politics, etc. Occasionally it seems to remember that I've watched, say, a TV show clip and spams me Game of Thrones links for a few days.

But never in 10 years of youtubing has a video for vibrators suddenly popped up in my recommends. Ever. I'm no e-débutante, but this shit just does not happen on Youtube for me. Until today. Until I clicked on a Tracer gameplay video.

Dear God Blizzard. What have you done?

She's got an annoying voice and she's a slag.


that's not ads, that's a playlist you fucking retard

nice blog dude where can i sign up for a newsletter

Opening that Tracer video in incognito does not have that recommended video on the side for me. You watched some other video with dildos in it, user, didn't you?

>set my turret down In some random ass place
>run around with my gun and have fun
fuck bastions and torbjorns that sit in one spot
such a boring way to play


>but ended up a repulsive abomination

You are, quite literally the only person who thinks that.
I get being mad about a poster character in a game but jesus man.

Her ability to rewriting time offers for some interesting defensive options that otherwise be inpossible for a glass canon

>having anything nice to say to braindead teenagers who get excited over mediocre video games and cartoon whores

legendary. just legendary

She has a prettier face then Ibuki.

Not much else I can say cause fighting games are my cream and corn.

>Cream and corn
>Not bread and butter

From which uncivilized shithole did you crawl out of?

I'm flabbergasted they made her this ugly. Jesus.

Which waifu caters to my feet fetish

Shes just fun to play


If I didn't know it was Ibuki, I'd say it's some ratfaced italian boy judging by this pick.


Mei if the Tracer is stupid enough to fight yoou

Widowmaker if the Widow is godlike

She is a qt tomboy.
I'm amazed how godd tracers can solo almost anyone.
Too bad I can't

Like this?
Or that bald wombat...

I always see her mowing down anything under 300HP in a single magazine but I can't do it.
How do I git gud? Pls

Oh I know all about that, even went up against with 3 of them doing that which made us lose, but I assumed out toblerone was gonna do that but nope, he was just banging on his turret the whole round

Anybody that can aim and isn't too retarded to not know exactly were she will pop up after the rewind.

Heroes without alot of reach are the only ones that have a definite hard time against her, which makes me think this comment on Mei is bullshit. you can just jump out of her ice, don't even have to rewind.


Where's this from? I swear I've seen it before.

>that username


Arcane machination.

They keep cocaine out of the hands of children by putting it in themselves.
So that's something.

Junkrat bear trap
If you can bait her into one she is fucked.

Lets make a family and live happily ever after

Tracer hard counters Reinhardt and Reaper unless you're retarded enough to melee a reinhardt, or fight a Reaper two inches from his face, what the fuck user.

Is this the guy in the pic with the blurry man running with a knife?

Fighting games have been doing that way before DotA-likes

Second best girl in the game, most fun offense hero to play.

He is Koksal Baba don't speak his name outloud he will come for you.

She is the shit in Arcade mode.

>being that tripfag who posts once in a thread and then leaves


you got me op, I have nothing positive to say. I guess it puts my team at an advantage when they pick a tracer.

Hey, it was the guy I was thinking of! Pic related.

They have good taste.

Winston is not a counter. You leap on her? She blinks away. Start in melee and she blinks away with you following with leap? She recalls to where she was and now you cannot chase.

And then she'll just poke you out if you dont approach. Winston is terrible against Tracer.

Are the whole town fascist pricks and just love messing with the poor guy to see him sperg?

Fuck Turkey.

It's sort of like people who mess with tiny angry dogs. They love to hear them growl and bark.

I played a game of Voskaya this morning as Torb and got POTG.

>POTG its me in Spawn at the second point.
>Start getting shit from team like "lol skill"
>Come out to point and Molten Core
>Kill three enemies with shotgun and turret kills 4th

I don't even really like the turret. Molten Core Shotgun is the tits.

Too bad he fucking sucks 80% of the time.

Try using his left-click more. That thing does insane damage, 150 damage per headshot.

I'm pretty sure blizzard is more than well aware that trying to rule 34 is pretty much impossible. I think all they're trying to do is just making themselves look like they're trying to do something about this whole overwatch porn thing, especially after the whole butt controversy that happened. Because any videogame/movie/cartoon companies know that if they make any sexy character, somebody is gonna make a lewd version of the character one way or another. But any companies doesn't like to be involved anything that has to do with porn. But who knows that's only my theory, I could completely off.

She goes well with Widowmakers ass.

This, I honestly think it's being done for publicity.