Does anyone actually use this?

Does anyone actually use this?

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I try to use it every match. No idea if it does anything but still.

If I think "wow that was a great game" I'll give it a three, if I think it was shit I'll give it a 1

what does it do anyway ?

Yes, of the 90 or so matches, I've marked about 5 positive and the rest negative.

I don't know. I was hoping to learn from this thread.

I wonder what kind of data they hope to collect.

"Sir, the results are in. It turns out, players don't like it when they lose."

well, according to this, it helps blizzard providing the best gaming experience for players


It helps blizzard see trends in how much people are enjoying the game, and more easily identify patterns. It will probably lead to better match making in the future.


Maybe it effects the MMR?

It honestly seems like it's probably just going to end up being useless at this point. I rate good games 3 every time, but I end up rating almost every loss as a 1-2 because I keep getting matchmade with fucking retards that pick Symmetra as our only support.

>m-muh every team needs a healer


"Sir we've looked at the data and the results are very confusing. In each game one team rates it highly with the other team all rated it zero, what could this mean?"

symmetra is a waste of a slot

>i don't know how to play Symmetra.

Go fuck yourself with a cactus faggot, pro teams play nothing but fucking Lucio + Mercy and like 3 McCrees, you're just playing against braindead retards.

>maybe if I keep telling others how good I am it'll be true

user everyone is laughing at you when you are symmetra

It's worthless.

>wow i won! two points
>wow i lost! one point
>wow i got q of the game/most upvotes! three points

not when i kill at least 20 people per game

but it's alright, you just need to git gud

Atleast punctuate it with a screenshot of your stats bitch

Just make sure we dont see you are level 10

>He can only kill 21 people per game.

I'm genuinely laughing.

>that one Widow/Hanzo on attack who constantly spams that we need a healer
How about you fucking swap if you're so analpained about it?

I sometimes click on it if it catches my eye for some reason.
The majority of times not even then.
Most of the time I don't even know it exists.

so salty

On attack maybe, but in defense she can be the single most valuable hero

Give it up, Symmetra is shit. Anyone who knows a single goddamn thing about this game knows that isn't true. Reinhardt mccree lucio mercy if you want to win, other two slots literally do not matter but should probably be another mccree and perhaps another lucio.

what's the point?

Zenyatta sure isn't.

>yfw they are the second sniper as well

I suggest you are careful when using this. In Heroes of the Storm it affected the composition of your random matchmaking. This means if you had a good time playing a weird comp and got a survey you ended up getting more weird comps, often resulting in frustration because the good time you had didn't come from the comp but the team or player skill-gap and social skills.
My assumption is that in Overwatch it works similarly and after a few surveys the game will match you with people who main certain heroes (or certain types of heroes) more frequently.

If it's a fairly even match with balanced teams and without any bullshit I give it a 3 even if I lose, if it's a premade stomp I give it a 1, if there's a shitty reaper/76 bitching about "omg shit team as always" I go into the social menu and hit avoid this nerd and give the match a 1 or 2.

Map I like: 3
Map I don't like: 1

Haven't given out a 3 yet

If you rate a match low, you're less likely to get paired up with those people again.

This probably got fixed, but in beta someone deliberately rated every match 0 until their queue times shot up to infinite because they'd essentially blocked almost everyone in the closed beta

Surely that's been fixed by now, but I still would recommend against using the "feature"

there's pretty much just one good map in the game

The only map I'd say that is truly wrong is the Japan one, the first point is absolutely biased against attackers since the only opening is the gate unless you are using characters that can fly. Same characters that will be then blown to pieces by a Bastion or Tornbjorn turret

>Giant hole in center of map

>not enjoying the free M2 kills with dat boi lucio

>He doesn't enjoy dropping his enemies on the pit as Roadhog

I give out ones when it puts us together with shitters i.e 2 fucking hanzos in one team that refuse to change, yell for healing constantly and fucking watches as our points get taken.

I vote 1 if I'm salty and 3 if I crushed the enemy team (or if it was a really good comeback).

Anything else I don't vote.

Yes, that's good.

Almost all a/d maps fucking suck, but yes, Hanamura is just 100% bad. At least most maps have some sort of decently open area, Hanamura is just a few really horrid chokepoints together.

1 when I lose
3 when I win

Will you be able to pick the mode in ranked play, or will it also be random?

In the closed beta, someone voted nearly every match they had negative. They ended up being barred from playing with almost everyone, their queue times went up past an hour.

She's really not. She's just not good as your only support.

I just played Symmetra on Defense and having that teleporter makes things a lot harder for the offensive team. Not to mention her turrets going crazy everywhere and the nuts damage of her void ray. I was killing Roadhog everytime he hooked me, was fun.

Only issue is when they push further enough in it's probably better to swap to someone else. Teleporter is the major reason to pick her imo.

Reinhart doesn't do a lot when Symmetra's deathball goes through his shield.

My only issue with her is that the deathball releases automatically, would be nice to be able to hold it at full charge.

Are you a pro player? Do you play in a co-ordinated premade of top level players?


Then it doesn't matter what the pros do. People who just follow the pro tactics end up looking like idiots when they get beaten by simple "bronze level" tactics. There's a reason pubstomp champions exist despite never getting pro play.

Winston is fine as tank too, he just has a higher skill floor than Reinhardt in terms of positioning and being useful.

I'm 90% sure it does absolutely nothing except act as a placebo so people who normally bitch and moan about this kind of thing can click a button an feel like they're having an impact.

>I was killing Roadhog everytime he hooked me, was fun.

No comment, that roadhog was fucking horrible.

I'd waste her slot

Depends on the symmetra and the team, really. I have a partial (3 people total) premade I run with, and frequently do Symmetra on certain maps on defense without a mercy or lucio.

If you can get your tele up fast, and consistently crank them out when the charges expire, you can totally get away with not having a dedicated healer. Sometimes. Depends on comp.

I don't use it because during beta I noticed how I just rated games based on if I lost or won. Pretty useless info.
I always rated Dorado 1 though because that map suck ass.

That's the worst Ilios map though

a premade is present in the game = 1
one of the teams get stomped = 2
close games = 3

it's an okay feature, the postgame screen and preparation for matches takes way too fucking long though

like seriously, you can't do jack shit for ~3 minutes and a game lasts for 10

The one where the control point is in that little building on the edge of the cliff is the worst.

The Pit is the best. It's always a pitched fight and almost always goes to overtime.

>The one where the control point is in that little building on the edge of the cliff is the worst.
You mean best

I bet you were that one faggot that never wanted to play Skyscraper on Mario Kart 64.

I tagged a bunch of people as "avoid this player" and rated a fuckton of matches negative because of bullshit double or triple picks.

And I've been seeing an increase in the queue times. Did I fuck myself over?

Not him, but I average 12 eliminations per game with Symmetra.

That's because you get eliminations all over the place from your sentries. Your damage done is most likely to be shit and you won't get many solo kills.

And I average 10 eliminations with a character that's actually useful to the team

Symmetra is garbage

yes all the time

1 if the team was bad/opposition was rediculous
2 if the match was just "ok"
3 if my team played really well

How can you have a best ever nearly 40 eliminations but only average ten? Did you just get lucky?

Because king of the hill matches can go on overtime for ages.

Agreed. The one with the hole in the middle is the worst.

>that hole in the middle
>that enemy team roadhog waiting to hook you down the second you look somewhere else
Every fucking time.

This basically. I think it was three rounds of KOTH with a good whack of overtime on each round.