Seriously, how did they get away with this?

Seriously, how did they get away with this?

A design like this would make modern clickbait sites go nuclear.

>how did they get away with drawing a cat lady

Jesus I dont know. Ask mr. Owl.

Because back then there weren't modern clickbait sites.

It was a better time.

Literally naked.

If you didn't fap to Katt's sprite butt, then you don't know shit about video games.

Because there was no money to be made in expressing retarded outragous opinions on the internet.

The same way anyone can

By not giving a shit. We live in a cancerous age where a few people bitching hard enough can make people change their creative property.

This. The vast majority of third-wave feminist activists have no real power. Their only win condition is to complain until you cave in and validate them.
If you know your action wasn't sexist and refuse to be ashamed of it, what can they do to you but make noise?

>I saw we head down to engineering, store our patterns in the transporter buffer and wait for this whole mess to blow over

That just sums up the entire modern video games industry really, doesn't it?

Superior Katt

I'm sorry, what game is this from?

exhalation of pyre 2

>tfw a ~500 pic Katt folder


Because back then a female character was enpowered by their feats rather then looks fitting standards.

Kinda ironic that puritans only achieved the opposite in what they wanted.

Look at this character design. How can any other game compete?

Let's go further.


>this is a real thing
SJWs on suicide watch


Trigger warning!

Who is best waifu and why is it Momo


Looks like shit.

Sweaty fighter tiger.

I love the idea...but...

When her idea of "home repair" is her bashing everything in sight with her staff, then what is her idea of cooking like?

>not Ursula

That's a strange way of spelling 'Ursula'

So that to her face so her accuracy penalty won't be a factor and not online and see what happens

>modern """"""""""""""""gaming""""""""""""""""

Best girl.

Kek, not even best waifu in her game, compared to Nina and Bleu. Kattfag still going at it years down the line



I did. I did so hard. This is in the PSN for ten bucks. I might do it again. Fuck these games were good. Fucking hate that PS2 title for ruining the series. We might still be playing some kickass BOF if not for that.


Why was the whole shaman fusion transformation gimmick implemented so clumsily? They literally wasted over half of the battle sprites on something that drops when your health is low and requires a trip all the way back to your town to put back on.

nobody from clickbait news websites nor social place cared about games back then because they hardly existed

>no one posted the best girl yet
Fucking plebs.

>most popular girl by a high margin
>not the best
Kek @ u

Yua just doesn't get any love from the fanart community. Especially when you can imagine everything she went through between being a little kid all alone in the world to her becoming a teenaged sex-goddess thief.

Such thoughts fills my balls with joy.

How about you post that best girl instead of some random boy?

Because otherwise you'd be far too over-powered.


I miss fun JRPG designs like these. I hate how grounded almost everything is nowadays.

My nigga.

Was OK for me because I am not a casual, so I learned how to deathwarp and about other things that trivialize the game.

She's a NPC that did nothing in the entirety of the game, was showing up only to be saved by party. Deserved.

Lmao, go compare amounts of fanart Nina and Deis have to Katt's. It can't be that one person has commisioned all of that.

>muh Kattfag
>still projecting

Remake never

Man, I swear I'm not a foot fag, and yet any time a girl has clawed feet, my dick turns to fucking diamonds. I just don't get it.


Her body is covered in fur, surely her breasts are as well, why wear a top? youll just get hot.


Already posted

You like women who don't trim their toenails.

Look at her design a bit closer, retard.


Because people weren't fucking pussies who would get worked up over illustrations of fictional cat people and video games weren't mainstream enough for the average person to give a shit about.



so her design is a girl who wears fur looking spandex pants

pic related is much better design


>It was a better time.

unfortunately this

Looks like shite.

Your retardation just went over 9000.

I hope that's not a too intelligent way of insulting you for you to understand.

I've not tried BoF before, is there a definitive version to play for each one? I'd rather play on a handheld if at all possible, are the GBA/PSP/Vita versions passable or are they abominations?

Definitive version for 2 is SNES fan re-translation, with increased experience and money gain patch if possible.

Everything should be on except for ROM of original NA version which patches should be applied on.

Didn't she become a better caster in this form than Nina ever was? I can't remember.

There is GBA version of 2, but I recommend fan patch, as translation in the original is horrid. Fan patch can be played on handheld emulators, I am pretty sure.

why is noone posting the snek


I think she did. Regular Katts spells are pretty useless though so it doesn't mean much. Her kicks are pretty damn strong though in the stronger form.


Why wear a top if you are just going to let your ass and pussy out like that?

As someone who had Breath of Fire 1 as their first RPG, I think Deis is the reason I got on board with the recent Monster Girl craze.

And this is coming from someone who has a fear of real life snakes.

Yeah when I was young and dumb I taught her some strong spells with that spell tutor person and then realized she couldn't even use them. Then I morphed her and BAM HOLY CRAP. Then she got unmorphed in the final dungeon and I was too lazy to go morph her back.


because ancient videogames sneks weren't as good as modern sneks.

she dont got no vagania





How many games can you think of that let you have crazy awesome parties like this that isn't a monster trainer-type game?

You can tell Katt that you like her.


I don't understand why they made that battle unwinnable. It wouldn't have effected the story.

>BoF thread

Everyone of you is my negro, but speaking of BoF.

Is there any non dick sucking emulator for BoF III and IV?

I remember using one that was so fucked up it couldn't break 20 FPS barrier for BoF III no matter the setting, and in the end never bothered with III or IV.

Wasn't ment as a reply to but w/e

ePSXe, PCSX-R, Xebra, Mednafen, literally anything will run these games.

Not as good as Katt, but dat thicc



Keeps the floppy boingy bits from flying all over?

Most fan-art makes her a flat-cat, but she does have a decent rack.

I beat bof3 on ePSXe 1.9.0 last year without a problem.


A birdie is fine too.

Modern clickbait sites did not exist back then.

Looks like shite.

Yes, Katt only leaves the party for a very little amount of time and Tiga already has someone who loved him. If you had won the battle that women could of just confessed right there and Tiga would have accepted it. They still should die though.

Who really needs underwear when your character has fur?