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>buying pixels that don't change gameplay in any way
there's no cure for being an autist.
If you were gonna buy that many. Should should have just bought a bigger bundle.
>blizzard earned more money this week than the entire lifetime of WoW
Based Blizzard
I keep telling myself "eh its 2 bucks, what ever" but actually looking at the list I spent fucking 26 bucks on fucking crates
When I could of gotten 3 crates free for picking the 19.99 option
fucking hell man
talk about horrible spending habits
That's the point with DLCs. They look like a cheap deal, a few bucks, so people are more eager to buy them and in the end they waste 30 bucks or more on fucking nothing without even noticing.
>Sup Forums tells me it's foolish to join the video game industry
>won't make any money they said
>waste of a degree they said
>bubble pop they said
>math and engineering is the path to wealth they said
>white whales only exist on mobile games they said
developer or publisher. which makes the most?
You should contact Blizzard support and say you didn't realize the bigger bundles gave additional boxes, they might give you the ones they would have given you anyway
Never let websites save your bank info. Not cuz of tinfoil, but because buying things are reduced to a click.
The whole 'authorize payment' is bullshit too. They want to make you feel good, like you're in charge of your money. Got to 'authorize' it with the big boss first before sending out the orders, amirite? No.
Just don't buy that shit. Pick up another expensive hobby. Like keeping a turtle.
My red eared slider has fucked my wallet
u got tricked by the jews bro, it happened to the best of us. live and learn
can you do trick with the turtle?
Calm down. It's just money you obviously don't deserve.
How expensive can a slider be?
Doesn't matter, you'll never wind up working for one anyways.
Market's over saturated from schmucks like you.
You fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Just be glad it was only 26 bucks and not 5000$+ some mobile "gamers" spend. Hope you learned from the experience.
As far as I know, you can watch them eat their own shit and then try to bite your finger off.
My first 'aquatic' pet. I've only kept dogs and cats.
>turtle itself
>50 gallon tank
>canister filter
>uvb lamp and bulb
>heat lamp
>submersible heater
>rocks and flora
>already about $250 in
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm assuming. There's probably a lot more later on.
Either a loaded gun or a noose. Absolute fucking cancer. Die today, you fucking waste.
this nigga get's it
ITT wastemans
I have a snake, my friend a lizard so I can't speak for aquatic animals, but it seems mose tank animals are high entry level, low maintenence. The highest cost will be food I guess.
My mom has lost about $20,000 through several pyramid schemes she got herself into (I had to bail her out before she lost her house, she's probably never gonna pay me back) and just the other day she came to me raving about another one that's gonna make her rich. I almost smacked her across the face
Some people are just fucking brain dead with money
>all that for a pet that stays inside of a tank 90% of the time
I'd rather just buy a ferret if I'm going the exotic route.
I will never understand the point of owning a useless pet that costs way too much money, and lives way too long.
Turtles are too retarded to even interact with.
we tell you this because it IS foolish and you'd have to be retarded to not listen.
do you know how many people get roped into those stupid degrees? how many people had the dream to "work for video games" when they were kids? how many people that are out there who can do your job better than you?
it's already an oversaturated market with thousands upon thousands of idiots like you who think they can make it big on ideas and dreams alone.
give up, you're wasting your time. it's better you hear it now before you start so you don't fucking neck yourself later because of your failure.
Does she have a job?
>Surely if I get my favorite skin, people will admire me!
>Nobody notices your skin or cares
She works 20 hours a week at a lingerie store and complains about how hard it is constantly
but I want to make easy shekels. people like OP give me hope that I too can get rich from vidya.
I have a snake too and this is exactly the case. The initial setup cost me about £300, but I only have to feed her one rat every week and a half and change her bedding once a month or two. Easily one of the least maintenance pets.
Gambling is one of the biggest addictions out there.
It's just fucked up that game companies use these manipulative tactics to take advantage of a bunch of middle-class kiddies with no sense of financial responsibility.
You deserve it tbqh familia
Anybody with a braincell would take computer science or software engineering over that crap anyway.
There are a surprising number of game companies looking for graphics programmers with a comp sci degree but fuckall looking for people with Unity experience.
>taking life advice from an anonymous image board with an average IQ of 70
something tells me you wouldn't have been very successful no matter what you did
>gets the rare one he was after
>equips it
>feels proud of himself
>plays a few rounds
>starts to notice other people have the same skin
>instant regret kicks in
>loses interest in playing
>becomes that guy that stalks Sup Forums to shitpost every overwatch thread that gets posted
My friends dad is constantly buying useless shit at liquidation price and trying to resell it to people for profit. He literally never makes money. I had to have a 10 minute conversation with him about why I didn't want a stack of lined paper even though I was in college once.
>his son, my friend buys cosmetic game shit all the time along with other useless shit he never uses
I will never understand this behaviour, he thinks it's the best purchase in the world for like 1 day then regrets it, but will do it again the next day.
I noticed a Hanzo's skin when I saw that it changed the fucking dragons into wolves.
it's literally that South Park episode
cut ties you dumb piece of shit
trick her out of her house so that when she passes away you at least have SOMETHING left back in your name
It's not fucked up, it's shifting the target. People know about the Las Vegas meme, but they sure as hell never saw it coming in their vidya.
>the only people who care are scammers trying to steal your account
I got a job at a vidya company as a tools programmer. It's more interesting than working at a bank or something because the technology's always changing, so there's always new stuff. Plus everyone there plays video games so it's easy to make friends with people.
Sup Forums is right about the shitty pay though. I'm 4 years in and I still make as much as I did when I started.
At least it's relatively enjoyable.
Post your turtle bro!!! And I hope you called him ,Leo,Mikey,Ralphy or Donny or whats the point?
user, she's my mother and I care about her, I'm not a scumbag.
Stop being a pussy and stop playing you fucking cunthoe
Relevant to your problem:
>Spending money on cosmetics in a game that isn't F2P
>Spending money on cosmetics full stop
jewfortress 2 even has servers dedicated to sitting around jerking off to each other hats rather than paying
While I usually hate government babysitting laws, they really need to regulate this shit like any other gambling or lotto.
Fuck the whole video game industry needs serious regulation that it isn't getting because most people still think all games are for kids.
Idiots like that who look for get-rich-quick schemes will never find them. Tell her that if she wants to be rich she needs to work like a mule for way longer than a normal employee for nearly the rest of his life.
Holy fuck, how can you justify two fucking dollarydoos for a shit loot crate, most of the time I have 2-3 crates at once, because they're so shit I usually don't care to open them.
Wait, I don't follow Overwatch but wasn't it meant to be free to play? Then have that loot stuff?
How did they add the actual game purchase cost but still leave in the pay2dress aspect?
Why not just play the damn game? If you wanna jack off to cosmetics just go on YouTube or something
>While I usually hate government babysitting laws, they really need to regulate this shit like any other gambling or lotto.
nah man, just let it play out. some people need to learn a hard lesson about losing everything.
even if you step in and make changes to prevent people from gettin' took, they'll still find another way to lose all their money.
This shit is aimed at children. Last I checked Vegas wasn't. Kids don't know any better, and neither do naive ignorant parents.
Games like these are usually for a large demographic, politicians are just ignorant of the times because they can't relate. Plain and simple.
Why the fuck do you even want cosmetic shit?
Just use the default skins like a man
of course dont kick her out that'd be evil but if she cant handle money and is liable to lose her property it would be best if she was unable to do so legally
OP deserves this hell.
How are you this retarded?
You know, this cosmetic shit applies a lot in real life as well. No one gives a shit what you're wearing as long as you don't look homeless. No one asks where you got your clothes or how much you paid, you should be buying shit from a thrift store.
The only time in your life you thought that your clothes mattered was probably high school, which is the age group these dlc purchases are targeted at.
>they need to regulate literal natural selection
ha ha
call them activision since it's their real name. If the internet stopped using the "blizzard" tag the sympathy for that company would vanish overnight.
post yfw you aren't stupid enough to buy gamble boxes
>tfw bought 4 last night
was only $2 each, so no biggie
Well for starters, you should give your mother her credit card back.
this is the mindeset of the parasite:
"small, meaningless purchases cannot ever be harmful to me"
you idiot
Its even worse
An autist would spreadsheet that bitch and figure out how to get more without paying anything
You can probably figure out how i know this
I play to do the $40 50loot box buy to cover one of the Sup Forums anons that refuse to buy the game.
I'm one of the few millionaires that lurk this board. The money I spend on gaming is literally a minute worth of my time.
If you're poor, living paycheck to paycheck, then I'd agree with you.
>I'm 4 years in and I still make as much as I did when I started.
Look at this wagecuck right here.
I'm in finance and I probably make in a month what you make in a year. Plus it's easy to make friends, because I do not have autism. You don't have to spend every second of your work day talking about "muh vidya and animu figurines". People have other interests too.
And that is why you never work with your hobby, kids.
Ayy, it's only $8. Good goy, maybe next time try a few more, it's only a couple of bucks each! Remember that feeling when you open it? You can experience it again!
Yes, give me your money and feel that temporary feeling.
You are one magnificent retard, holy shit.
Fuck off Notch
That's a very cute snek.
Lol, you spend so much you could bought a battleborn.
>still browses Sup Forums
sure dude
No. No it didn't. We're still here not buying this shit. The worst of us just won't shut up about their shit spending habits. We're vastly outnumbered by you retards so we just sit back and grimace as we read this shit.
Whats wrong with Sup Forums?
Rude. Snek is not like spider. Snek is for cuddling and watching them sleep.
>game has next to no content
>by level 15-20 you'll have enough for that skin you want and 15-20 chances at more money or that other skin you want
>people are spending money on this
The strangest thing is they didn't even actually add the stuff that a new player would want to invest real money to get (items that actually do things-in game, weapons, etc) as TF2 had (years before they even added crates or trading) and people are still buying it. None of this was surprising then because there was actual contents there.
nothing but if you have all that money there are better things you could be doing.
>posts on Sup Forums
4/10 bait, made me reply
Like what? Not the guy you're replying to, but one of the things I realized after I got rich is that you should never let other people tell you how to spend your time or who to socialize with. Fuck off.
Wait, didn't they say there won't be crates in OW?..
>paying microtransactions for a b2p game
let me guess, you also pay for both subscription and mounts on WoD too? Your parents should be proud.
I know that feel OP, but I have spend more money on it
20€ set
+10€ set
+5€ set
+5€ set
Then I realized I spend as much money on fucking sprays and voicelines as on the game itself.
I since then removed my PayPal link to Bnet and won't buy another box for the foreseeable future I got all the legendaries I was after anyways. But yeah, this gambling addiction is a bitch and you should cut their access to your money ASAP
what anime are they cosplay?
looks like it says Oshiete Gyaru _ -chan
I can't read the one after gyaru, though, but it's probably enough to go by
I'm not even interested in the skins to be admired. I just think some look nice
No, put sweaters on sneks.
This game was called one of the deepest strategy games in the market. Is that true at fucking all? Is it any good? Would I be better of playing on of the older ones or enemy within?
I'm not really certain I would call it one of the deepest strategy games on the market. Most people enjoy it. The ones who don't tend to complain about the fact that most of your missions are time based - you get a limited amount of turns to complete them. It would be fine if it happened every once in a while, but it can honestly add up to be like 60-70% of the game where you're on a timer.
UFO: Enemy Unknown (XCOM: UFO Defense) with the OpenXCom tends to be a pretty popular pick for people who enjoy the games as a whole. It's a bit more in-depth than XCom EU/EW or XCOM 2. Enemy Within is fun as well, but 2 did add a lot of improvements. The workshop support alone makes 2 very nice as you can customize it with a great deal of mods that significantly enhance the gameplay (most are just cosmetic, but you can do stuff like turn off timers if you want).
Try XCOM with OpenXCom. If you like that, you'll probably like XCom EW or 2.
The timer mechanic is fine. Without it, the game is too easy. It's too easy to just sneak forward one cell each turn with one trooper and keep the other seven on overwatch. The timer was introduced to stop that kind of behavior, which is optimal strategy but boring for the player.
I really liked the two newer games. I played first EW, then EW with the mod Long War which makes everything ridiculously hard, and then XCOM2. All three experiences were very enjoyable.
It's definitely not the "deepest strategy game on the market", but it's just a lot of fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously with the lore, but the combat is very good and it feels like most decisions you make really matter for who lives and who dies.
Thank ye
>tfw die die die die