Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw i miss feels thread on Sup Forums
fuck mods

shit thread by the way check my 5 nerds


>playing Overwatch with friend last night
>wondering why he's afk sometimes
>hear a girl when he pushes the mic to talk
>tell him I'm done for today

How do I get a job?




>tfw gf
You dense fucks just need to stop looking for people with similar interests

>that shock in Pepe when he opens the door and drops the plate and holds Wojak
>genuinely felt sad after watching this

What am I doing with my life

tfw living near a phone mast. MY FUCKING computer room is at 0.4000 v/m2 right

when you fuckers are in rooms with radio EMF of 0.00005 v/m2

I am 40,000 times higher in radio fields.

Feels good.

Am fucking radioactive bitches.


>VR waifu porn IS here


>tfw gf

>tfw virgin

>tfw 32 years old

>tfw no gf

is it 2011 already?

tfw when virgin 38 years old.

GFs and vidya are the way to go

>he doesn't have a gf with similar interests
Enjoy not playing vidya and watching anime together with a cute girl

Yes. It's 2011 right now.

Hey man, I didn't lose the v-card until after college. Women can smell desperation. Just focus on yourself, enjoy life, do what you wanna do.
If virgin-status is getting you down so much, get a call girl or something and just get that shit outta the way.
Enjoy life, play vidya, bitches ain't shit

>20 next week
>kissless and hugless virgin
It's too late for me, isn't it?

i wish it would never end

I like playing games with my GF.

I only play casual games like Skyrim and BF4 because they're actually fun. Loving the no gf cringe in this thread
If/when I don't have a gf anymore I'll go straight back to shitposting on r9k
Who /closetnormie/ here?

>tfw no 8f

>tfw 23 and it only gets worse
>tfw no job wants me and I don't want no job
>tfw parents made it clear I can't leech forever

>this thread

>tfw no bf

It's all or nothing at that point. At least that's how it feels since I'm also 19 and KHV.

feels thread on Sup Forums used to be comfy

>gf always wants to hang out
>I just want to stay home and play videogames

get out of my fucking thread you degenerate

>tfw a girl likes you


Nope! Just gotta stop worrying about that shit. I was a late bloomer too, but once I got over that shit (early-mid-20s), it became relatively easy to hook-up with womenfolk.
Just don't be a spaz, stop treating every encounter with women like it's a test. Enjoy their company, take it for what it is. Sometimes it'll turn into something else like a make-out session, or getting her number, or maybe you'll just meet somebody nice and that'll be it.
Doesn't mean you failed, or that you're gonna be Forever Alone, just that you gotta keep going out there.
20 is way to young to be giving up.
You can do it, user.

Take your beta story back to /r/relationships please


>that feel when no furry bf

>tfw you already know you will fuck it up like you have every other time it has happened

>tfw no bf

Don't ever fucking reply to me again.

>Best friend only goes for girls who play games.
>Has led to some crazies in the past.
>Starts dating a cute girl, I keep my distance because the crazy is inevitable.
>Want to fighting games, friends respond with the usual "Sorry dude I'm busy walking my goldfish".
>Ask my best friend.
>"Sorry dude, I'm at work. Why don't you ask my girlfriend?"
>Fuck it, I'll bite the bullet.
>"Sure user! I'll go online now :)"
>She's been my training buddy for a few months and seems harmless. Even my girlfriend likes her.

How long until the crazy sets in Sup Forums? What should I look out for?


>trw you spend your life with a 8/10 smart engineer GF who likes good anime, good movies, and play a bit of videogames.

My gf cheated on my with a nigger

What should I do?

>tfw no games

>find an ERP partner that is heavily into petplay
>is not a furry at all

alright Wojack you've been doing that for years. it is time for desperate measures. get yourself a big enough bitch and don't sterilize her.

>how to ruin your life: the post



yeah just broke up after 5 years. playing vidya with bouts of intense crying inbetween. how do i cope

this isn't 2011 anymore user

still better than overwatch threads

>cucking on your girlfriend

Didn't even know this was a thing.

Smack that nigger on the face and then devastate his ass with your penis. That should teach him.

Remember, Its not gay unless you're the receiver.

This thread would have been funny 5 years ago during the Katawa Shoujo fad.

Eh, it's not that great 2bqh

Feels bad, man.

>tfw no cuckquean gf

>20 is way to young to be giving up.

>graduate uni with barely any skill
>family is pushing me to get a job
>sent out CVs, no jobs want me
>want to get into some courses
>brother hounding me like it's just a waste of time
Maybe I'll just push the reset button

You even got the pasta wrong you failed robot.

>tfw no dogman gf

>tfw no bf
>tfw trans

>tfw I will never have Ibuki as a cute gf

Who can resist this beautiful face?

Love at first site DESU

stay mad

>This happened to your gf

Nah, she's not my type, she's a bit too cutesy for me despite being a grown woman. She calls peeing 'going to Tinkletown' for Christ sake. I just don't want her screwing over my friend.

What're you doing posting lewds of my husbando?

enjoy this thread while it lasts you beta faggots I just reported all of you.

Nice edit user, here's your (You)

>She calls peeing 'going to Tinkletown'

what an ugly girl, she's literally a cuck.

I've got a gun to help you kill yourself. Just ask and I'll be sure to provide it.

You're clearly worthless, so just end your life and nobody will even care. Your parents might even be happy for once in their lives.

>thank god he comitted suicide
>now we don't have to deal with the same of saying he was our child

Pretty fucking embarrassing if you think about it. So, make your parents proud, for once in your lifetime.

>20 for a month
>kissless, overweight and hugless virgin
>lost 20 pounds since my birthday

Keep playing overwatch with me senpai

>23, almost 24 HKV NEET
>literally no friends

Last time I socialised was in school. My whole life consists of vidya, animu and shitposting.
It's strange, I don't even feel sad but I know I'll kill myself sooner or later.

>tfw qt bf

>tfw iktf

>tfw no 9

Your husband is a slut

>tfw trap
>tfw no gf


It isn't worth it.

>finish masturbating
>eat ice cream straight out of the box while arguing over the worst nintendo waifu on Sup Forums
>real-life wife won't be home from school for another two hours
>so i don't have to take off her panties yet
>hear the familiar clip-clop and shuffling from wife rushing stairs up towards our flat while scrambling for keys
>holy shit
>grab ice cream and spoon and rush to the kitchen
>hell naw, now she'll my shameful reply
>reach back and turn off the monitor
>run back to ice cream, pack it up and rinse spoon in panic while pulling the borrowed panties off
>return to office
>"Really, user? I thought Rosalina was pretty cute."
>"i-i-i was just, uh, t-trolling, it's hilarious how angry the neckbeards get over this"
>"Looking at your post, it seems like you were the one getting angry. Are you sure you aren't being played?"
>she mocks me and leans in for a kiss
>"... user, is that vanilla? I thought we bought that for Friday, with the pie and all. And are those my panties over there? Wow, you're a huge fucking pervert."
>crawls under the table and slurps up sore dick
>"no, please, i just fapped and-"
>"You took my panties, now I'm taking your dick."
>"you can't compare my dick to panties!"
>"You also took the ice cream."

>tfw moved to a new country a year ago
>don't know the language
>don't know how to make friends
>stuck in a british highschool

>tfw it isn't 2011 anymore

>High School

Sometimes I forget I'm 25 I graduated that shit like 6 years ago

>She calls peeing 'going to Tinkletown'
Keep a safe distance from her.

>Just got out of a 5 year relationship.
>She got the condo, my TV and my movie collection.
>Don't really miss her but I do miss the comfy life I had with two incomes.
>It was my fault, I had a 2nd grillfriend on the side for 18 months and she found out.

Eh, happier on my own in my own place.

Zero drama and all my money is my own.

fuck off paki

>finish masturbating
>want gf more since I could be banging her instead of my hand

same here. Its like days blend into each other and seem to drag on forever. My life is devoid of any meaning

My cuddlehubby is the pure! PURE!
