Alliance or horde Sup Forums?
Alliance or horde Sup Forums?
Anyone who still gives a shit is an autist.
It doesnt matter anymore. We no longer fight for The Alliance or for The Horde. We fight for Azeroth.
>that post
>that pic
Burning Legion
Khaz Modan.
i dont care anymore, but horde
i was never able to go past lvl 20 on any alliance character
Alliance, grew out of being 'underdog' and horde except for undeads are all subhumans.
Glorious alliance.
Horde is full of dindus.
Which is nelf?
Back when it mattered, Alliance, even though I was Horde.
All the cool people were in Alliance, and I always fucking hated old Orgrimmar.
Orc Warlock
Orc Warrior
Troll Hunter
Tauren DK
Tauren Monk
Troll Rogue
Troll Mage
Alliance only has 1 good race.
Whichever one my friends were playing on.
Although I liked alliance better because I preferred their capital cities and music.
Alliance for visual style
Horde because my friends made me
I just wanted to be a cool dwarf and hang out in ironforge. Instead I made a skeleton and hung out in their town.
>Playing wow with music on
>a game where you will spend HOURS in the same city
Sorry, it gets old after 10 minutes, even though the soundtrack is good.
>waah waah the grass is greener
you were a literal cuck who hated his own race good job
I don't disagree, I had my own music playing most of the time. But occasionally I would turn on the in-game music and listen to Stormwind's theme.
At this point (and if we're being honest here anypoint after Wrath) it's irrelevant.
That said I don't see how people can no go Alliance, with the introduction of the nelves the the draenai the alliance outgun the horde so massively its hilarious, if it wasn't for the status quo and metzan's green jesus the horde would not exist anymore.
that's why you don't have it looped
Horde has Tauren, aka the best race, so yeah.
Shame Blizzard constantly forgets about them and doesn't care about them.
The game is centered around the factions, and even with the threats of the Legion this literal pointless and petty war still goes on. It's a shame they'll never get away from it due to the fact the game is based on it. It kills any kind of development because every new expansion we always find a reason to be at each other's throats again.
Ditto, Alliance was just so fucking boring.
I got a ton of Horde characters to 30-40 but never maxed out during any of the expansions.
Horde has cooler races, but the Alliance has nicer cities and zones.
However I always played Horde.
horde because it has goblins and i want to fuck goblins because i am the goblin fucker that fucks goblins
this desu
All tauren players i know are chill as fuck.
The furfags need to die in a fire though.
but nowdays all the furfags went alliance due to worgens fitting them better.
>play alliance forever
>lose pvp alot
>finally make a horde character
>lose even more
hl2.exe has stopped working
thats not even mathematically possible
>Short human
>Shorter human
>Purple human
The correct choice is obvious
whats that staff?
You get it from logging in from now to like a month or two later, it's a movie promo item.
Who cares? Game is dead
Gul'dans replica staff.
Just log into the game right now and you will get it.
>The Alliance and the Horde only exist in World of Warcraft
>Warcraft hasn't had other video games
>Warcraft doesn't have a multidecade old multimedia universe
You have to be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums
Warcraft rts is dead
Universe is dead
Only fags like you care about heartstone
I remember I really wanted to play a female dwarf priest but couldn't go past 40 because of boring Alliance aestethics.
That means you are whats making your team lose
>Next actual WC RTS never.
>Tauren shaman
>Orc rogue
>troll Mage
>night elf Druid
>human paladin
>Draenei hunter
>blood elf warlock
>gnome warrior
Why not both?
Degenerate scum
Why do you keep posting this thread every day? Is this the new Legion marketing technique? Instead of actually mentioning Legion you just make a blanket statement about Warcraft?
Alliance aesthetics
Horde races
No difference in players
>tfw you triggered a Sup Forumstard by having fun
Feels fine.
>Bro tier
Human Male
Night Elf Male
Blood Elf Male
Draenei Male
Undead Female
>Meme tier
Pandaren Male
Dwarf Male
Undead Male
>Shit tier
Human Female
Blood Elf Female
Night Elf Female
>Furshit tier
Pandaren Female
Draenei Female
Tauren Female
>Unique Special Snowflake tier
Dwarf Female
Orc Female
Troll Female
>Nigger tier
Orc Male
Tauren Male
Troll Male
>Kill Yourself tier
>like over 50% blood elves
>nothing but orc style buildings
horde is just a bunch of pretty fuckboi elves living in orc mudhuts
Based gnome huntard soon.
>Blood elf warlock.
You're a disgrace to warlocks.
>Are you a faggot or are you 13 years old
Fuck hard choice.
shittiest list I've ever read in any regard
>Only good ones are mostly male and most human looking races possible
We get it, you're Sup Forums retard.
The only time Alliance vs Horde was ever a real discussion was back in Vanilla when there were actual communities you could rank.
Back then Horde was objectively better because they were older players so dungeons, Raids and PvP was better co-ordinated.
Nowadays both sides are 50% Elf, everything is automatic matchmaking with background server merging and no one speaks to anyone.
The Jews won, it's literally do you like the colour Red or Blue now.
>Picking female character in game being male irl
Are you cuck or sth?
>Undead Warlock
>Tauren Warrior
>Orc shaman
>Blood elf nothing
Alliance is for kids although Human starting zone is superior to any other races and elwynn forest ftw
>Carl is the best and I love him
i don't see what was remotely political about that post, fuckhead
>Carl is the best and I love him
Corecraft when?
only roleplayer fags give a damn about factions, rest of us choose depending of what racial abilities we need the most.
ITT: we post our favorite questing zones
I ment Classic-WoW server ran by Carl, server went down few years ago.
It was
>Instant 60
>Horde and Alliance could party up together for raids
>T1 custom raids
>AQ20 and 40
>teleporter to enchant farming zone,Bwl,Mc, t1,PvP arena etc
>150 ppl online
>focused on orgrimmar and Ironforge
Tell me about corecraft. how many online, is it like this server i mentioned?
>Shit tier
>Pleb tier
Blood Elf
Night Elf
>Meh tier
>Great tier
>God tier
>Bro tier
literally crying to blizzard until they get the best racial in the game, and crying again so blizzard won't change it.
Human players are generally the worst kind of people
At this point I would rather be independent.
Alliance. There's some super autist who day in day out starts the most asinine arguments with people and out-stupids them every time. In completely broken english.
I know I can just block or change server but the fact that I know he's still there, parked in thunder bluff doing what he does just puts me off the entire faction.
I love how one retarded autist can be such an effective deterrent it actually influences shit like this.
UN Goro Crater
>Patrician tier
>Male main, female alts
>Top tier
>Mixed male and female characters
>Okay tier
>All male characters
>Shit tier
>All female characters
>Cockslut tier
>Female main, male alts
>not the epitome of comfy
No one likes Desolace tho
Alliance. If I have to look at orgrimmar again I'm going to puke.
I say drop the faction barrier outside of PvP already and let us all group up and guild together
>Kill childish FOR DA HORD/ALLIANZ mentality
>No more feeling limited to half the races when making a new character
>More colourful raid groups
>Fits the 'everyone has to put aside differences and team up against the big bad' they've been pushing for several expansions
Alliance for the story
Horde for the pvp
But everyone goes Alliance because the human racial built-in-trinket is easily the best
>Easily the best
>Not getting chain stunned by 4 taurens instead
Undead has the same racial.
lurk moar
Not really, it only removes charm, sleep, and fear.
Human racial is literally a trinket effect on a 2 minute CD.