Late night gamer fuel thread.
Pic related, boiling me up some sandwiches right now.
Late night gamer fuel thread.
Pic related, boiling me up some sandwiches right now.
That's a nice 'go 'za
>boiling sandwiches
>Late night
that explains it
Not video game related, you cancer.
the dictionary just deemed hotdogs as sandwiches
Am I the only person who prefers Hotdogs with Rice?
Some tentoridon with tartar sauce
Nope, secondary vidya. Keep crying.
>secondary vidya
Shut the hell up
buttered celery, grapes
Just a glass of healthy refreshing water for me. All I need to keep me gaming.
And water.
Not an argument.
You obese fuck.
Celery with peanut butter and raisins and water with flavour powder
Hell yeah!
Love me a nice 'za.
Pic related, just like they used to make in my hometown of Chicago!
Tried making these party 'go 'za the other day.
They went down pretty well with everyone!
ice and water
Have you ever tried a bite-sized 'go 'za?
All the great tastes of Chicago in one neat little package!
This here's a desert Chiccy 'za.
Just like momma used to make, ah...
What the fuck is a za
Explain to a Canadian
>put hotdog on plate
>put rice on plate
>put sides on plate
Pizza. Pee-za. Za.
This here's a famous Chicago "walk-in" 'za. Popular with kids!
Mighty expensive though...
Nothing you posted is pizza
Am I missing a joke
Do you cut up the hot dogs into the shape of octopi, too?
I'm too tired for irony. This is making fun of how Chicago style pizza isn't real pizza, right?
What are you a fucking cop?
Pizza Pie. Desert Pizza. Desert Pie.
What is this supposed to be
>inb4 pizza
What is it actually supposed to be?
You sound guilty.
don't have a pic but we had a bunch of chicken fajita meat leftover so i had fajitas for breakfast
i use this chili paste and smear it on the tortilla before i throw down the meat and veggies it's fucking delicious
Pic related, a rare upside-down 'za.
You don't see these too often nowadays.
What are you talking about, sport?
I'm simply sharing the gift of Chicago-style deep-dish 'za with my anonymous friends!
Nothing more real than a good ol' 'go 'za mi amigo.
The fuck are you talking about? That Za looks delicious. Check out this deconstructed Za.
I, for one, welcome the arrival of the last fresh meme from /ck/ to Sup Forums.
it's technically a sandwich
>"deconstructed" pizza
Is this really a thing?
Can someone please explain the deep dish meme? Are Chicago pizzas really nothing but sauce?
This here's was a pretty nice 'go 'za too!
It even came with side of breadsticks, as per American custom.
Yes, it's called "a proper meal".
is this a /ck/ meme?
>Gamer fuel
You're fucking sitting on a chair for hours on end playing a videogame, what the fuck do you need fuel for?
Do you think e-sports are physical as fuck too?
Fucking neck yourself.
You were that kid that laughed at the punchline without hearing the setup just to fit in weren't you
it's "pizza" you pretentious fucking faggot
Only the jewish ones.
Real deep dish will have at least as much cheese as sauce.
just checked, the hotdogs are sandwiches thing is a /ck/ meme too.
fuck off my board cu/ck/s
jk, you can stay
chicago is known for deep dish pizza
Califags jewyorkfags and chicagofags argue to the day they die which pizza is better
he only used 2 steaks and gave no instructions on when or how to cook the sandwich after it was put together
i hate imgur more than i hate reddit
Here's a classic 'za I had the other day.
Real faithful to it's rich Chicago roots.
They skimped a little bit on the sauce though.
>Califag pizza
lmao just like they think they have burgers on lock because of In n Out, it's just delusion.
Jew York and Chiraq have legitimate claims to good pizza though.