Anyone else burnt out yet? The feeling of logging in just to play with more random retards and TF2 vets shitting all over everyone with broken characters after 24+ hours of playtime is enough to make me wanna stop until the balance patches inevitably start rolling in.
Anyone else burnt out yet...
Nah, Tracer is too cute.
nah still having fun, sorry man.
Do you have friends to play with, user?
Im sorry that you are unable to enjoy/buy Overwatch but im having fun.
Slowly getting there, having at least 4 braindead teammates and always facing mccree on the opposite team makes me rage embarrassingly hard
I only play when friends are online so I'm not burned out yet, if i were to play with randoms alone i would be banned by now or at least chat restricted,
get friends
Have I stumbled onto r9k?
Stop being a beta faggot and get some friends I've just passed 24 hours and haven't bored yet. I have at least 10 people on my friends list to play with it never gets boring.
Nope, still having fun. Since I've started to play only with 5-6 friends on voice chat it's a completely different game. Finally no Hanzos and Widowmakers.
nope I'm having fun at staring paint to dry. maybe you should get some friends. getting drunk is fun too. :D
I seem to be the sort of retard they were gunning for, shit is like crack for me.
I helps that I can't piss away my whole day playing it.
almost 48 hours of play time and I'm still having loads of fun.
I haven't played today, I really need to play.
Whenever I feel like I'm starting to get a little bored I just try a new hero. When I first started all I played was Roadhog and Zenyatta. Now I like to play McCree, Pharah, Lucio, Zarya, Hanzo, Mei, Symmetra, Winston, and Torb.
Despite the fact that we already have people who played 80 hours or more, this game isn't for grinding.
Its supposed to be a quick fun game, that you can jump into after a long day of work/study and play for an hour or play with friend for 2-3 hours on the weekend.
Also it will probably be better with new/more characters, which they will do, just to earn more money with chests.
I'm still enjoying myself, but I'm looking forward to ranked.
Can't wait for all the banhammers that will get swung arround.
From the increasing amount of ingame shitflinging I witnessed the last two days it seems people are already loosing their patience with each other.
>play a total of 6 hours in beta
>get everything I wanted out of the game
>no desire to play it again
I'm only posting because I like the OP pic
I play with friends, usually 6 of us.
Half are bad and never change mains, one is a super novice at fps and can't aim, and his gf plays and is horrendous. Win rate is like 45% at best.
Losing sucks but who cares? You can still have fun.
How you post more art fag?
>The feeling of logging in just to play with more random retards
what else did you expect?
i didnt buy the game cause 1. shit tickrate. 2. i can only enjoy the game with friends, and they are all over seas.
yep, 25 hours and I was done
20 tick is making me really sick of the game
getting hooked around a corner, getting sucked in to traps and flashbangs, dying from a hanzo shot when i was already behind cover, etc...
and mccree definitely needs a nerf