Trophy : Finish the game without killing anyone

>Trophy : Finish the game without killing anyone.

dishonored was still a good game doe

Not really.


>Finish the game without killing anyone and being detected

>trophy: you paid for a season pass.

>Trophy: Finish the game without posting frogs.

I thought it was good so long as you were aiming to get the trophy in OP, even then it was far too easy, but a fun game to breeze through due to the level + world design

>No death playthrough
>complete game
>No trophy
>remember right at the start of the game I threw an unconcious guy on a fire to see what would happen

Why am i retard

still, t-technology i guess

>Congratulations on purchasing the season pass!

>Passing entire level on full stealth and without single fatality on first run
Literally orgasm

I grew out of achievements a decade ago. Why haven't you, user?

>Kill 300,000 enemies
>There are only 1000 enemies per playthrough

>playing non lethal
>get to ranking at end of game
>somehow got 3 eliminations


>There is no stealth mode
>There is no way to avoid combat
>Finish the game without killing anyone

Dumb frogposters

>tranquilize enemies hanging to high walls
>they fall and die
>"b-but i didnt kill them the fall did"

>No kill dishonoured run
>get through every level without killing anybody
>reach admiral havelock at his fireplace
>Chokehold him
>I reach Emily and level ends
>don't get the achievement
>Fucking Havelock's rag doll fell into the goddamn fireplace and burned him to death.

The game is 100% more fun when you kill people

dumb frogposter

>play mgs3 for the first time after getting a ps3
>non-lethal gold trophy
>didn't even know non-lethal runs were a thing
>left scratching your head, confused over why anyone would ever kill in that game

>pacifist run
>virtually any death is considered a kill from the player
>have to go full guardian angel and protect everything in the game or you get disqualified

I actually think that's kind of fun. There should be games like this concept.

>you're only given a lethal weapon to defend yourself in the tutorial level, from a story standpoint these enemies solely exist to end every life they come across including yours, there's no benefit to saving their lives immediate or otherwise

>killing people in the tutorial level ruins the entire non lethal run

There are games like that, moron. And they are loathed, because AI is retarded and death is always on you, even if you don't do shit. It's bad game design, nothing else.

Not if the game were based around it you simpleton

Which are the worst trophies or the ones you hate most?

>beat Dishonored non-lethally
>don't get achievement
>go through the stats for each level and they all show 0 kills

>playing mgs3
>enemies can drown if they're facing down in a small puddle of water

Having to play through a story game multiple times to get all achievements. I just play those games once then I'm done

Well, yes, that's how drowning works

>deaths from enemy infighting or gameplay mechanics you didn't trigger or caused
>they count as YOUR kills

> Rank in the top 10 of the global leaderboard
> Get a mid air headshot in multiplayer (which now doesn't have servers)
> Get the jackpot in the slot machine found in the casino level (uses actual slot machine odds)
> play in the same server as a developer
> Reach the 11th level of awesomeness

>Everyone is a VIP Escort Mission: The Game
no, thank you very much.

>Trophy : Finish the game

Anything that's to do with a tacked on multiplayer in a single player focused game

>Trophy : Finish the game killing everyone

What is Human Revolution

>Finish the game while dressed as a pretty girl (real life optional)

I remember that game

Wasnt there also a baby one?

>that moment when everything goes just right and you play better than you actually should

>finish stealth game and be good at stealth

Yeah, wtf dude.

>Good at stealth

Nice try, do it without abusing the quicksave system, scrub.

>achievement requires you to play the game thrice

The worst.

DMC4 was fucking awful for this

>Finish it in human mode
>Finish it in Devil hunter mode
>Finish it in Son of Sparda mode
>Finish it in Dante must die mode
>Finish it in Heaven or Hell mode
>Finish it in Hell and Hell mode
>Finish it in Legendary Dark Knight mode
>Finish bloody palace 5 times, once with each character

I used to love the game but this made me sick of seeing the game.

What is big boss rank?

>Achievement: complete 500 missions
>Can only do a mission a day

Pacifist runs are a pretty decent challenge actually. Try playing through a Kirby game killing only bosses.

>You can fail the mission and have to wait for another day to try again