Team is losing

>team is losing
>this canonfodder is on your team

what do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

play hanzo and stand in the back

Change to the third hanzo on the team and jerk off to my legendary wolf skin.

Don't care and hope the teams are more balanced next game.

I think that i would switch to Hanzo.

Maybe switch to Hanzo


he is great. Hang around corners and walls and charge your attack and just wait till all the other players come round and get flung about the level.

Probably would pull out the old Hanzo card

Did someone say switch to hanzo yet? That is what I would do.

I double down and pick zenyatta.

if you're going to fuck up, might as well fuck up all the way

>canon fodder
He's not canonfodder, he is glass canon himself. One of the best, if not the best consistent DPS in the game with insane utility gained through ult


Low MMR Shitters spotted

>people going Winston/Roadhog when we are attacking

this. if you wanna git gud you're gonna have to keep playing that character

Winston is good on attack though not as good as Hanzo

not when moving the fucking payload, his fucking shield is stationary

I bet you think Symmetra isn't good either

just literally run at people

I'd tell him to switch to the best character in the game, Hanzo.

Switch to Genji and start an erp with Zenyatta

>all right guys who wants to yiff

its large enough you can put in front and get there faster then anyone else. winston is great for attack

Nigga just put the shield on the payload you shitter

Gotta go with Hanzo to show my epic wolf skin, that will surely turn the tides in our favor.

Like any character he's good on certain maps. He adds to choke points with debuffs and great accuracy. Ever seen a Mercy boosted Bastion take down an enraged Winston with a discord orb on him? It's comically broken.

Also like any character there are good and bad players. A good Zenyatta is lethal. Once the opposing team sees this they try to zerg him. They have to get through the rest of the team first though.

Or I guess he could just switch to Hanzo.

No she has a place, she's not a free ult feed for half the cast of the game, theres a fucking reason you see no Zenyattas the higher up you go.

I'm really getting sick and tired of you low skilled pieces of filth attempting to say whats good and what isnt.

Please for the love of god stop trying to shoehorn a character into what they should do based on their role. It's a guideline, not a definitive line of action.

Winston can easily jump to a backline full of squishies and dominate them depending on who is back there. He isn't meant to sit on the payload 24/7 like someone more like rheinhardt and even then he should move about. Git fucking gud.

>thinking Roadhog is a bad choice either way

Roadhog is top tier user, maybe if you werent such a Reinhardt-shitter you would realise this.

Show me your overwatch profile. What was the site again?

>it's year laters but only now, with overwatch, will Sup Forums begin to learn about the Dunning Kruger Effect

you are not good
you are shit
you are shit for thinking you are good
you deserve to lose

you are the _ONLY CONSTANT_ in your games

You are the trash and the reason you lose.

this thread is getting derailed. i think hanzo could solve this (provided he has the wolf skin)

Roadhog is pretty low tier in a handful of maps. His huge ass hitbox means it is extremely easy to have the enemy team farm ultimates off of him. No one wants to go against a mercy who has her ult up every 30s

He has his moments but a lack of armor or a proper defensive hurts him.

>I have no friends to do the Mercy, Reindhart and Bastion combo on defence maps

It hurts, Sup Forums.

Young Hanzo is so much better though familia

>it's a low tier shitter blindly parrot
anything high tier players say without understanding why, so he can be just like his esports idols episode.

Not him but you obviously have no idea what the meta is. Symmetra is a situational hero and Zenyatta is the most underpowered hero right now.
Lucio is top tier.

Go Reinhardt and protect him with my life.

I have literally never seen a bad Zenyatta player.

You're retarded
Pop that shield in front of the payload everything it's up & keep that payload moving

>Get all gold medals and do great
>Team does terrible

now you ;)

>It's a shitposting retard fucks up his post episode.


what's wrong kiddo? can't carry



Nice posts retard here's another (You)

>Dunning Kruger Effect

Hello? Is this wow forums in 2007?

Have I gone back in time?

>gold medals now imply skill

git gud lil dunning krugerites

>300dmg heal every 8 seconds
>chain grab is an instant kill on much of the cast, and those that counter can be baited to use their out first
>extreme pushback on his rapidly charged ult
>as lethal as John Marston around tight corridors

His weaknesses are mobility and range. Lucio is on practically every team which compensates for mobility half the time, and his hp pool and health means that most of the cast can't reliably range him to death. It's not like the maps are Battlefield tier with open terrain. You have to move in.

They imply doing the best on your team, along with being on fire. Yes. Having gold medals means you're doing the best which means you are probably more skilled than your team which means your DUNNDER KOOGIS meme is worthless.

It implies that you've achieved most in your team

>mfw nobody loved me enough for Legendary

Pssh... nothing personell kid *changes character*

mercy is a pocket pussy that gives a bucha cucks a undeserving since of accomplishment for being fucking useless, congratz

eliminations aren't kills

Who's implying they are, well aware what solo kills are but I'm still a fair contributing factor to our wins when I play these champions, not some beta instalocking Hanzo/ or Zenyatta leading their team to a swift loss.

Sorry OP, but I like playing Zenyatta.
I might not be the best player, but I think he can do pretty good, when you wanna push.
Won u a few games just with his ult.

I usually pick him against a heavy turret team.

Mercy/76 shitter here.
How do I deal with monkey man?

Play Reaper/McCree

thats the reason why roles exist in the game you stupid fuck, if anyone is low skilled is fucking you that you are unable too se that no matter how good you are with a character there are things that the character will never be able to do if you are againts people with similar skill as you

Sit around and wait for your Reaper or McCree to kill him, not like hes gonna kill you anytime soon.

They have a platonic relationship!

>sample size of 20 games on each hero


>caring about solo kills in a team game

Get a load of this tryhard

Actually, multiple people can get gold. Past a certain threshold for performance, everyone gets it.

I was absolutely wrecking a team as widow and got gold with 29 eliminations, and our junkrat also got gold with 27— but if you've got multiple gold-earners on a team, chances are you didn't lose.

zens gr8, even just his debuff and attacks, i just wouldn't pick him if there is a good widow

all the tanks except are really good offensively

>No one has taken a support role
>Usually cave in and pick it up, pick Zenyatta
>Never lose

Fucking git gud. Protip: don't stand in the open like a jackass.

A good, uncountered roadhog is an absolute terror. Can pick out an unshielded healer and wreck them or force defensive ults before the fight even begins.

Winston's a decent pick for an initiator in any situation, able to jump in and focus the attention on him, and possibly down a mercy or other high-value squishy target. Plus, his shield will shut down a torb turret. It's pretty low damage, it's just that it's perfectly accurate.

>on defense
>enemy team about to secure the payload
>enemy Zen goes all PASS INTO THE IRIS
>not on my watch

>Not wanting someone yanking Widows, Lucios, and Mercies

>Not taking advantage of his discord orbs

Literal cuckoldry

You are so cucked by your brain into thinking you are smart by incorrectly using that word. Cuck.

Winston is excellent offense and can take out squishy defense units like widow easily. Roadhog works great both offensively and defensively because of his giant HP pool and his ability to heal quickly. His ult can push back units too.

>team is losing
>dat boi starts carrying the team

what do you do?

>3+ min waiting time

>Being this much of a cuck that you're prepping the bull with your mouth as you type an insult on a Chinese forum

summer is full blast

He and symmetra are literally objectively shit. There's a reason they don't get played in pro games.


hook+m1+melee doesn't work against another roadhog because it delays your next m1 by a bit so you end up losing the trade

>10 enemies trapped
>10 eliminations
That Junkrat is pretty shit, to be perfectly honest.


>he just disappears into the back room


>team is losing
>notice enemy team switched to hanzo
>they all have wolf skin

what do you do?

Stop fucking posting competitive stats from closed beta, can you even read? It has literally to resemblance to pubs. It's like saying that Korean lol affects league of legends meta picks on normal.

>to resemblance
no resemblance

I know he's bad but he's fun and I assume they're going to buff him and nerf 200% pickrate boy Lucio soon enough

the only logical decision is to also pick zenyatta and outdo the other

Okami and Lone Wolf have unique voice lines. that alone makes them the best skins in the game

Not play a shitty game

Wait, Zenyatta's damage output is actually good for a support? I've avoided playing him

Are you seriously implying that all the tanks in OW are meant to do the same thing? You really are a shitter

I usually leave the game if we have a Zenyatta, Hanzo, or Widow on my team. Absolutely useless.

spam yiff in chat

Zeny's damage is bananas and is pretty accurate.
The charged shots pretty much melt any character.

>Genji gets specialized voice lines when healed by Zenyatta
>"Thank you, Master."

>Implying pro games = casual online matchmaking

Tighten it.

>he doesnt know you can deploy on the payload

Young Hanzo is much cuter though