>Sup Forums tells you game is shit
>It's actually GOTY so far
Sup Forums tells you game is shit
Name one year that has happened.
happens all the time, deal with it
prime example
How can an imageboard "tell" you anything?
This is bait.
Pillars of Eternity thread?
100% sirius
more prime example
Every year.
other goddamn example
94, 8.5 on metacritic, JUST on Sup Forums
When did Sup Forums ever hate on Witcher?
All the "not a game" fags
a Bunch of butthurt soniggers were mad at this game stealing the spotlight and not having hack, slash and roll type of combay like their favourite games.
Uncharted 4 honestly. There's shit all coming out this year so it's the best new title I've played. Only thing that rivals it is FE Fates.
There is no need to hate something to recognize that it's not a very good game mechanically
and never will
Pokken Tournament is probably my GOTY so far, it feels like such an original play on the fighting genre and I was very surprised when Sup Forums was calling the game shit
>slash and roll type of combay like their favourite games
You mean Froniggersoftwareniggers?
here it is, that (you) you so desperately wanted. was it worth it user?
It's my legitimate opinion, Uncharted 4 was fun. This year's been shit, only game I'm really looking forward to is Persona 5 and that might come out early 2017.
even Overwatch is better than U4
Honestly, only soulsfags hated this game and they're the most unsufferable bunch of cunts on this board
It's the eternal fighting/RTS genre predicament: Anything different is heresy and shit, anything that's the same is actually killing the genre through stagnation.
Get the fuck out.
I know that feel
why would sonydrones be the mad ones? They can play it unlike nintendrones
Dark Souls 2. Feels nothing like a Souls game and that's why it's good.
I think that was a 10/10 game.
Most likely will be my GOTY
>its a beardfat and aidsmoby sans mike episode
Sup Forums told me it was goty.
its actually shit
Sup Forums oughtta make up its mind
Sup Forums can go get fucked i know it wants to
>The one game that had to be given its own definitive edition because it didn't win GOTY
Same. After having played Bloodborne, Dark souls 3 and The Witcher 3 it's just impossible to like another 8 hour third person shooter.