Can anyone explain the phenomena of console first person shooters to me...

Can anyone explain the phenomena of console first person shooters to me? Why would anyone willingly play a shooter using the least suitable input device there is?

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People can put up with it. It's not nearly as bad as you believe it to be.

it is though

Devs literally have to give you an aimbot to make the experience somewhat tolerable. It feels like driving a tank.

casuals. there's nothing more to it.
most people don't care about that.

people get good you delusional gay fag.

me on the left

keyboard and mouse are designed for working at a computer. you'd dont get mechanics all puzzled that people play drums on a drumkit when they could use this set of spanners. its the way its meant to be played tbqh.

Same reason clickers in MMOs justify their non-key binding habits: it's how they started and they don't "need" to change.

The difference is that platforms exist and it wouldn't make sense to invest in a PC if their bros are playing on a console.

Some people play just to play, and not be a tryhard all the time.

Then it's purely personal preference, I have no problems using a controller or mouse.
>Microsoft project that "[...]was designed to allow console gamers and PC gamers to interact and battle over a connected environment." During the testing, extremely talented console gamers were pitted against "mediocre" PC gamers in what appears to be some type of shooter. The Xbox gamers used their 360 controllers and the PC gamers used the traditional mouse/keyboard combo.The results?
>"The console players got destroyed every time.
>"You simply don't get the same level of detail or control as you do with a PC over a console."

>console controller
>360 degrees of movement and aiming owing to thumbsticks

>locked in place due to keyboard, only 4 directions, have to use a fucking pointing and typing tool to shoot

you tell me what's better

Rumble and the feeling of squeezing a trigger > Sharp mouse control

> you will Never
Are you mentally challenged?

>enable bluetooth and usb peripherals to be connected on your console
>fuckall devs use them

Native Keyboard and Mouse support - Unreal Tournament for PS3

console fps have auto aim and assists

so there's a feeling of competitive play there without having a huge gap from skill in players

there's literally still games coming out this year that don't have dedicated servers / hitscan / clientside hosting / still run on modified quake 3 engines

You act like you can't fucking aim at all on console, the same people exist on pc and console, going 30-5, same shitters exist on consoel and pc going 5-30. Literally no difference. Same thing with fighting games controller or arcade stick

Pressure sensitive controller with triggers >>>>>> keyboard and mouse

It's about immersion.

Also smartphone fps are getting there. I like being comfy with a handheld playing Modern combat 5. Mobile gaming is the future. Just needs to have local splitscreen modes and more content. Smartphones should be shipped with HDMI connections with an extra charging dock and USB.

I love using my xbox controller on my pc and destroying m&kb users who even with the advantage still get utterly deatroyed by my godly skill

It's not really any different than fighting games on PC.

You can use a controller on pc. It's not the same thing all because you cna't use mouse and keyboard on console

and your auto-assist :^)

Depends on the game

Rare and FreeRadical did fine justifying it. And Halo was okay in multi.

This. It sucks but very few people are designing for just PC these days.

Not all shooters require twitch aim. Some feel more realistic without it.

Keyboard and mouse is easy mode.

It's the controllers that have aim assist

What difference is there if everyone else is using the same input device as you? Don't be such a fucking faggot OP, at the end of the day it makes no difference, the problem is your fat fingers don't let you operate a stick properly. And yes that includes your micropenis

some people like to play games for fun. kind of an odd concept, but it's absolutely true.

Their daddy won't let them on the computer so they just stick with consoles, they don't know any better.

why cant consoles have a keyboard and mouse?
Is it that the KB&M players would destroy the controller players?

Id like to play D44m but my PC isnt good enough and I dont want to play it on controller on PS4

>Is it that the KB&M players would destroy the controller players?

i play better with controller than with m/k

i never got a nuke in mw2 on pc back than and on console i did it 10 times in a row

its more that everyone else who plays with a controller is terrible.

yeah, having to rely on an aimbot will usually do that to you

im not relying on it im abusing it to my advantage while i still suck with my "gamer"mouse for 100 dollaryos

>i'm not relying on it, it just has to be there for me to hit anything

controller vs kb+m is NOT the same as gamepad vs arcade stick

So are we all just ignoring this gif or what?

guy on the right is cute.

> tfw grew up playing shitty FPS games on Ps1 without an analouge controller
> modern controllers feel like a tactical device of military precision.
> Kb+M is still far better for FPS though, but I much prefer controller for anything third person.

Also when you realise how much aim assist is on most console games it's kinda disheartening.

Killzone 2 was funny because it showed everyone how bad they actually were, but they blamed bad controls instead of getting good.

What about it? Do you not celebrate with your split-screen buddy when you do something noteworthy?

>Do you not celebrate with your split-screen buddy when you do something noteworthy?
I don't have one ;_;

If you can't understand the appeal of sitting on the couch with a controller and playing vidya games on a VIDEO GAMES board you have severe autism, seek help

What on earth are you talking about kid? No actually it makes sense, you're a clueless pleb. My mistake.