Does Sup Forums still like Notch?
Does Sup Forums still like Notch?
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I like him.
I'm not a represent of Sup Forums tho
Yeah, I'm a big fan of Notch. Any person in his situation would have done the same thing.
The dude basically made a fuckton of money, retired in a big ass mansion, and spends all day shitposting online. He basically has achieved Sup Forums's dream.
Anyone who says they don't like him at this point is either butthurt about Minecraft not becoming what they wished it was, or they are jealous as fuck.
I like Rob Zombie more
he's got literal fuck you money and actually uses it to tell people to fuck off
he should be the Godking of Sup Forums
Holy shit, this guy is a complete savage
Notch is the man. He's putting sjw in their places.
He is a fucking pimp
He got more money than all those people bitching can put together
I wouldn't give a fuck what SJWs think of me now. I for fucking sure wouldn't care if I was a Millionnaire
>he left us for reddit
it still hurts ;_;
I am warming back up to him. Can't fault him for selling out, if I was offered that much money I would have done the same thing.
He's a one-trick pony who pretty much won the lottery.
Notch has a billion dollars and he's still seeking validation from Sup Forums. Some things never change.
At least Baby Metal are cute, Rob Zombie has nothing going for him
>Rich as fuck and has no boss for these cunts to cry to, to try and get him fired
>rob implying that Baby Metal actually has a passion for music and wasn't put together by a Korean marketing team
it varies from day to day depending on what he posts on twitter
Sup Forums is incredibly fickle
he still posts on Sup Forums when he's on drugs
Do I like him? No.
Do I want to be a billionaire that shitpost IRL because he gives exactly 0 fucks? Hell yeah.
>Notch when SJWs bitch about him
based swedish fuck
How does that related to lack of passion?
who are you?
>billionaire shitposting on Twitter all day
>stirring up every oversensitive hornet's nest he can
>they have no recourse but to complain at him as he doesn't sell anything to boycott or protest
>anything he makes in future would automatically be purchased by people because he made it
>he's effectively untouchable by the butthurt brigade
I disliked him for selling out to Reddit after leaving Sup Forums, but he's really redeemed himself recently.
always was based
I don't like him because he's a Swede, and Swedes are cancer personified.
Sup Forums isn't fickle. It's thousands and thousands of people with a variety of differing opinions you insufferable retard.
>Sup Forums suddenly loves Notch because he's putting some no names in their place on twitter
Seriously? I mean he didn't exactly deserve all that hate before, but doing a full 180 just because of some twitter banter?
Maybe someone important in the future
I like him.
His stream with Witwix last week was good.
So is most of Sup Forums, why are you here?
>Baby Metal
Because they don't give a shit about Metal or Pop or whatever. Korean businessmen said "let's try this. find 3 cute girls. they dont need a musical background just make sure they can dance"
They have false passion cooked up by a marketing team.
I remember there was a tweet where he was sad with life, something about being a billionaire but being bored as hell and no one gives him attention
>queue money crying gif, nigga stop being fat and go do some activities instead of donating to everyone sitting on your computer all day you NEET
Baby Metal don't care about their music, they don't even write it themselves not that metal is difficult to write
A homosexual cross dressing lady boy.
>Sup Forums is one person
I like Viper a lot more.
Why would i like him?
because he acts like a normal person should react to SJW?
After all he has done:
>Shilling is game for months on Sup Forums
>His game is a 1on1 copy of Infiminer
>Abandons Sup Forums because Reddit takes over
>After selling few million copies to neckbeards and promising everything to them he starts doing vaccation on every occasion
>Somehow manages to insult Carmack, who sold Oculus to Facebook yet sells Mojang and Minecraft to Microsoft
He is a lazy pathetic neckbeard, who had incredible luck in his life
And then he sold it to them....I would have too. It was a terrible deal for them.
Free entertainment.
>then sold company to microsoft
>microsoft is now an app in the walled garden windows 10 store
"based" means someone is a crackhead
he was a greedy faggot but he fellated my opinions so he's a great guy
But its really good banter.
I'm user silly :3
he's a lazy asshole
But he's muh lazy asshole
If have literally no idea what any of that shit means
The only thing we appreciate here more than good vidya is good shitposting.
He's okay.
>so irrelevant he has to pander to the GG crowd
Proof money isn't everything
wow really? are you implying that 13 year old girls in fetish gear might not be interested in the music they dance to ?
>pander to the GG crowd
you mean be a sane human being?
Wait, I thought I was user.
>never felt more isolated
I love this shitposting.
Sane human being isn't usually an attention whore desperate for retweets
Didn't know who he was, now I love him.
he's a good director and makes(made) pretty entertaining music
Here's your (You) for being a tripfag
He literally doesn't give a fuck anymore
>the problem with getting everything
but you haven't gotten everything you fat fuck
you're just insanely rich but the only other thing you have is a bad but popular video game
go create something
stop being such a salty bitch.
le plight of le rich man
Please. You know what I'd do to never have to worry about money again after being poor my entire life?
so irrelevant you cant stop talking about him
proof that sjws are fucking retarded
I never stopped liking him. I always thought he was a cool guy.
>b-but he betrayed Sup Forums
And you wouldn't for millions of dollars?
I'd hand you all over to the authorities for a free pizza without a second thought.
i just can't hate him anymore
holy shit that salt is unreal
Yeah Swedes are cancer, but they are perfectly capable of redemption.
Notch personifies said redemption.
They had a musical background though. And who are you to say they're not passionate about music? They weren't into metal but they are now. And wouldn't you do the same if you were passionate about music and someone were offering you a dream gig with a unique concept?
why doesn't he get involved with some serious philanthropy or venture capitalism?
what a boring retard
I'm the Cook.
His Twitter is cool and he legit made his entire life with making of a game that autists and children thoroughly enjoy
I'd like to have his life, but not everyone is born a winner
why are you defending japanese little girls
Hey Notch. How you doing ? You finally learned to hide the stats button ?
Like you did there : Even being a billionaire doesn't stop you from shitposting on a mongolian pot trading congress, I guess.
>Goes from mocking to begging
>Marginalized trans developer
Yeah, people aren't buying your shitty games because you're oppressed. Fuck this faggot.
You know. That Mikael Säker held a lecture in my school. Kill me.
What a baby, I have no social life AND no money
>I'm a marginalized trans developer and I think you owe me reparations for having slain me this morn
How can someone try to sound so fedora while also being a needy entitled beggar?
No matter what people achieve they will never be truly satisfied.
No one escapes.
We're here forever.
Because it's annoying to see people casually dismiss someone who's trying to live their dream.
>Sup Forums isn't fickle because it's a bunch of different people meme who the majority of aren't retards that hivemind whatever consensus they're seeing to fit in
sure user
Super Charger Heaven's a pretty entertaining song
That's not true.
All I need is a qt girl who loves me and cares for me.
>there are people in this thread right now that think money will solve the crippling depression and emotional instability they have and give them meaning to life and not the exact opposite when they realize they just can't buy away the pain
>Jealous of others
>Shitposts for attention
It fucking adds up!
Come on now. If he gave $500,000 to everyone on Sup Forums he'd be broke. Just settle for $100,000.
Hey Notch,
what games did you play today?
>get so much money that you don't have to ever worry about making more
>literally one of the only influential people who won't take shit from these cunts
Stop sucking so much black cock, Sven.
lets gift notch senran kagura on steam when it comes out
Twice as worse if you went from being employed to unemployed. A certain amount of drudgery and challenge in a man's life is essential at keeping him in healthy mood.
Atleast to me.
Just start lifting.
Then you know chicks would at least want to touch your solid af bod, as well as your money.
As if being a billionaire is stopping him from hiring a personal fitness trainer. What does he have better to do?