Why is this Egyptian goddess so fun to play?

All other classes have to waddle around on the ground while Pharah soars majestically from cover to cover, raining down death/justice, juggling McRees, bullying Reinhardts to death, breaking up teams and knocking snipers off their perches with her concussion rockets.

I legitimately feel bad for all non-Pharah players.

Except Mercies, you girls are alright and can join us in the friendly skies

Other urls found in this thread:


She's fun as fuck against the lower tiers when people don't ever look up, and depending on your accuracy, she remains a really good all-around pick in most comps for a raw damage dealer. Unchecked, she'll completely dominate upper levels and almost anyone caught alone.

I had to branch out and learn other heroes because of how vulnerable she is to hitscan weapons. A good McRee or 76 will totally ruin your fun with accurate m1 fire, and a decent widow will completely shut you down.

I feel you, playing her has gotten way harder as I've ranked up, you can still be a great counter to McRee but you have to play far more cautiously.

Her splash damage is awful though so you need some extreme accuracy and a knack for leading in order to do anything. Rockets could use a damage and radius boost and she would be a lot less useless immediately.

>a decent widow will completely shut you down
Yup. For me, it usually goes:
>pick Pharah
>Wreck shit
>Widowmaker shows up, shuts me down
>I pick tracer
>shutdown widow
>widow changes to Toblerone
>wrecks my tracer
>go back to Phara
Hopefully the game stays dynamic like this. I think the playerbase still has that "I picked this character for this match, that's all I'm gonna play with" but it's nice to see people picking other character to respond to the other team.

>so you need some extreme accuracy and a knack for leading in order to do anything

No shit, that's the entire point to playing her, and general area denial. It's all about juggling and leading, you can use her concussion rockets to get a guaranteed juggle too

Concussion rocket the sniper off her perch and fly over to push her shit in while she inevitably panics. Often you can knock them them straight into the fray and they get chewed up anyway, Pharah is actually a decent counter to Widowmaker ironically.

>tfw I love playing Pharah
>tfw half of the time my ult is interrupted by my death and I feel like an idiot

Yeah do NOT use that shit unless they're distracted or you're behind a Reindhart on elevation

JUSTICE is actually best used against 1-2 enemies, or only ever when you have snuck up behind and the enemy team is focused on something else. If anyone is looking at you who won't be instagibbed by it, never ever use it.

Here's the thing, both Pharah and Widow are very good counters to each other depending on the skill of each player in question. But certain maps will give a Widow bias over Pharah.

So is she Muslim or Coptic

From her caramel skin she looks more Muzzie, then again her skin colour is completely different in her icon to her in game model

Also it's the future, who knows what the religious make up in Egypt is, it's changed massively in the last 50 years, could change again.

She's not muzzie. That eye tattoo she has symbolises the Egyptian god Horus


The counter intuative thing is that the WORST maps for Pharah are the big open ones like Route 66.

She excels on maps like Kings Row where she can always get back to cover, appear above and rain down some justice and then get the fuck away.

Coptic Egyptians aren't ethnically distinct from Muslim Egyptians

Egypt's like Iran in that the people there don't shun their pre-islamic cultural heritage (with the exception of extremists)

>Coptic Egyptians aren't ethnically distinct from Muslim Egyptians

Yes they are.

coptic and muslim, depends, coptic and arab Egyptians, yes there's a difference. There's been so much inbreeding over the centuries though that Egyptians today are more of a mix but as a whole, they're different than other Arabs

Post yfw you get a pocket Mercy and can now RIP AND TEAR without fear, damage boosted direct hits for days

It rarely happens though :(

Having a Pharah on the team is great as a Mercy

You can use her to get around the map you guardian angel up on her and then from there wherever you please

>female hotshot pilots
post more you nigger

I find myself using it more like an assassination anymore than the death from above on everyone it is when you first start. Flank around, drop behind the rhein, blast them all from behind at just above ground level. Those extra seconds where everyone hears "JUSTICE!" and looks up instead of back is all you need to take out the squishy healers and mangle the rest of the group before your inevitable death.

Doesn't work as well against a widow that knows pharah. I played widow to learn how to better counter her, and if the pharah is close enough range to be inside effective scope range, a smart widow will use their grapple to get as close as possible so there's a good chance that the combination of their rifle spray and your own splash damage will kill you before your rockets kill them.

Alternativley, an experienced widow will propel themselves airborne, (giving them scoped shot distance and forcing you to get direct hits) and try to snipe you with the one good scoped shot they're going to get before they land. It sounds insane, but very possible with some practice.

Then again, most snipers panic when under any sort of counter-fire, so it might remain effective. I was about 80/20 widow/pharah at close range with a pharah who made it their personal mission to end me.

I really like Pharah but I'm terrible with her. ~30% direct rocket hits means I barely do any damage, since splash barely hurts anyone.

It's pretty intense, but in those 3 or so seconds you are describing a good Pharah can lead and get direct hits, or otherwise just return to the cover she peeped out of to fire the concussion rocket, sometimes the time that buys is all you need, or the Widowmaker ends up in the middle of the cluserfuck fray

its honestly better used as a push stopper in chokes than it is actually "raining from above"
not even a sound barrier will save you if you walk into it, but its incredibly easy to avoid in wide open areas

Yeah, it's a flying scoped headshot versus hitting said flying sniper with a direct rocket. More often than not both people fail to connect and it's just a full reset, but when it works, it's a hell of a kill cam.

Play with a good Zarya on your team

Learn to lead your shots

More Pharah/Mercy ship images please

>get a pocket Mercy
>damage boost on
>big fight in the middle
>jetpack from the side
>nobody is aware
>become extremely nervous because everyone expects me to be able to wipe out the enemy team
>miss most of my shots


[X] Delicious
[X] Brown
[X] Armour
[X] Fashionable tattoo
[X] QT
[ ] Fat
[ ] Limey
[ ] Blue skin
[ ] Pink hair

"Gee, i wonder why Pharah is best?"

great post

Tumblr is a goldmine for this

whats the tag for this?

She was made for my dick.

>got bored with the beta
>keep seeing the waifus
i still want it so bad
fucking assholes


Rocket Angel, apparently.

>Go Pharah
>High level Mercy on team
>We win
>Mercy compliments me on my direct hits

Because her ult is shit. It leaves her way too vulernable with only 200 HP. It needs a buff.

did you fuck?

He ult is god tier when paired with Mei's or Zarya's ult.
It is trash tier except for area denial otherwise.


I wish

I hope you guys appreciate this, spending this long on tumblr is probably going to leave me with some form of infection

Zarya can just put a shield on you as you hit it too, its a hilariously good and easy combo, amazed I don't see it more

much appreciated

Last time I played Zarya I tried to do it, but a Mei ran her fat ass in front of me and the shield targeted her instead
Then Pharah got JUST-ARGHed

you da realest mvp user, I owe you my life. Or maybe my porn folder. Whichever you want

Shes my waifu

Is she Halal? Gotta know before I play Kafirwatch

have they ever admitted that so much of her design was based on Samus Aran?

This is about the last I can find that isn't awful deviantart teenage girl tier

Just spreading the love

>Used to dominate as soldier in TF2
>Got Overwatch just to play pharah
>end up having to pick Mercy every game because none of my friends play support or randoms never pick a support

Just end my fucking life senpai

thats how I play her, and every time shits getting real, I turn this on.


Actually found some more not under #rocket girl

Tumblrites are terrible at organising their shipping art

So apparently the trick is looking on the blogs of the leading artists and seeing shit that is posted on them.

Our team was wiped out by this combo and we lost on Anubis (heh, fitting).
>30 seconds left
>things get out of hand a little
>get caught in the black hole
>shit it seems the others got caught too
>don't panic we killed everything besides Zarya
>suddenly see something soaring above us
>she has a bubble shield on
>pic related

Proofs? They are culturally and religiously different sure.


Where the fug does Secaz get the voices for these clips he makes? They are awwwwful.

>tfw I usually go Pharah to shit on widows
Feels good boosting up into the sky and descending on a widow blasting them away from everyone watching them try to squirm out. They shoot their trap to no avail they try to spray and pray, and even the book can't help them. Downright hilarious shitting on them.

There are plenty of Egyptians who are ethnically indistinguishable from copts, copts basically look like egyptians pre arabisation because they are the one ethnic group with the least amount of breeding with Arabs, they are kind of insular

Apparently it's from some friend of his that records them

>delusional yurifags

>posting worst Jojo


Actually I hate yuri, I just like these two together.

>a faggot

>hating the best thing about Overwatch