When does it fucking end

When does it fucking end

there are so many levels
Every time I finish a world there's another one
Why does this game have SO MANY GOD DAMN LEVELS

because if it didn't people would complain about a lack of content

Sure, but it has just an absolutely insane amount of levels. Genuinely bordering on too many.

Kill yourself. You're bordering on too many years.

well the extra levels do serve a purpose of giving you more opportunities to use the extra character. It wouldn't be that great unlocking them and finding out there are like 5 levels left or something

The simplistic design probably allows for level designer to go nuts so they crammed all that in the bonus levels instead of making 3d world 2

>tfw can't beat champion's road

Yeah you might be right honestly, there is easily two games' worth of content in it

Fuck off casual, you're too casual for a fucking Mario game of all things, that's pathetic. 3D World isn't even a long game to 100%.

same fampai

I tried 2 years ago and was never able to beat it

and I've given up

I didn't say it was hard did i faggot

i just said it had a lot of levels

you're actually complaining on a game having content?

What the fuck?


I'm not complaining, it's great there's just a fuckload of it and it's surprising

>Genuinely bordering on too many.

You can go fuck yourself, you worthless fucking cunt.

It's not truly over until you beat Champion's Road with no power-ups.

Lmfao what are you so mad about faggot, someone piss in your cornflakes?

Fantastic fucking retort, you anal scrubbing mongoloid. Go enjoy your 9 hour interactive movies/

You're literally this mad right now

I never even said I didn't like the game, i think its fantastic actually and you're still this mad

Nice backpedaling you spineless shit-flinger. Go play Gone Home and praise it as a mind-blowing, euphoric experience.

The problem is that 85% of the game is too damn easy.
The last 15% is where it actually becomes a challenge.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how mad are you right now

Yeah i've been collecting all the stamps and puzzle pieces so far, It's a good time and adds challenge to the easy levels which is most of it

>The problem is that 85% of the game is too damn easy.
That's because you played 3D Mario for 20 years.

>first 8 worlds piss easy
>expect end game to be as easy
>mfw get to end game worlds

All that shitposting aside, there is such a thing as having too much content. Or at least content that doesn't end and just keeps going on and on and on until it abruptly run out of steam.

If you're trying to suggest this game suffers from that then you're solely mistaken

meant to put 'sorely'

I didn't. I haven't played the game and opened the thread because it was an interesting discussion.

There is such a thing as too much content. Games can go on and on until the player is exhausted by the idea of the game or the mechanics or the story or whatever with no end in sight. "Campaigns" are an excellent way of getting around this. You can deliver to players a tight, driven experience that ends when it should but don't gimp the game of content.